What is it all about?
“What is what all about?” you might ask, and rightfully so. Of course it is about a book - since that is what I mostly do nowadays, write genius self-help books for you to live better lives - but to be precise, it is all about my latest book: The Silver Lining - And How To find It.
ALERT—book review!
“What is what all about?” you might ask, and rightfully so. Of course it is about a book - since that is what I mostly do nowadays, write genius self-help books for you to live better lives - but to be precise, it is all about my latest book: The Silver Lining - And How To find It.
Amazing Italian journalist, Anna Maria Polidori, asked herself the same question; “What is Jacqueline’s newest book all about?”
She went on a book-reading -review-quest to find out for herself. Here is what she has to say:
“Absolutely and fabulously interesting! A stunning journal written by Jacqueline Pirtle—to live a more happy and satisfying existence created by choosing to live our unique silver lining.
In this journal we will work trying, first of all, to discover if we are on a more positive or negative vibe, so that we can later experience our fullest ways and the silver lining. The silver lining means taking good care of ourselves and analyzing ourselves - our reactions and motivations - to discover how we really are; do we cry often, are we happy on a daily basis, what is stopping our projects, what kind of dreams do we have, if we fail which are our sensations and why, and what about if we succeed?”
Then Polidori goes on to make me blush:
“I confess that Jacqueline has been my best discovery in recent years. She is a motivator who searches realistically to help you. She treasures every of your developments; is happy if you reach new steps; are happy and satisfied; and if you are becoming someone that’s more conscious of yourself and more satisfied in your existence. That's why she is one of my heroines: the world needs a lot of people like her. I highly suggest for you to follow her on Instagram - it’s a joy to see her face all the time - and I know that you'll completely understand what I am writing here because she is pure joy and motivation—happiness and changes in/for yourself will be possible, thanks to her.”
So why do I think you should read my newest book? Actually, scratch that—all of my books?
Because they are the best in the field!
My books help you to live a more truthful and phenomenal YOU, they support you in getting to know yourself better, and they bring daily joy into your life - no matter your circumstances - which you then share and spread to your loved ones and your every day encounters. That is a very potent way of being and living, and as such, you can do and have a life that YOU really want.
My books are for anyone looking for real change, new ways, and a positivity that overrides everything—a shift that will last while having a blast. Promise!
Plus, they are really affordable!
I say, give it a go and get your copy of The Silver Lining - And How To Find It to start living on the bright side today!
You can also buy it on Amazon as a paperback or ebook.
And to tickle your interest even further—here is a list of all of my books on Amazon!
Can’t wait to hear what this does for you!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! I am hopeful that you and your loved ones are healthy and that you are choosing to live in bliss—and also staying that way while this new magickal time unfolds in front of us.
Hello lovely FreakyHealer fan,
Happy New Year! I am hopeful that you and your loved ones are healthy and that you are choosing to live in bliss—and also staying that way while this new magickal time unfolds in front of us.
I wish you a brilliant 2022 filled with endless happiness and humor, and in which creation of unlimited health and abundance for yourself is a given. My highest hopes for you are on their way, so be ready!
I am grateful, from the bottom of my heart and the top of my crown, for your loyal following and your constant support of my work and books. Without you - my fantastic audience - it would be really boring, but that is not so because YOU are there with me at all times. Thank you!
This new year is filled with my beautiful plans of creating new high-for-life books and tools for you, helping you to live even more phenomenally without ever reaching a ceiling to how great your life can - and will - be.
For starters, did you know that I am posting daily reels on Instagram in which I talk high-for-lifely about different life situations, helping you to be inspired? You can check them out here!
So stay tuned and be excited with me, as it is going to be fantastic and a spectacular time—correction, it already IS, and it is going to continue being so!
And don’t forget, please reach out with any life questions—I always have an answer and solution up my sleeve.
November’s free book went to…
It excites me every single time I send out the free book to the winner of the month, but November was special because the winner picked my book Parenting Through the Eyes of Lollipops - A Guide to Conscious Parenting.
It excites me every single time I send out the free book to the winner of the month, but November was special because the winner picked my book Parenting Through the Eyes of Lollipops - A Guide to Conscious Parenting.
That book is especially dear to my heart!
Because it talks about creating more harmony in and for the family, and supports parents and caregivers to fill their own tanks of happiness, wellbeing, and joy while also being a supportive voice for children. Everyone wins!
Plus, the holidays are right around the corner, which means family time is at everyone’s doorstep and the opportunity to create more harmony - versus disharmony - in the house is huge. Don’t miss out on that!
With that said, I wish you a wonderful pre-holiday season, and am excited to pick December’s winner soon–which brings up two questions:
Have you signed up for a chance to be that winner?
Do you know a friend or loved one that would love to win my free December book?
So just in case, here’s the lucky link — easy peasy, scroll to the bottom and enter.
Please share freely!
The Silver Lining - And How To Find It
My newest book The Silver Lining - And How To Find It is out!
My newest book The Silver Lining - And How To Find It is out!
There’s never a better time than now to focus on more phenomenal ways to live your life!
The Silver Lining will carry you through either 30 or 90 days (the extended edition) of finding your own silver lining—every single new day. Your shift to happiness is guaranteed!
Get your copy to start living on the bright side today!
Available as a 30 day workbook, or a 90 day workbook.
October’s free book went to…
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I have never been in Winnipeg before, so the joy that my book 365 Days of Happiness is at an unknown-to-me place is grand and exciting—and I assume that it’s gorgeous there.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I have never been in Winnipeg before, so the joy that my book 365 Days of Happiness is at an unknown-to-me place is grand and exciting—and I assume that it’s gorgeous there.
Thanks for accepting your bounty, lucky October winner, and I hope that you love your chosen book. It is, indeed, a phenomenal choice you made!
Have you signed up to win a book yet? You could be the lucky one next month, since this winning-event is a monthly thing I do.
Happiest and with the best wishes,
You + Happy
Iman and Selena, the hosts from the podcast You + Happy, invited me for a chat about happiness, your inner being, bumps in the road, and much much more.
Iman and Selena, the hosts from the podcast You + Happy, invited me for a chat about happiness, your inner being, bumps in the road, and much much more.
There is even a book giveaway at the end—simply follow the instructions.
Check it out here!
Magick and Broomsticks - and what it’s all about!
Journalist Anna Maria Polidori had a look and read of Magick and Broomsticks, my newest Journal Book.
Here’s what she had to say:
Journalist Anna Maria Polidori had a look and read of Magick and Broomsticks, my newest Journal Book.
Here’s what she had to say:
This book stimulates particularly the wild side in/of us while highlighting the sacred internal forces that are our existence. You will shift to winning your obstacles over, and become strong and creative at the same time. The reader will connect to their most magical part; what they would want to be, who they are, and how they can transform their existence for the better—for the magickal.
This journal is spectacularly beautiful! Highly recommended! ~ Anna Maria Polidori, Book Reviewer
Get your own copy of Magick and Broomsticks here to start living your magick today!
September’s free book went to…
It is with extreme joy that I get to send my books all over the world, but California has a special place in my heart because not only did I visit that exact state the first time I stepped foot into the United States, it is also where part of my dear family lives—and of course, where I get to eat figs right off trees.
It is with extreme joy that I get to send my books all over the world, but California has a special place in my heart because not only did I visit that exact state the first time I stepped foot into the United States, it is also where part of my dear family lives—and of course, where I get to eat figs right off trees.
Thanks for accepting the bounty, September winner, and great job in choosing Align, Expand, and Calibrate - A 90 day journal - The Extended Edition!
Now I’m off to find a lucky winner for the October book. Will it be you? Or better, have you signed up to win one of my books yet? If not, do it here by scrolling to the bottom of that page!
Until soon,
$0.99 Book-Sale
My newest journal book just published and I really want you to have it—to make it a no-brainer I put it on super sale for $0.99 for just a few days.
But first, let me share some details:
My newest journal book just published and I really want you to have it—to make it a no-brainer I put it on super sale for $0.99 for just a few days.
But first, let me share some details:
Dreaming of a wilder you? Do you wish for more magic? Discover how to unleash beyond your dreams!
Magick and Broomsticks is a life-changing 90 day extended edition journal and your everyday tool to create a habit of living your magic, while vividly writing about how you want that to be.
Showing up as your brightest light changes everything because you will tap into a limitless amount of extraordinary and into a life beyond your dreams. Most importantly, this lets you find you fire so you can BE and live as such.
By consciously reading, thinking, feeling, and then journaling about the profound statements and questions Jacqueline is highlighting, you’ll shift your existence to an unimaginable frequency where your full potential and unlimited enchantment is possible.
And by following the precepts within, you can soon enjoy the benefits of better living because no matter the circumstances, everyone deserves to have a spectacular life.
In this spellbinding 90 day journal you’ll explore:
Daily inspirations, so you’ll start the day with magic
Profound questions, to shift you into your supernatural YOU
Simple habits, to keep your magnetism going
Your inner you, so you can stop questioning yourself
And much, much more!
By journaling through this irresistible 90 day Magick and Broomsticks workbook daily, you’ll awaken your hypnotic charm so you can create and enjoy a life that’s marvelously fitting your style. Want to keep your mojo going? Simply grab the next journal in this series!
If you like magic, miracles, joy and bliss, and enjoy journaling, then you’ll love Jacqueline Pirtle’s profound teachings.
Get your copy of this 90 day journal Magick and Broomsticks to start living glamorously today!
Align, Expand, and Calibrate!
Lovable YOU,
It is, indeed, an intense time that brings forth the values we actually treasure, while also highlighting new ways that keep us going in the long run—or at least until we are shown an even newer version of different. But either way, you are here now, so I hope that you believe in your long-haul.
Lovable YOU,
It is, indeed, an intense time that brings forth the values we actually treasure, while also highlighting new ways that keep us going in the long run—or at least until we are shown an even newer version of different. But either way, you are here now, so I hope that you believe in your long-haul.
My heart is filled to the brim to be able to share with you how you can validate your longevity and dive deep into the essence of who you really are, immerse yourself there, and live from that substance filled with energy, wisdom, beauty, and life—becoming unquestionably clear that you are in charge of how - and also what - your quality of existence is and that you can change yourself to being and living more aligned, expanded, and calibrated at any time you wish!
Let’s face it:
Without alignment with your deepest inner truth of who you really are, it’s easy to feel lost and life can be uncertain. You are missing out on the beauty that you are and what life could be for you.
Without expansion, you are not able to show up as the bigness that you naturally are—however, if not aligned first, expansion can get you into the direction of unwell-feeling.
Without calibration, you are not being and living the high-for-life energy you came here to BE. But beware, calibrating without aligning only gets you feeling better until whatever - chocolate, cake, or ice cream for instance - that happy-fied you wears off; when calibrating while aligned keeps you shifting higher and higher since there is never a ceiling as to how amazing you can feel. Or take calibration with alignment but no expansion—the steam to get all the way up on your feeling ladder will be little, or missing.
You really, really, really are invited to use the whole system of aligning first, expanding second, and calibrating with joy into the infinite and beyond in order to truly BE and live YOU. I cannot press this point enough!
You might ask, “Is it hard?” No it is not, and anybody who tells you otherwise is wrong, because it’s not like you need to learn something new—you already know how to do it and you already ARE all that bliss! All you need is knowledge, practice, and to choose, commit, and focus on a lifestyle that feels amazing—then cultivate it to make it your normal way of existing. Think of it like you are going to the beach in a full body-armor-suit but realize on the spot that it is not fitting or comfortable, so right then and there you plan on wearing a bathing suit next time you go beaching and commit to focus on remembering that more aligned choice you just made—the outcome being that when the day comes and you head to the beach in your bathing suit, you will feel amazing, so much so that you will always put this new custom as a priority since you are now hooked on how incredible it feels.
Alignment, expansion, and calibration shoots you into the sky with the stars; and there - in that open space - a whole world of possibilities, wellness, happiness, and wonder awaits—as well as limitless wisdom that comes from your energetic part - your soul being, your inner you, your higher self, or however you wish to call it - but also from your one-ness with consciousness, where all information is held.
You are a whole being comprised of a physical body, mind, soul, and consciousness, here to experience life through physicality and alignment with your soul being—expanding and calibrating into bigger and more at all times through human-ness and from the core of the energetic essence that makes everything and everyone. As part of that energetic bundle, you are vibrating in frequencies, some lower than others—preferably higher ones, since they are the frequencies that feel truly amazing. You are capable of switching between these frequencies as you wish. Simply said, what you focus on is how you feel and how you feel creates your next—it’s like you are holding a compass and can constantly see where you are, but also where you are headed to:
• I am aligned—feeling great
• I am aligned and expanded—feeling great and powerful
• I am aligned, expanded, and calibrated—feeling great, powerful, and over the moon blissful
• Unaligned, not expanded, not calibrated—without a clue, unwell, and can’t stay happy to save your life
This Align, Expand, and Calibrate journal exists to help you to BE and live more of YOU and grab this time of intensity with your heart—to shift to feeling amazing anyways, no matter what, by helping you to turn your old ways upside down - and inside out - so the old unconnected way doesn’t exist anymore. From there you can find new and unique preferences that fit your aligned being, so you will go out into the world being the bright light that you actually are.
I say, let’s not lose another second to any unaligned misery; and instead - as your new aligned, expanded, and calibrated YOU - create a life beyond your dreams where an ocean of opportunities will catch hold of you, not to mention you will become ONE with joy and gain the excitement of living an extraordinary life filled with incredible manifestations.
Surely you understand that such a lifestyle still includes ups and downs, lefts and rights—lots of great moments for you to practice aligning, expanding, and calibrating. Being okay with however things are - even in hard times - and creating pure alignment by not giving any unaligned thing the oxygen to be the main attraction in your life, means that you are making your aligned, expanded, and calibrated YOU the main star. Just consider the epic-ness of that!
Journaling through the 30 day - or 90 day - edition of Align, Expand, and Calibrate gives your best version of you the spotlight and brings a huge heightening into the equation so you can experience life like you never have before, craft a time beyond your expectations, and love what you live—to the extent of becoming a master in living consciously, mindfully, and feeling phenomenal, while manifesting the best of the best. It’s a change that is forever!
As a side note, there are a couple of bonus days at the end in case you ever find the need to do two entries in a day, or so you can keep working while you wait for the next journal in this series to arrive. I also left you a few blank Align, Expand, and Calibrate pages to journal about deepening your ways of being proudly alive.
Enough chit-chat! I know you are ready, so grab your copy here - or on Amazon - and get your pen ready, to have incredible fun and catching more life than you have ever caught in your new crazy ways.
P.S. The Italian journalist Anna Maria Polidori kindly reviewed Align, Expand, and Calibrate:
“Align, Expand, and Calibrate—doing these three steps, you won't live a distorted existence anymore but will be satisfied and happy, a complete you, thanks to this powerful journal by Pirtle.”
Read more on her blog!
“Of Course” I Have News!
In truth, I am a bit behind in sharing what’s new because of my happy-fying writing frenzy of constantly creating new material for you and the world. But any-who, I’m super exited to show you the details of my August release in the Life-changing Series of my journal books:
Of Course! Because why wait…
In truth, I am a bit behind in sharing what’s new because of my happy-fying writing frenzy of constantly creating new material for you and the world. But any-who, I’m super exited to show you the details of my August release in the Life-changing Series of my journal books:
Of Course! Because why wait…
Do you wish to put your life into motion? Do you want to be more sure about things? Discover how to go for it more often!
Of Course is a life-changing journal and your everyday tool to create a habit of being clear about yourself and your life, while vividly writing about how meaningful you want your life to be.
Showing up with clarity changes everything, because you will tap into a limitless amount of energy to create and manifest a life that is fitted to your liking. Most importantly, it lets you experience being in alignment, a state where you clearly know who you are and what you want.
In this clarifying journal you’ll explore:
Daily inspirations, so you’ll start the day without any doubts
Profound questions, to shift you into your clarity
Simple habits, to keep your aligned knowing going
Your inner you, so you can stop questioning yourself
And much, much more!
By journaling through this empowering Of Course workbook daily, you’ll change from being hesitant to knowing exactly who you are and what you desire—stepping into your own personal wisdom that is available for you at all times. Want to keep your mojo going? Simply grab the next journal in this series!
If you like to know yourself in and out, be in charge of your life, live your journey to the fullest, and enjoy journaling, then you’ll love my profound teachings.
Buy your Of Course journal here and receive a gift or on Amazon—to start being clear today!
Bragging About a Super-Sale
Discover how to feel like a million bucks!
It’s on super-sale only for a few days!!!
Do you want to love yourself more? Are you looking to be more sure about yourself?
Do you wish for emotional stability? Do you want to talk about who you are more freely and more strongly?
Discover how to feel like a million bucks!
Bragging is a life-changing 90 day extended edition journal and your every-day tool to create a habit of showing yourself to the world truthfully, while vividly writing about how powerful you want your life to be.
Showing up as being proud and sure about yourself changes everything, because you will tap into a limitless amount of energy to create and manifest a life that is truly your style. Most importantly, this lets you experience being alive while in alignment, a state where you strongly and clearly know who you are.
By consciously reading, thinking, feeling, and then journaling about the profound questions Jacqueline is asking, you’ll shift your existence to a high-for-life frequency where your full capabilities and your unlimited life is possible.
In this boasting 90 day journal you’ll explore:
Daily inspirations, so you’ll start your morning with pride
Profound questions, to shift you into your true being
Simple habits, to keep your alignment going
Your inner you, so you can stop questioning yourself
And much, much more!
By journaling through this strengthening 90 day Bragging workbook daily, you’ll change from being unsure about yourself to knowing exactly who you are—realizing that your own self-pride is a beautiful essence, available for you to live fully. Want to keep your mojo going? Simply grab the next journal in this series!
If you like to stand tall and proud as who you are, be in charge of how you feel, live life to the fullest, and enjoy journaling, then you’ll love Jacqueline Pirtle’s profound teachings.
Head over to hellobooks.com or Amazon and get your $0.99 ebook deal to start being yourself today!
Happiness and Joy During Turbulent Times
The biggest myth is that happiness is outside or separate from you.
Choose: Nothing ever goes on without a choice being made first — no cake is baked without someone choosing to bake it, no bed is made without someone choosing to make it, and no life is filled with happiness without someone choosing to be happy.
It was incredibly honoring and insightful to be invited to write for Authority Magazine’s interview about the subject on:
How To Live With Joie De Vivre, Even When It Feels Like The Whole World Is Pulling You Down
I invite you to go check it out at Authority Magazine—and stay tuned, future publishing dates in additional publications are following.
I hope you enjoy my wisdom and are inspired to BE and live happy and well, no matter the circumstances.
August’s free book went to…
Beautiful Vermont!
I visited Vermont back in time and remember the glorious nature, wonderful views, and very friendly people—as well as the most creamiest macaroni and cheese ever. Yummm!
Beautiful Vermont!
I visited Vermont back in time and remember the glorious nature, wonderful views, and very friendly people—as well as the most creamiest macaroni and cheese ever. Yummm!
Thank you Cassondra for accepting the bounty of your chosen book 365 Days of Happiness - Because happiness is a piece of cake - The companion journal workbook, and as you shared with me, purchasing the matching parent book 365 Days of happiness - Because happiness is a piece of cake.
This should set you up for a great time to come!
On we go to picking the winner for September with the utmost excitement!
If you haven’t yet, sign up here to have your shot at winning one of my wonder-books.
A Bragging Review
My newest journal workbook Of Course - Because why wait… is published but that is not what this post is all about—instead, it’s about the journal that went live before:
My newest journal workbook Of Course - Because why wait… is published but that is not what this post is all about—instead, it’s about the journal that went live before:
Bragging - Because you’re worth it!
That’s the one that got some sweet attention from Anna Maria Polidori - a journalist and book reviewer - with her gloating review about what this shifting book will do for you. Read for yourself:
A new, stimulating and passionate trip in the immensity of our self and why it is so important to brag about ourselves, celebrating and never diminishing our person in this world. You are important, your story matters, your soul is wonderful and sharing pride, sharing your own self with the universe is the best thing to do. Put enthusiasm in doing this and you'll see that positivity will stay always close to you! Every journal of Jacqueline is enchanting and unique, transmitting positive vibes in every page. ~ Anna Maria Polidori
Grab my wonder-books to start feeling high-for-life today!
Psst… Another $0.99 Book Day!
365 Days of Happiness - Because happiness is a piece of cake is having a very happy time indeed, because it is the star for a short time—it’s on super-sale for $0.99 for a few days!
To let you know what this phenomenal book is about I excitedly share the details with you:
365 Days of Happiness - Because happiness is a piece of cake is having a very happy time indeed, because it is the star for a short time—it’s on super-sale for $0.99 for a few days!
To let you know what this phenomenal book is about I excitedly share the details with you:
365 Days of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake is your daily tool to create a habit of living your every day bliss, and is the parent companion to the 365 Days of Happiness journal workbook.
Being happy changes everything because you will tap into a limitless amount of energy, physical and mental wellbeing, and an existence filled with magic—most importantly, it makes you realize that feeling good is who you really are.
By reading the daily passages in this book you’ll shift your perspective to a high-for-life frequency, where an ecstatic way of being is a given. And by following the precepts within, you can soon enjoy the benefits of better living, because no matter the circumstances, happiness is for everyone.
In 365 Days of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake, you’ll discover:
Daily passages, so you’ll start the morning feeling great
Simple ways, to keep your joy going
Your inner you, so you can stop questioning yourself
Inspirational practices, to allow your prosperity to unfold
And much, much more!
365 Days of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake is your yes-sayer guide for you to move beyond your unhappiness and on to loving every single day—add the 365 Days of Happiness journal workbook, and you’ll have a rock solid system for you to live happily ever after.
Grab your $0.99 copy and get started—then be ready for a great shift to happiness in every aspect of your life.
Enjoy and until soon,
July’s free book went to…
The winner chose Life IS Beautiful - Here’s to New Beginnings
A wonderful and inspiring manual with 6 steps to living a beautiful life while also helping you to fill your fake void.
The winner chose Life IS Beautiful - Here’s to New Beginnings
A wonderful and inspiring manual with 6 steps to living a beautiful life while also helping you to fill your fake void.
Does that make you curious?
I sure hope so!
Get your copy and grab a blanket and your favorite pen—because there are some lines in this book for you to journal about your findings. Then make time for yourself and choose a comfy seat to spend some precious moments with this enchanting guide.
Don’t forget to let me know what you think or ask me any questions you might have.
Plus get excited, because you might be the August winner!
Until soon and happiest,
Bragging, only $0.99!
Bragging - Because you’re worth it!
Do you want to love yourself more? Do you wish for emotional stability?
Discover how to feel like a million bucks!
Available as:
A 30 day journal
A 90 day journal - The Extended Edition
Bragging - Because you’re worth it! is out, and wow, what an eye-opening experience it was for me to write this new book. It’s full of unlimited good wisdom, but lots of giggles are also included, in this newest journal workbook that’s part of the Life-changing Journal Series that I am so fond of.
Right now, and for a few days only, it’s just $0.99!
As a little boasting taste, I’ll share with you some of the introduction from this gloating manual:
Bragging helps you to overcome your old habits of selling yourself short while inspiring you to dream big, then even bigger, and to feel your own personal power everywhere and at anytime—inviting you to go for the best of the best at all times.
How much better can it get than someone showing up as the best version of themselves and the most self-loving ever, when as a matter of fact, everything is ONE and the same energy, always connected and sharing at all times—meaning that they share and spread their boasting happy self with everything and everyone and are uplifting the whole world because of it?
I say nothing else is better than that—for them and for all!
Sure, misaligned bragging exists and that version of gloating never feels good, but what we are focusing on in this journal is the aligned boasting which feels incredible and is what everyone is here - in physicality - to choose, and also to enjoy.
So how amazing is it that, by living through the naturally well-feeling bragging ways that you are about to create in this journal, you will spread your love for yourself and your life - and the fun that you are having - to everything and everyone, lifting the whole world into a higher state, or at least as high as your surroundings want to go with you?
I say that’s pretty cool!
What are you waiting for? Get your own Bragging copy today!
Book Review of High for Life - The best case scenario!
High for Life - The best case scenario!
Available as:
A 30 day journal
A 90 day journal - The Extended Edition
The journalist Anna Maria Polidori has been reviewing my books for quite a while now and certainly always brings up interesting thoughts and perspectives when it comes to my work and my books. Here is her wisdom about High for Life - The best case scenario! that was released just a short while ago:
When I accidentally met 365 Days of Happiness - Because Happiness is a piece of Cake I didn't know the author Jacqueline Pirtle and the sparkle of magic she brings into the existence of many women all around the world with her encouraging self-help books. Jacqueline has a way of speaking to the readers with immediacy, a tender touch, and an important proposal—not leaving the people who discover her books as they were before. A change is more than possible thanks to her manuals. Her optimistic touch will be contagious and you will re-discover your best self soon!
I personally found this entry the most beautiful:
The idea that living our existence is like entering a store for shopping. What would you want to buy, what would you want to give away, and what leave alone? Personally I would want to pick up happiness, serenity, magazines and books, writing, flowers, tenderness, smiles—while giving away nasty people, unlucky events, toxic environments.
Another amazing journal Jacqueline!
Highly recommended, because sometimes in our existence we lose our compass!
~ Anna Maria Polidori
Read her full review here!