September’s free book went to…


It is with extreme joy that I get to send my books all over the world, but California has a special place in my heart because not only did I visit that exact state the first time I stepped foot into the United States, it is also where part of my dear family lives—and of course, where I get to eat figs right off trees.

Thanks for accepting the bounty, September winner, and great job in choosing Align, Expand, and Calibrate - A 90 day journal - The Extended Edition!

Now I’m off to find a lucky winner for the October book. Will it be you? Or better, have you signed up to win one of my books yet? If not, do it here by scrolling to the bottom of that page!

Until soon,



Magick and Broomsticks - and what it’s all about!


$0.99 Book-Sale