Jacqueline Pirtle Jacqueline Pirtle

Hello March, Let’s BE large!

Happy March, blissful YOU!

March is an impressive month for you to get as large as possible with, and in, your energy. I’m talking about a humongous-ness you haven’t seen of yourself yet––to stretch your energetic essence around the whole world, back, and round again, becoming one with consciousness while at it. 

This, the action and energetic realization, creates the change you want so much.

March is also a renewal month. Things are wildly sprouting underground, but also above ground; you see proof of fertility even as the occasional cold front, snow, or rain storm still have their way of happening by testing the sprouts' growth strength, while also nourishing the new by doing so.

Nature will not be denied. And neither should you.

March’s experience in life is an invitation to become aware of your energy and let it sprout, even though the occasional (or daily) emotional down, life troubles, and chaos leave their mark at times. The point is to not change your energetic identity of being a limitless, larger than large, incredibly possible, and ever changing essence for anything on the physical life level. Instead, this is simply a nudge to stay the happy body of energy that you are living the happiest life you can.

This life-theory starts at knowing that you are most and foremost energy, and by being aware of how large and powerful your energetic you actually is.

You are energy at your smallest core and that energy is an always moving and changing entity, vibrating in different frequencies, sharing and attracting as such. Your energy is limitless, formless, connected with everything; it does whatever it wants, and goes wherever it pleases. 

That’s you, the whirlwind you want to be.

And don’t get me started on size… Your energy is as big as you let it be. You are as big as you let yourself be. You are infinite, and that's totally up to you.

Not to forget the fact that everything, and I mean everything, is energy from the start. So in some sense since it’s all the same, being all one, you are not special. Nothing is.

It’s all energy, the same energy.

But here’s the kicker-secret, only in energy everything and everyone is the same! In physicality you are one of a kind, unique, and super special. There is nobody else like you. 

It’s like all houses in a region have the same foundation because that is the best and most fitting foundational structure there is for the ground, weather, and circumstances in that region to keep the houses stable, safe, and strong. But the houses that are built on top and out of that foundation are all unique, special, and one of a kind, making the landscape look colorful, diverse, creative, and enjoyable to look at. 

Your foundation is your energy just like it is for everyone and everything too, but what you build on that perfect foundation, or create out of that concrete substance you are at your core, is uniquely and totally up to you.

Energy is:

  • A mighty and infinitely “everything is possible” essence, so you have the capability to make yourself special and be the most unique you that you can be. Anytime and anywhere!

  • Ever-changing, never the same, and always formable. Can you say “Shape shifter magic?” How are you living such greatness?

  • Not graspable, but that’s super since once you can grasp something it is solid and fixed (not so limitless or changeable anymore) because it has manifested into matter. Just take a table, at its core it is energy (creative freedom) before it manifested into matter, as the table. How are you using this profoundness, are you creating change in your energy first? Or are you trying to change matter - the table - before you contemplate the energy?

In times where physical life is in such uproar and chaos, creating change on your energetic level - before it becomes matter, or before you address the physical matter - is key to a long-lasting healthy, peaceful, happy, and successful life experience. 

Trying to change fixed stuff in physical life without even considering the energy of said thing, person, or situation, is not sustainable over time and will exhaust you to the point of putting your head into the sand, getting meds just to survive, giving up entirely, or fighting like a bear which is also not sustainable over time since you are not a bear but a gorgeous human being.

The physical world as a whole is not in your control. Your energy is—and with that your own personal physical life existence is also in your control.

What do you do next?

Go the energetic route. Learn about your energy. Know your Energetic Profile™. 

There is no other way, or a way around it, if you desire to consistently feel wholesome and happy and live a life you love by creating the change you want no matter what happens in the world. 

My message to you is: you need to go energetic, learn about your energy, and know your Energetic Profile™—because that’s how you can step into the energetic value you carry as a human being, and understand the information that’s there for you in any life situation so you know how to live your physical life from the perspective of being energy first. 

But how?

Ask yourself often during your day: 

  • What energy am I this morning, lunch, afternoon, and evening––right now? What energy do I want to be right now? What energy aligns with the energy I prefer right now? What food, people, music, words, emotions, actions, and thoughts match the energy I choose to be in right now?

  • Ask yourself every night before bed: What energy am I tonight and what energy do I want to be all night? What energy matches the energy I want to be all night long? What thoughts, meditations, activities, emotions, actions align with my chosen energy?

These amazing questions and answers get you started with sensing your energetic state and choosing better and better, but also it initiates your owning of your energetic power since you choose and can align. 

Do this for 7 days and be prepared for a drastic change in your life. Promise!

Want to do more? 

Work with me. I have been reading energy since over 30 years and have been giving Energetic Profiles™ to clients by going deep into the information of their energetic being and the energy of their life situation––for private and business purposes. The solutions and breakthroughs my clients experience are mind-blowing to say the least.

Read my books plus utilize my workbooks and card deck. Learn about your energy from the comfort of your home, during your lunch break in the park, or while out and about in nature. Take them with you as constant companions. Remember, everything is energy, and so are my books and tools––the words, the author (me), the book covers, as well as the designer who made them.  

Imagine flying through your days on a vibrant energetic carpet: that is what happens for you when you work with me and are having my books and tools with you at all times.

So go get March-ed, get large, get energized, and celebrate yourself because by reading this you hit a milestone of excellence!

Jacqueline - FreakyHealer
✨ Your biggest fan ✨

P.S. Homework: Send me an email with how it's going for you and the energetic practices that work for you. I'm always here to help and immensely interested in new ways... 

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Jacqueline Pirtle Jacqueline Pirtle

The Underground Never Sleeps—And Neither Should Your Growth!

Happy February, awakened being!

This month isn’t just about love in the hearts-and-roses way—it’s about the love you pour into yourself, your growth, and your becoming.

But first, let’s get real…

Where do you live? Look around. Above ground, things might seem still—cold, barren, quiet. Even if you're in a warm place, some things that shine in full bloom during other seasons are nowhere to be seen right now.

But don’t be fooled.

Nature is never asleep. Beneath the surface, the real magic is happening—roots are stretching, seeds are swelling, and transformation is in full swing. The underground never stops working.

Question is… Are you honoring your underground?

What’s beneath the surface is everything!

Think of the most delicious chocolate cake. The outer layer might be tempting, but isn’t the real excitement in what’s inside? Is it vanilla, red velvet, extra frosting? That “inside" is where the richness lives.

And the same goes for you.

You might be focused on what’s visible, what the world can see—but deep down, don’t you feel there’s more? Don’t you sense something stirring within you, waiting to rise?

Good. Because my work is here to remind you that there’s always more—and then, even more after that!

Nature doesn’t resist—so why should you?

Look at how nature moves through February—without arguing, without forcing. It just IS. It trusts the process, expands, calibrates, and grows underground before bursting into something spectacular.

That’s your cue:

💫 Go underground. Get intimate with the deepest cause of who you are.

💫 Trust your timing. Growth is happening, even if nothing is visible—yet.

💫 Let the season fuel you. February’s energy of love isn’t just for others—it’s for the deep work of loving yourself enough to evolve.

When you pair this inner work with the love-filled essence of February, you know - without a doubt - that when your spring comes, you’ll bloom with pure ease.

So, how do you do it?

You live February the way it’s meant to be lived! (Watch what nature does, then copy-paste!)

Your underground growth guide for February:

🌱 Align with the fact that it’s an “inside/underground” time. 👉 Practice: Each morning, close your eyes for 5-10 minutes. Imagine yourself as a seed resting in the soil, full of potential. Feel the quiet power of your growth, even if you can’t see it yet.

🌿 Focus on what’s deep within you. 👉 Practice: Journal on this prompt: “What’s stirring in me that I haven’t fully explored?” Let your thoughts flow—your emotions, ideas, or dreams that have been waiting for your attention.

🌾 Make your underground growth a priority. 👉 Practice: Set a "sacred pause" time daily. No distractions—just you. Use it to breathe, meditate, reflect, or simply listen to what’s happening beneath the surface.

🌳 Understand what growth is calling you. 👉 Practice: Ask yourself daily: “What lesson keeps showing up for me?” Notice patterns in your emotions, challenges, or desires—they are your next-level clues.

🌻 Expand like a dedicated self-student. 👉 Practice: Choose one small, daily action that nurtures your inner growth—whether it’s reading something inspiring, practicing self-kindness, or expressing gratitude. This is your training for evolution.

🌸 Calibrate so deeply that your spring can’t come fast enough. 👉 Practice: Each day, visualize your future self—the one that has already bloomed. How do you feel? How do you show up? Now, take one action today that aligns with that new you.

These practices keep you deeply in sync with your growth season, honoring exactly where you are right now.

And if you want to go even deeper? The Align, Expand, and Calibrate Journal Workbook is your must-have tool for this season. It will walk you through the shifts that create alignment,  expansion, and calibration for you and guarantees lasting, high-for-life happiness—keeping you rooted in your happy place.

Craving even more success? Book a class with me and learn how to journal your way into your deepest inner gold—where possibilities are limitless, and clarity comes naturally.

Happy growing and happy underground time, magical being!

Jacqueline - FreakyHealer
🌟 Your biggest fan 🌟

P.S. Please share this growth news with anyone needing a bit of growing!

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Jacqueline Pirtle Jacqueline Pirtle

Sweet Goodbye, And a Potent Hello!

Happy New Year, happy 2025, and happy January brilliant one!

January is quite the catch considering the constant shifts from stillness, expectations, to the mid month “gosh, time to start being productive again” it can hold and the everyday change it withstands.

Just think about it…

January 1, most people are reflective—mindful of this first day in the new year, maybe recovering and taking it slow or napping, walking in stillness, cleaning out the old to make space for the new, or playing extra with the kids or pets since normal day activities loom in the coming days. Some exercise to set a fitter tone, make wishlists and vision boards to manifest the year of their dreams, or set their new years resolutions, goals, and positive intentions with enthusiasm.

January 2, some go back to work while others are starting to think about work. Things are changing rapidly, just in one day.

January 3 - 10, there's even more change… Time to pick up with speed again.

Mid January: by now everyone is out of the holiday spirit, or funk, and the essence of “time to be productive and functional again” is on high alert.

Towards the end of January, all is back to normal and mindfulness takes a back seat because life is demanding and other needs must be met. Longing for the next days off are high and the new year is in full swing––no matter if it feels good or not, or if one holds the grand intentions that were set.

Life goes on!

This exceptional life span of January is a time filled with intense change every single day, and this change - if one is aware of it - is fully visible, showing that change is a normal essence of life and highlighting that we, just like the month of January, are able and strong enough to move gallantly in any change we encounter.

Why am I so sure about this? Well, you are living change as we speak. Just ask January!

That means you are, in fact, a trained professional in mastering change! Bravo.

Some say change is bad or hard and that they would rather things to stay as is, or that standing still or going backwards would feel better or good.

But that’s a myth, as well as not being possible.

Why? Because it goes against the flow of life in which every split second is new, is change, and becomes changed. For example, right now you are reading this but in a second this is not even valid anymore because you have shifted by reading this; you are a different person and have changed in just a second.

No change, going against change, wishing for the past or refusing change creates suffering, physical illness, emotional stress, a disconnect with your inner being, and an all-over un-wellness because it’s against how life works. Plus going against change, against life, uses up an enormous amount of energy––resulting in you feeling exhausted, uninspired, and unable to find joy in your days.

Hanging on to past stuff or wishing the past to come back keeps you from living your now, because your focus is on wishing for something that’s not happening now and is simply not possible to experience again.

One can almost say that by wishing for everything to stay the same (or bringing back the past) you are an unrealistic dreamer. To me that’s funny, since that’s what many say about people living life aligned with their inner self, spontaneously, positively, in love, happiness, constant laughter, and enjoying life’s experiences to the fullest by saying yes to change. So, really, who’s the unrealistic dreamer?

Fact is that change is the essence of life, and fighting against it is going against what life is all about and what we are here to experience; being in flow with life, with change. January is a really great example of that, and how you flow though this first month of the new year shows that you are a capable change experiencer.

But how can you make sure to get the most out the brilliance of January and its changing attitude?

First, don’t stress about how January should be. Instead, flow with your unique January experience and live it the way you want it to be––how you feel is right and good for you, with emphasis on feeling good in an empowered way.


  • If you want to make a New Years resolution do it; if you don’t then don’t.

  • If you want to clean out the old to make space for the new do it, if you don’t then don’t.

  • If you want to do anything, do it; if you don’t then don’t.

  • Smile, smile, and smile some more.

Make sure your choices come from the empowered state of “this is for me, feels good,” “this is not for me, it does not feel good,” and not from being lazy which is not an empowered state.

Here are a few potent inspirations to embrace change and create your well-est January yet:

  • Write a gratitude letter to 2024. Thank it for all it has brought for you, all that you have learned, and all the changes you experienced. Send it off with a blessed and grateful goodbye by ripping, burning, or burying this piece of words.

  • Write a welcome letter to 2025. Say hello in the most graceful way by letting it know how excited you are for the co-creation between the two of you. Write about what you wish for, what you want, and what your intentions are. Go into detail about how you will show up and what you will bring to the table. This one you can either put into an envelope to keep until the end of 2025 or rip/burn/bury when you have finished writing. Make it right for you!

  • Pick a word for 2025. Start with a word that feels powerful, but don’t stop coming up with more words until you reached the most potent one ever. Your word should wow you, shifting you into a heightened state. Make this word and how you feel about it a priority and your way of living 2025.

  • Set intentions of walking your journey mindfully, aware, and in light. Journal about it if that feels right for you.

I am huge fan of change and actually live for it because I love not only the excitement that change brings into my life, but also the flow and harmonious dance it creates when I say “yes” to change. I see and feel the opportunity of aligning, expanding, and calibrating with all these changes and wish that for you too.

To support you in embracing change in your life, I am offering 20% off everything in my store. Use code NEWME2025 at checkout to put a smile on your face :)

But I have even more to offer! To work with me one-on-one please check out my sessions, programs, classes, workshops, and special offers that are available for you to choose from on this site www.freakyhealer.com (click on WORK WITH JACQUELINE) or email me at info@freakyhealer.com to book a FREE consulting call to see what your needs are and how I can support you.

With gratitude and excitement for all your changes in 2025!

Jacqueline - FreakyHealer
✨ Your biggest fan ✨


✨ Please share and spread this incredible January news with anyone that could use some joy and change-wisdom for their 2025 ✨

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Jacqueline Pirtle Jacqueline Pirtle

December - Time To Feed Your Sparklers!

Happy precious, meaningful, and gem-like December, brilliant one!

Once upon a time, your eyes were exactly what they were always meant to be:

Sparkling lights feeding from the wonders in the world and what you personally find wonderful and happy, while in return lighting up everything you set your eyes on.

Just imagine how much you lit up others with happiness when you looked at them in such a way—and how brilliant and happy you were, capturing wonder after wonder without ever stopping, embodying sureness that the next wonder is guaranteed and that you will notice it. Because that’s what you do!

Question is, are your sparklers still working tirelessly, or have they dimmed over time?

To find out, go hop to a mirror and have a look or take a spontaneous selfie without setting yourself up to look the best and smiliest before hitting the button. Then observe! How much sparkle is in your eyes?

Most likely you will find that your sparklers have room for improvement, compared to the once-upon-a-time moment when blinding people with your beamers was a real thing. But no worries, this dimming over time is as normal as the grass turning brown when neglected, or mismanaged to maintain the lovely green hue.

To get you to the essence of your brightest eyes in no time, I’ve put some potent questions together. So go ahead, ask yourself:

  • Do I remember such a sparkling and happy time?

  • Where was I, how old was I, who was with me, and what made my eyes sparkle?

  • How did I feel all sparkled up? Was I in my happy place?

  • Did I have the urge to share this gem-like, happy, moment with others and with the world?

Close your eyes for a little while, then in this precious and meaningful lights-out moment, find your gem-like times and answers about when your eyes sparkled the most.

The invitation is to go really vividly into this: re-feel it, re-think it, re-experience every single molecule to its minute detail and if you can, journal and write about your sparkle story with as much exuberance as possible. This holds immense value for you since thoughts create feelings and feelings shift your whole being; in this case from not-much sparkle, to once again a super-sparkler of the universe, lighting up everything and everyone including yourself.

Now that you’re all lit again, let me tell you about how this precious, meaningful, and gem-like month of December can keep your eyesight nourished and your sparkler abilities in full swing:

The energy of December is a highly festive essence, since there are sparkles everywhere, and being aware of that fact not only feeds you with constant joy, happiness, and bliss (which creates smile-sparkles in your eyes) but also nourishes your eyesight with light—meaning your eyes never go hungry, empty, or lose their passion; which is to sparkle.

But how do you latch onto this December flow?

To answer that one, I picked a card for you from my 52 Days of Happiness Card Deck to help you focus on exactly what you need to pay attention to. And yes, my card deck looks heavily used because it is! I have it with me wherever I go and use it every single day, whenever I need a happy pick-me-up or clarity about what I need in my feel-good department. So here is your message, your north star, of what to focus on in order to latch onto the brilliance of your experience in December:

Being present means you are aware of - and focused on - your now. “I am here. Doing this. Right now!”

Being mindful means “I see, hear, taste, smell, think, and hear what is right now!”

Now combine mindful and present together, and you have magic on your hands.

Make your new day a mindfully present one!

That IS happiness!

Find full passage under Day 34 in 365 Days Of Happiness - The daily passage book

Practice right away! Look around you and be mindfully present!

How many sparkling things can you see this second? Even the tiniest ones count. Name them, feel them, smile and enjoy yourself filling with your brightest gem-like and happiest energy—and your eyes doing what they do best. Sparkle!

Imagine a world where every sparkler is on full blast, sharing and spreading this precious, meaningful, and gem-eyed gift with everything and everyone. I can't help but smile at such a peaceful, happy, and beautiful vision.

Enjoy your December, make it the sparkliest yet!

Jacqueline - FreakyHealer
Your biggest fan

P.S. Feel free to share this sparkle reminder with your loved ones, to get them sparkling too. Plus, the holiday sale for 20% off my entire book store is still going strong. Use code HOLIDAY20 at checkout. Happy shopping!

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Jacqueline Pirtle Jacqueline Pirtle

I Wonder: How Do We Get Through The Gloomy Days Ahead?

Happy November dear friend!

As November’s cool air drifts in, you’re probably already hearing the call to slow down, sip some tea, and find every excuse possible to stay cozy. But let’s be real—finding happiness isn’t just about hibernation (although a snooze here and there is totally valid) it’s about flying through the darker days feeling like you’re on magic carpet, making it a breeze to be you.

To avoid the emotional darker-days stumble, and because I know that happiness isn’t just fleeting moments of joy but a way of being and living, my idea of a top-notch flying carpet is a daily happiness routine that actually works and aligns with who you are at your core—so that shifting into your happy place even on the wildest days is a breeze.

Plus, who in the world wants a hard-core have-to practice that promises you your happily ever after once you're past the suffering, or even worse, one that won’t even flex your smile wrinkle?

That’s why I wrote 365 Days Of Happiness (book, journal workbook, Special Edition with room for notes) and created the 52 Days Of Happiness Card Deck, but more about that and what to do if you already have my books or cards later…

Here are the many flavors of happiness (pumpkin spice optional, unless you’re like me):

Happiness is like a big buffet, with everything from the “Yes! This coffee is amazing!” moments (aka hedonic happiness) to the “I feel like I’m making a difference” experiences (eudaimonic happiness). So grab plates of each at the buffet—indulge a little, and go for the meaningful and delicious stuff that aligns with your values. November is your time to live fully, laugh heartily, and bring a little 365 Days Of Happiness magic into your day… read on for more!

Happiness is a way of BEing (Yep, you can turn joy into a dance-style, a.k.a lifestyle):

Imagine happiness as a fabulous outfit you wear every day no matter the weather. It’s like that perfect color, texture, and feel that makes everything work and it’s what you have to wear to get the magic carpet off the ground—while your day-to-day happiness routine is what keeps your essence flying, getting you to the height of who you really are.

365 Days of Happiness is that happiness routine I’m talking about. It’s where each page is like a mini pep talk, offering daily happiness practices to help you find your happy place and joy in every moment.

From  dancing around the house, singing into your coffee mug, to learning about your deepest wishes and dreams, my books and cards make you want to turn happiness into your lifestyle.

Why? Because it's inevitable. You will fall in love with feeling amazing by reading and practicing 365 Days Of Happiness.

Here are some fueling nudges to keep your flying adventure going in November :

  1. Morning mantras that make you smile: start each day with a positive mindset, like saying, “Today, I’ll find happiness at least three times, and if I don’t, I owe myself a cupcake.” Now the goal here is not to get the cupcake, in case you were wondering ;)

  2. Dance with the leaves: don’t just walk through that pile of leaves—kick, twirl, or give it a little jig. Let yourself be “that person who dances with leaves” and watch your daily happiness practice come alive.

  3. The joy of unexpected compliments: give compliments to random objects around your house. “Hey, mug, you’re really pulling off that shade of blue today.” It’s silly, but you’ll smile—and isn’t that what finding happiness is all about?

  4. Ask, "What feels good right now?” Regularly check in with yourself: “Am I following what feels good?” Trust that your inner joy guide knows the best path to happiness. Just listening to that inner voice is a big step towards your happy place.

Already have 365 Days of Happiness - the book/s - or the 52 Days of Happiness Card Deck? Make November extra happy!!

If you already have my books or card deck, let November be a chance to refresh your positive mindset and try some new ways to integrate it into your day:

  • Pick a favorite entry in the books and get extra cheesy with it: Revisit the prompts that make you feel extra fuzzy inside. Double down—do it with a funny accent, write with your non-dominant hand, or read it out loud while balancing a pillow on your head. This playful spin on how to be happy just adds extra joy to your practice.

  • Layer up your journaling: If you have the 365 Days Of Happiness Companion Journal Workbook or any of the 9 Life-changing Journals I wrote, go deeper with colorful pens and doodles as you journal about the things that bring meaning and purpose into your life. Happiness can be a beautiful mess!

  • Draw a card from the 52 Days of Happiness Card Deck: every time you blink (just kidding!) use the card deck for a daily dose of inspiration. Whether it’s about self-love or how to find joy, let each card guide you, and enjoy a little “happy life” boost at any time.

The heart of happiness (complete with a wink and a smile):

Happiness is more than a quick smile—it’s a daily journey. You get to choose how much sparkle, fun, and adventure you bring to it. So here’s to a November filled with positive mindset shifts, easy tips for a happy life, and plenty of laughter!

Happy November dear friend, make it a month of finding your happy place in every little moment.

Jacqueline - FreakyHealer
✨ Your biggest fan ✨

✨ P.S. There are Book and Card Bundle Sales available - and if you want to be the cool one, those are the most brilliant gifts to give.

✨ Feel free to share and spread these happy news with your friends and family, plus, sign up for my newsletter to get the juice of what my books and work is all about.

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Jacqueline Pirtle Jacqueline Pirtle

What An Eye-Opener!

Happy October brilliant YOU!

Obviously right now your eyes are open—hence, here you are reading my newest blog.

But, are your eyes really at their biggest, as wide open as they possibly can be? So much so that you can see the little and tiniest of things, the things that are easy to overlook when not present, the things that are so close (lots of times too close) and right in font of you, the things that your heart wants you to see? What about the things that are positively and for sure for you, but are not in your carefully crafted life-plan because you have not thought of them?

Let’s check! Stop reading for a second and quickly look around. Great, you’ve seen everything. Yes?

Check again! Close your eyes first, set the intention to open your eyes big and wide. Now open your eyes and with focus take your time to see it all, feeling what you see. Go!

How was that way of seeing, how did that feel? Did you see more?

Having your eyes intentionally at their most widely open and seeing that much while being aware is immensely adventurous and carries a humongous amount of information for you—like what you adore and what you don't, what you love seeing or what’s not your favorite, but also what interests you, what delights your eyes and shifts you into happiness, or inspires creative solutions for you.

This expanded way of seeing slows you down to catch more of life, feeds your mind with vivid aliveness, initiates feelings while giving you time to investigate your precious emotions, and entertains you better than any TV show.

I call this way of living being “Mindfully Present,” and since the value in living and seeing like that changes lives, I had to include it as card number 13 in my NEW 52 Days Of Happiness card deck. Yes, a card set for 365 Days of Happiness just published!

“But what’s a happiness card deck?” you might ask.

The 52 Days Of Happiness Card Deck has 52 cards for you to pick one or more cards first thing in the morning, during the day, before bed, or when you can't sleep at night and use their wisdom as a pick-me-up, to learn more about your needs and how to feel good, to create an emotional balance in and for yourself, to manifest big time, or when you want to jazz up your life. So:

  • You pick your card(s) freely or in answer to a question

  • Then read the accompanying passage in the booklet that comes with the card deck (or read the full passage in the original 365 Days Of Happiness book, corresponding day listed at the bottom of each page in the booklet)

  • Journal about your findings and what this means for you

  • Close your eyes and breathe, then meditate on the happiest outcome for you

The shift to happiness is immediate!

So let’s pretend you picked card 13 in the 52 Days of Happiness Card Deck and are reading the meaning of card 13 in the booklet (comes with the 52 Days of Happiness card deck) with the intention to understand what “opening your eyes big and wide” means for you:


Sit with this for a minute. Close your eyes and find, then feel, the meaning that “Mindfully Present” represents for you. Smile, you just shifted to happiness!

Let’s pick another card that’s inviting you to live with your eyes wide open: Card 51 “Being Curious Automatically Opens You Up To Receive All Possible Experiences Available For You.” Sure, you can be curious with your eyes closed and still get a lot of experiences, but imagine being curious with your eyes at their widest and biggest… Oh the things you will see and can be curious about, and the endless possibilities that await!

Go ahead, read the meaning of card 51 and dig into what this means for you:


Take a few moments, get clear on how you can incorporate this into your day, then on you go happier and more aligned than before.

Focusing with intention on your eyes being open big and wide - seeing everything with awareness - is revolutionary for your life and your personal growth; changing your health, happiness, success, and prosperity for the better, forever.

With that said, October is perfect for training your eyesight to catch the most it ever has because the seasonal shift in this month offers a lot of color and beauty for your eyes to take in. So use this naturally colorful time as your eye opener, for you to see it all.

I recommend you get yourself the new “52 Days Of Happiness - Happiness Card Deck” because it will keep you focused on seeing the most at all times. Just pick a card—it's that simple!

Plus 52 Days Of Happiness it’s ON SALE right now!

Extra discount automatically applied in your checkout cart :)

I see you being brilliant, with my eyes wide open!


P.S. Feel free to share and spread my blog and work with anyone that would like some happiness :)

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Jacqueline Pirtle Jacqueline Pirtle

Let’s light up the sky!

Happy September, powerful light!

How important do you think it is to BE light, exist in light, behave like light, walk in light, create a life fueled by light, produce light and give your best to bring to the world nothing but light, bless others with well wishes of light, trust in light, and have faith in light?

You guessed it! There is literally nothing more cardinal or fundamental than aligning with light and doing everything in your power to shine yours brightly and without any doubts as fiercely as you possibly can.

Many assume that a state of being light is weak, naive, dreamy, unicorn-y, crazy with a high and mighty attitude, and some even think that choosing light is not possible or achievable in the world we live in; that in order to accomplish something, or get someone to do something, you must be anything but light.

But isn’t it foolish to even consider such an untruth, when in fact everything and everyone is made of the same energy, energy capable of being whatever you want it to be from the beginning - neutral, pure, possible, infinite, eternal, positive, brilliant, the entity of light, or negative, dark, unwell-wishing and such - and holding literally all information, guidance, and truth one can possibly wish for or imagine?

The question here is not if being light is potent, because all energy has the potential to be mighty; instead, what really matters is what/who you choose to show up as in your life, then accepting the consequences of your choices and taking responsibility of how you use your power—for light or in dark.

Back to the importance of walking your journey in light:

In some ways it’s common sense that light attracts light, light grows more light, and that committed and faithful light-walkers stay being light (because that is what they believe in.) Plus, they have other lights to fall back on, finding immense support in these lights. Light loves light!

But same goes for the dark.

Every state you are in life is energy first and foremost, coming with choices to be made that are all very powerful; choices of health over illness, truth over falsity, love over hate, peace over war, fair over unfair, nice over mean, well-wishing over unwell-wishing, supportive over hurting—light over dark. I am sure you get which is which.

Gaining understanding, knowledge, and clarity of your preferences in life are a real game changer for choosing wisely and staying aligned at all times so you can, in fact, take responsibility of who you are showing up as - light or dark - and know if you are creating or countering the good in the world.

Sitting with the truth of what you want in life and clarifying what that means for you - personally, in family, friendship, at work, and in your purpose - then swinging your focus into that direction to match your thoughts, feelings, words, actions, and steps you take to your powerful blueprint of who you choose to be and the legacy you desire to fulfill is key. Bottom line is, you are powerful and your choices are powerful.

As human beings we are here to experience life through our choices and yes, at times that means even if you choose to be light and walk in light you will mess up, make mistakes, and create hurt for yourself or others, but, you are still 100% light living these moments of upset through being light; you are a light-walker having an unaligned moment. That’s all! When this is the case, remind yourself of your choosing of light and realize that you are still light, then upward and onward you go; being a stronger light than before. That is life, after all.

I always put all my trust into the state of light because that is what I AM and always will be—what I choose to show up as, bring to the word, create more of, support with fierceness, attract and manifest for myself, my family, my friends, my clients and readers, and anyone that chooses to be light.

I know that light is the most powerful entity there is and that it will always prevail, no matter what—besides being the most brilliant way to enjoy my time here fully. Life is truly amazing dancing in the state of light, because love, happiness, health, creativity, laughter, goodness, gratitude, peace, fun, adventure, success, abundance, alignment, expansion, calibration, and all other wonderful beings, happy feelings, uplifting situations, positive happenings, glimmering things, miracles, and good stuff exist in the realm of light. That’s where the party is!

Standing faithful, tall, proud, and grounded in light is the most powerful state to be in, and to BE light is the most powerful choice you can make. No matter the way we categorize ourselves in life. I’m certain of that!

My work, sessions, books, and all else I have been part of are all based on light and have been created through light because that is what I believe in. And to support you in choosing light, being light, and mightily staying in light I invite you to fill your home with the 18+ books for adults and children I have written—they teach you to walk higher into your light and shine it the brightest it has ever shone, for you to live your life to the fullest and happiest. You deserve it!

Happy shopping in my book store :)

I can’t wait for you to fill your home with the most light ever :)

From one light-chooser to another, I wish you well :)


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Jacqueline Pirtle Jacqueline Pirtle

August! Possible Spark For Personal Growth?

Hello brilliant being,

How are you?

I’m extremely excited to chat with you about this new month, August, and form a supportive view on what it holds if we know how to live it in the best possible way. Now you might say, “odd, I know how to live in August, I do it like I always do,” which was on my mind too until I channeled a deeper meaning of this marvelous month, one I had never thought of before.

So, with a bit of awe, utmost respect for this time of year, and an open mind for the wisdom nugget, I want to share with you the true meaning of August and the light it presents us with.

Here we go:

Meet August, a month with the powerful talent of offering us choices and initiating multiple meanings, holding us accountable to pick wisely!

Highlighting the truth that something - actually, make that everything - has multiple meanings, this month guides us to focus on creating a physical reality for ourselves that feels good, so we live fully and are in harmony with the universe by sharing ourselves at our best—and that it’s up to us to manage this fact.

So what are these August choices? What meanings do they hold, how does this month excel at holding us accountable, and what are the consequences of our choosing?

August is a true summer month—if this isn’t the case where you live, look at what seasonal meaning August has for you and adjust the word “summer” with your real season to make it fit.

And while July is also one of those true summer months, its quality is very different because in July what most people are thinking about is, “it’s summer,” and that is where they stop. It’s like when there is a red dot and it’s so truly red that the only way you can describe it is, “it’s red.”

But in August, even though it’s still summer, people only have one foot left in summer because the other has already stepped towards preparing for the changes laying ahead by thinking about - or acting on - how to get ready, getting it done, and what’s to come: start of school, work resuming, and so on, so forth.

The result being, people partially (a little bit in summer, a lot of it in prepping) leaving their presence in their NOW, shifting back into their autopilot-existence to get things done—turning around and placing the blame on August because stress entered the equation.

In the mean time, August stays steady in being what it is supposed to be; a month still in summer, while we humans stray away from the laser-sharp journey of our NOW—even though slowing down into the NOW, and fully living and experiencing July (for example) as a true summer month felt delicious and relaxing. Go figure!

August is brilliant in that it offers us great free training to learn to refocus, balance, and manage the experience of life that is right NOW, and to not get carried away by our oh-so human push to get things done and plan and prep everything at all times is the key to 100% success.

Yes, I know what I am talking about. I’m one of those people, and on top of that I’m Swiss—the masters of perfectionism, forgetting that letting yourself go in the NOW holds gold.

August invites us to see, taste, feel, experience, and live both - or all - meanings of what is in our NOW, but to choose wisely which to prioritize as the foundation from where we live our NOW and are getting things done right NOW.

So take this preciously insightful month and be clear about where your focus is, and through which energy you are experiencing your life right NOW:

  • Is it the energy of summer or the other meaning you can make it be, the stress of prepping?

  • Are you balancing this month of preparations without leaving the enjoyment of “it’s still summer,” or are you forgetting about this present sun-fun time, missing out on these high-for-life vibes that are freely available to you?

August is your great reminder that everything always is what you make it to be!

But how do you do that, enjoying your NOW while taking care of what needs to be prepared for? How do you ditch the stress of “the next” and forgetting to live, to instead embrace the fun of what’s right NOW, while still getting it all done in perfect fashion?

  • Work on your awareness and make being aware a priority.

  • Face where you put your attention most and consciously shift to a better focus point. For example, shift to the fact that August is still summer. Truth is, you can’t just shove your old unhelpful habits into a bag and keep going the same old way. No, you must embrace the clarity in what you become aware of and be determined to be present in a better NOW more and more.

  • Practice staying in the NOW. That way you become a trained experiencer of the purest life adventure. If you happen to have multiple meanings (for example: it’s summer - I have to prepare) in your NOW choose the more exciting one as your baseline to focus on, then through that energy and well-feeling do what you need to do. It will be done through joy!

  • Learn to enjoy freely. The things you need to do will still be there when you get to them, and besides, you will get them done from the standpoint and energy of feeling good.

  • Relax and allow what’s next to come in, pat yourself on the back for giving your best, and stay flexible on how this next chapter will look. You never know, the unplanned might look and feel better than what you had in mind.

Bottom line is that if you stay present in the August summer vibes - making that your priority - and you plan and prep how you want it to be when this opportunistic month nears its end through that aligned summer energy, you will create success on every level because prepping while you are enjoying yourself will be of a higher-frequency-outcome than if you prep from being stressed and missing out on the last chances of summer fun.

So accept August’s challenge as an amazing growth and practicing opportunity! It’s one that will help you calibrate to who you are on your highest frequency.

Remember, everything is always outfitted with multiple meanings, but you posses the freedom to choose your NOW over everything else and pick where your fuel is coming from; fun or stress.

And to help celebrate your new favorite month August and keep your summer feelings going, I have a gift for you, one that you can only get directly from me.

To find out more about this fabulous offer, click away!

Jacqueline - FreakyHealer
*** Your biggest fan ***

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Jacqueline Pirtle Jacqueline Pirtle

July, Oh My!

Happy July Bright Light!

How are you?

Did you know that you are single for life, but meant to mingle in life?

Ha! Is your head spinning yet? Do you have even more questions than before?

Well, I can’t wait to entangle this for you and talk about my favorite subject:

How to experience existing physically, energetically, and spiritually as YOU.

So about the single thing…

Imagine a lantern. That lantern is here to shine its light strong, powerfully, and all by itself. Now think of millions of lanterns together. They shine even brighter together than alone, but still, every lantern stays single and on its own, shining the best they can alone and all by themselves.

Moral of the story is that every lantern stays its own entity, single. None of them become one with other lanterns by giving up their existence, slipping into being one of the other lanterns or a new lantern from the two that they started as. This just isn't possible!

But let’s imagine the impossible notion of a lantern giving itself up into non-existence. The sad outcome would be that the lantern loses its own and unique light—meaning that there is one light less in the universe. The behavior of that lantern would affect the whole universe in a darkening way.

Let's return to what is possible: every lantern is here to shine its light the best it can, as itself, and become one only with the infinite brightness all these lanterns create together.

See the difference?

One is giving up its lantern existence, the other is following the course of being their own lantern by staying single, and then from there, mingling into being one only with the connected brightness of all. The latter scenario is not only possible, it’s meant to be the life of a lantern—hence, every lantern is single for life, but meant to mingle in life!

You are that lantern!

You are here to be YOU, shining your light the brightest you can, every day, anew and anew. That is your single-ness you are here to experience and share.

You are also here to become one with the brightness of all people you encounter every day, anew and anew. That is your mingle-ness you are here to experience and share.

But that only works, and feels good, if you understand that you are meant to be single for life by following your own single YOU at all times—and only then, go mingle into the connectedness of everything and everyone and become one with the light of everything and everyone.

Why is that so?

The single YOU is the only part that can align, expand, and calibrate in perfectness and pureness from which you can then actually shine the brightest possible at all times.

Anything else mixed in would dim your perfect light, which would still be a light, but won’t feel as good as it could or shine to its full brightness capacity.

Fact is that you are here in this world to be connected and one with all, since we are all the same energy, but you are not here to give up your existence in order to be connected and one with all. On the contrary, you are here to BE YOU first, and as such, realize that we all shine together.

Taking your single-ship and mingle-ship into account, your relationships should look like this:

In a love relationship: You are your own lantern and need to shine for yourself brightly and purely, then take your light (however bright you can get it in that day, hour, minute, split second) and shine together with the brightness of your loved ones—letting the lanterns involved stay individual. Single.

As a family: Everyone is their own lantern. Let everyone shine their own light as brightly as possible, then shine as one huge brightness together. Helping is allowed and lighting other family member’s lanterns here and there - by shining your light even stronger, giving your loved ones light in their dim times, or inspiring them to shine more - is great, but avoid changing each other’s lanterns. Those stay individual, single.

With friends: Shine, beautiful lantern! Follow your steady light in your lane and know that the brighter you shine, the more lanterns you may leave behind. Important thing is to know there is nothing wrong in such a scenario, they are just still searching for their light before they can become one with your brightness. Yes, that offers a possibility that your lights might never meet again, but that is okay since you - and the lanterns drifting away - are meant to be single for life and shine aligned. So don’t fret, be angry, or fill yourself with sadness because it’s a never ending merry-go-round: every lantern will always meet new, aligned lanterns.

At work: You are your lantern, shining powerfully while staying in your lane to not pick up too many “lighting jobs" for others, fueling your light only from your own energy source while becoming one with however much brightness there is—knowing that you don’t have to make up for the lack of it, especially not every single day. If the light is missing or not there most of the days, it is definitely time to change your job.

So, amazing lantern, brilliant YOU, claim your single-ness and enjoy the comfy-ness in this magnificent essence that is YOU. If you have trouble feeling comfortable on the fly, go sit in your most comfortable throne, close your eyes and feel that comforting, warm moment.

That is the amazing well-feeling I am talking about.

Next, take excellent care of your lantern! It is yours and you chose it for this life! Shine your light the way it suits you, and at its - your - brightest at all times. Then make this your daily challenge: How much more can I shine for me? How much better can I live, feel, smile, be happy, and enjoy?

Then, and only then, mingle with the brightness of the world.

That my dear reader, is the secret to your magick!

And to celebrate your light, enjoy 25% off on all my books for the next few days. Use MYLIGHT25 at checkout. In no time my books and workbooks will be yours, supporting you to shine brighter than ever—so much so, that I will see your light from wherever I am, no matter where you are in the world. Let's shine brightest together!

Jacqueline - FreakyHealer
⭐ Your biggest fellow light ⭐


Forward this July newsletter to whomever needs this message and definitely give my books (use the coupon) to your favorite people as a gift from your heart.

And if you haven’t already, ✨Make Your Inbox a Wonderland of Joy!✨by subscribing.

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Jacqueline Pirtle Jacqueline Pirtle

June's Tune: Time to Bloom!

Hey there super June-er!

Ever been told that story-time is a life skill and that it’s lifesaving? Let’s test that right away, shall we? 

Go grab a cup of something great and sit yourself in your most comfortable hub; if you can’t be like a sack of potatoes right now just breathe and get your nodes into your amazing zen zone and on we go…


Imagine you are in the most precious little green oasis in the midst of nowhere, breathing in the crispness in the air, feeling the freshness of this lush fairytale land, seeing its beauty with clear eyes, and hearing the orchestrated notes and tunes all around you.

What an experience, what an awareness!

Surrounding that natural miracle are lush trees carrying gorgeous leaves in different shades of the most brilliant greens you have ever noticed. The sun is shining through this scenery of nature, creating little beams glistening with a kaleidoscope of colors here and there. The sky is blue as can be and little picturesque fluffs of clouds are hanging in ways that make this scenery dreamy and magickal.

Now in this peaceful oasis there is one flourishing bush that sticks out because it’s the most thriving thicket of all, and it’s filled with the most out-of-this-world blooms, size wise, colorful wise, and scent wise, and we are talking the most beautiful and decadent smelling blooms in the world. 

You are mesmerized by this utterly enchanting bush, but even more by one of these blooms that seems to be the most attention grabbing of all, and it’s magnetizing your curiosity in a way that you can’t take your sparkling eyes off. You move closer to see, but also to smell. And right as you are nose-to-bloom a spectacular portal opens in front of your eyes, inviting you to make the jump into this striking bloom; to experience its life as this queen (or king) of blooms. 

You don’t hesitate and without a blink you take the leap, flinging your wholesome you inside of the gorgeous life of this majestic bloom—and through some fantastical wizardry, you now naturally are that bloom, because whoever takes that faithful jump is rewarded with experiencing blooming in the most magnificent way, changing their lives forever.


Boom! What now?

Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, experience and feel yourself as this most gorgeous bloom; the queen (or king) of all blooms. That is you now!

How do you feel in such glory? Perfumed and enchanted, how do you carry yourself now? Are you enjoying the admiration of others that comes with holding yourself proud and beautiful, being the most spectacular of all? What are your emotions, being such a blooming-blessing for the world, and yourself? How would you describe your golden blooming spectacle?

Be specific here; name all the words that come to mind, even if they don't make total sense, then note them down into your journal, a piece of paper, or in your phone. 

Now look at your hopefully long list of amazing descriptive terms and with a smile think, say, and feel (while filling in the blanks with your words one at a time) the following:

I am________________.

I feel ________________.

And so it is.

Keep on going until you finish your word-list and breathe in this purity of who you are after each sentence. Really be aware and focus on the goodness this fills you with—and yes, that is called blooming.

Next, take every description and write about 5 activities, things, people, or happenings in which you feel that glorious - the description fits - in your life right now—if non-existent at the moment come up with wishes and dreams that make you feel like your word-list.


You have now shifted yourself into a higher frequency through the story, created awareness by making your word-list, reprogrammed yourself into betterment with rehearsing the “I am” and “I feel” statements, and created your unique blooming-plan that shows what, who, when, and where you feel your best and most aligned with your purest self; when you bloom.

That leaves only one thing for you to do: take this blooming-wisdom to heart and live bloomingly. Can you do that?


And to support you in your blooming I have the perfect and brand-NEW (just published) tool that helps you to stay on your blooming track. But more, use BLOOMBABYBLOOM as your 50% off coupon code at checkout to get the following NEW journal almost for free:

I’d Give Anything For... - Express your manifestations

I’d Give Anything For…” is your dream powerful manifestation journal, brimming with fierce energy. It’s a force like that of a mother protecting her children—a strength that fights for your desires and refuses to be denied. Imagine the heroic energy of moving with such determination, changing your life and manifesting your desires with unstoppable power.

Every day, write down “I’d give anything for…" for today, and for the future. Seal the day by writing about what went great and showing gratitude. Plus, daily quotes inspire you to apply the daily provided wisdom uniquely in your life.

Journaling through this book will turn your wishes into reality, express style. Express them and watch them be delivered at express speed. It plants your dreams into your life so you can keep wishing and dreaming like a pro.

I’d Give Anything For... - Express your manifestations
BLOOMBABYBLOOM - use at checkout for 50% off

Experience life beyond your expectations, craft extraordinary moments, and love what you live. Become a pro in conscious and mindful manifesting, feeling phenomenal while living the best of the best.


So, what’s keeping you from blooming?

Jacqueline - FreakyHealer
Your Energetic Profile™ Expert ✨

P.S. Want to spread the blooms? "I'd Give Anything For..." makes a brilliant gift for the amazing wishers and dreamers in your life. Let’s multiply the blooms! 🎁

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Jacqueline Pirtle Jacqueline Pirtle

“May” I Just Say...

Hello potent one!

Thinking it’s already May, yet with still so much of the year left, makes me giggly excited because of the potent energetic value this 5th month carries.

Just imagine; almost half way through 2024—which can also mean “almost half-full” and “almost half-filled” with experiences and time lived in this brilliant year.

So let’s look at this with a closer energetic eye:

Energetically, “almost half-full” carries the essence of a container that is almost half full—in this case, we are talking about the container of 2024 and what it can hold for you. In “almost half-full” there is content energy present because it highlights that there is something there (versus empty, in which it’s "missing”) but that the opportunity for more room to fill until the half turns to full is also available. “Almost half-full” carries the energetic value of millions of promises, deep hope, and unlimited possibilities.

Almost half-filled” is touching more on the kind or type of filling and the value the filling carries—abundance, happiness, health, success, fun, or anger, dissatisfaction, mindlessness, and missing out. Looking at the “almost half-filling” also means that there is a certain kind of filling present (versus nothing) while offering the opportunity to add to this already existing filling in even better and more fitting ways—to achieve a filling that’s perfect for you.

Here’s a great example: imagine you have an “almost half-full” belly. That is a content belly since there is something in it (not empty), which is the filing. In that “almost half-full” belly that is an “almost half-filled” belly you have still room for more, but also for better fillings to fill your belly with—until it’s either “half-full and filled” or truly “full and filled.” An “almost half-full, almost half-filled” belly is rich in ways to accomplish betterment but also carries hope, possibilities, and options to improve.

So here comes the cool part!

These thoughts call for journaling—in your mind if you wish, but I recommend writing this down. So, superstar, here are some journal prompts and great questions to get you to half-full with a hurray, looking to get the full-full with joy and excitement:

  • It’s May, what have I done so far?

  • How is my “almost half-full” me doing?

  • Is there some unfulfilled space until my “half-full” 2024?

  • What quality does my “almost half-filled” me have—do I like my filling so far?

  • What can I add to my filling, to fill up fitting, to the “half filled” mark of 2024?

  • What changes do I want going from half-full, half-filled, to full and filled—living the second half of 2024?

  • What does “almost half-full” mean to me—in the context of 2024? And what’s in this “almost half-filling” of my year?

Have you lived this “almost half” year mark vividly until now and filled it with what matters to you?

If yes, what did you experience so far? Do you want it to continue as is or are you ready to gear up for a different kind of second half of the year? What is your filling so far and how do you feel “almost half full”—look at what you lived in 2024?

If no, how much space is still empty, why did you not fill it, what’s holding you from doing so, and could you still fill it with speed in these last few days until we reach the halfway mark of this year? Also, what will you fill it with—what qualities do you want your filling to have?

And lastly, looking at May, as this almost half super-month, what can you improve in the next 31 days to make sure you arrive at half time in 2024 in the best decked-out fashion?

You might laugh at this way of looking at May, I certainly did while writing this blog post.

But don’t be surprised if following this and journaling about your “almost half-full’ and “almost half-filled” end up being the biggest game changer ever, shifting everything to just the way you want it to be. Please report back if this is true for you!

So on to my “almost half-full” and “almost half-filled,” and how it’s going: I’m definitely “almost full and filled” with great energy, but even for me there is this amazing little space to squeeze some more in, to make the halfway-mark of this year perfect—plus, the filling can always get sweeter since there’s never a ceiling to deliciousness. I’ll keep you posted!

That leaves only one thing to do: for me to claim my responsibility to support you in being “almost half-full” and “almost half-filled” in the most possibly happy way there is.

Here is a list of what will make your 5th month sweeter than a bee can imagine—while getting you to your perfect “half-full and half-filled,” the halfway mark of 2024:

  • Check out my whole library of books and courses, know that all of them can fit you!

  • For kids, NEW: Cool Kids With Cool Wits - Dive into the belly of your truth is LIVE and breathing; published and ready for your kids and family; embark on an exciting detective journey with "Cool Kids With Cool Wits," a dynamic daily journal designed for children aged 6-10. This isn't just a journal; it's an adventure that guides young explorers deep into the core of their personal truths, where they'll discover their unique energetic superpowers and learn to harness the goodness within themselves.

  • For young adults, adults, and to keep you in the loop with your kids: Pair your children’s “Cool Kids With Cool Wits” with my Life-Changing Journal Series to hop on the magick train alone, together, or as a family and with your kids.

Get ready for a journey in which, through writing, doodling, and playing in the field of possibilities, an amazing life and wonderful relationships are created—not to forget the grand love for oneself and others my books and courses initiate.

So, “almost half full-er” that is “almost half filled,” let this be a celebration of the last 4 months you have lived and make the 5th one the most phenomenal one yet—combined with a great eagerness for the half way spot in 2024.

Go fill and go fuller!


P.S. Want to spread the glitter? "My books and courses" make a brilliant gift for the amazing loves in your life. Let’s multiply the joy! 🎁

Reach out for any giggles you might want to share, I AM here. And if you haven’t already, make your inbox a wonderland of joy!

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Jacqueline Pirtle Jacqueline Pirtle

What’s April Got to Do With You?

Hello springy being,

The answer is, a lot!

For one, you are alive and breathing, meaning that everything you experience and is in your awareness has to do with YOU. April is for you!

Think of it this way: being aware that you are alive and breathing mindfully and consciously is the main course of your existence, while me snapping you into the awareness of the energetic value this month holds, by wishing you “Happy April,” is the cherry on top.

What’s an energetic value?

That’s the worth, meaning, or charge everything holds—since everything and everyone is energy at the core and has a bounce unique to each individual, getting familiar with what the energetic value something holds for you is like owning a treasure chest you can always dig deep for clarity, inspiration, or renewed life-zest.

The generic energetic value April holds is a bit of a sneaky (never know when you get soaked), birthing (so much new nature sprouting), creative (wow, those bloom colors), excited (finally, it’s nice enough to…) and playful (being mesmerized by the rays of sunshine) nature.

But there are many more specific-to-you energies involved in this fourth month of the year and to find those, ask yourself, “What does April represent for me?” Become aware of your answers, make your journal entry or list, then put that “piece of value” somewhere you can see it every day—to remind yourself what April has to do with you.

April also creates a creative stage for common interests being enjoyed as a family, in a group, or community because in many places the weather is planting a desire to step out of hibernation—the senses and urges for people are at a heightened state, more ideas, wishes, and dreams are birthed and put into fruition through the energetic uplift the warmer weather brings.

Thinking about these possibilities, what interests do you have that could start a group—initiating inspiration for everyone involved? What feeds your soul and physical body with fun, joy, and bliss—could you start a movement, stepping into a powerful leadership role while expanding yourself immensely?

Another option is to join a group that’s already existing. An important thing to remember here is to step into your biggest and most wholesome energy before joining (be YOU first to not blend with any other energetic values—remember, the goal is to experience your own energetic values.) Then go!

Plus April owns this gentle but firm bossiness, reminding you to listen to your body, mind, soul, and consciousness:

  • Eat less, less heavy (spring time is for lightening)

  • Move more, in new ways (outdoors please)

  • Adventure out, leave your comfort zone, try new things

  • Sniff the air deeper, fuller (oxygenize with all the new green found in nature)
    If experiencing allergies: ask yourself what/who in life you are allergic to? Hinting at energy here, not the details of which allergens in physical life.

Just imagine what following those April winks will do for you: getting leaner, healthier, more flexible and stronger, oxygenized, mindful, and happy because you experience life in new ways feeling amazing.

Journal and make lists for how you can be a better listener—there’s never a ceiling to how good you can get! Become aware of what’s holding you back, then find creative ways to get around these bumps, with gratitude for the hint and power of taking your life back.

I call that existing; physically, energetically, and spiritually as YOU!

Fact is that whenever you are not feeling good, are not doing what you really want to do, or are rehearsing old traumas, at the other end of that stick is the reality of you not existing somehow, somewhere.

I have help for you:

This is a great technique you can use to stop yourself in your tracks when feeling blahhh (being the signal to actually stop) and shift to the fact that you are not existing in some way, and that’s why you are feeling the way you do or having the trouble you are having:

  1. Visualize (or really do it) your hands each making a little cup and holding them out in front of you. Put your troubles, blocks, or unwell feelings into one hand (do this separately for every single issue)—taking it as information you need to understand what’s going on.

  1. Next imagine a stick from one hand to the other and as you look at your trouble filled hand start following that stick over to your empty hand—representing your non-existence. Focus only on that empty hand now.

  1. Ask yourself: “Where do I not exist in this situation—and what do I need to do to exist in this?”

  1. Take your answers as your truth—then imagine, feel, think, see, hear, and talk about you stepping into your full existence there; physically, energetically, and spiritually.

For example: If you feel yucky, unmotivated, or hopeless, put that feeling into one hand. Follow the stick to the other hand that’s empty and is representing your non-existence. Focus on that empty hand and ask the golden question. You might find you are not existing in seeing the beautiful parts of you, giving yourself permission to rest so you can gain motivation, or that you are non-existent in your trust. Once clear, imagine, feel, think, see, hear, and talk yourself into existence as such. Voila, shift completed!

You can use that technique for any of your struggles, it will leave you with clarity, solutions, and an immediate shift to betterment—while leaving the finger-pointing, creation of low feelings, or giving others the power over you out of the equation.

If you are interested in learning more about the Technique of Existing let me know, I am gearing up to teach it in an online class and at an affordable price.

Besides that, what’s new in the world of FreakyHealer?

Here’s a big one! My interview in Hacking Happiness - The Docuseries airs on April 9 at 9pm ET, you can sign up here. Hope you’ll watch with excitement!

My first Energetic Profiling Children’s Journal is publishing in April. Keep your ears and eyes open! It will walk kids though a story-journey asking them to write, draw, or doodle their insights about themselves—giving them the chance to find their energetic source, profile their energetic superpowers, and program themselves with all the goodness they are. That creates a shift in the child because they are learning who they are, coming out stronger while also closer to their truth. This first journal is for 6-10 year olds, but stay tuned for 2 additional age groups and potentially one for adults.

My intention behind these Energetic Profiling journals is to teach each and everyone interested to learn about their energetic source, and how to step into it, by understanding what energy they are, why they are here, and much much more.

Let’s face it, physically we are taught about our bodies and such, but energy, who really gets a lesson in that?

If you are interested in Energetic Profiling, let’s chat!

Last but not least, check out my books, the 365 Days of Happiness Program (or the 28 Day Crash Course), and consider working with me in one-on-one sessions, plus other ways too.

I am immensely grateful for you being here and treasure your precious time and energy.

Have questions, just holler, I’m here!


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Jacqueline Pirtle Jacqueline Pirtle

In case you need a bandage!

Happy March, spring-loving spirit!

Imagine having a bandage for everything - wouldn’t that be great?

For a wound, there’s your healing bandage; for falling into a state of low emotions, grab the emotion stabilizing bandage; for depleted energy, put a rejuvenating bandage on; or for when nothing goes right, plaster on the bandage of hope and trust.

What if I were to tell you that March is such an all-in-one bandage? You’d probably tell me that I have lost it and gone bonkers in the process.

But I will risk it anyway. March is your bandage for everything and anytime!

Feeling depressed, exhausted, uninspired, under the weather, low in vitamins and such, could sleep all day long, don’t want to move an inch, let alone go outside or be social?

Do you wish to feel happy, energized, healthy, replenished, awake, zest to be able to move non-stop, a desire to go outside and meet everyone with bursts of joy and laughter?

March has that bandage effect and you can put it on at anytime, anywhere just like you would put one onto any wound while taking the appropriate steps:

  1. Acknowledge that you have a wound (in the case of this blog you acknowledge that you are depressed, exhausted, deprived, unmotivated, or such)

  2. Be aware of the pain (say hello to your downer mood) and that the pain is not helping the situation (hence you can’t get anything done, life could even be in a downward spiral)

  3. Then reach for the bandage (March-bandage-effect here you go, keep reading—clarity is coming) to cover your wound (your low-ness) with 100% surety that it’s there because you feel it (your unhappiness) but also have the complete knowing that under the bandage your wound (your low feeling) is protected and can actually heal properly. It will all be okay, you will be fine!

So how do you use March as your bandage for everything?

You use your mindfulness, awareness, imagination, visualization skills, and creative inspirations to find, see, hear, taste, smell and experience March’s gifts and fixate on that with your stellar focus. Add to that your acceptance of all your struggles, emotions, moods, and such and embrace how you feel while knowing and trusting that March has your wound - that March is a bandage machine - and you are in for a great set up for being and living.


Because the recipe for choosing to focus on joy and positivity will act like a bandage, covering your lows.

Fact is, focusing on feel-good things will always override any state of not feeling good.

And best thing about this is that nothing will be repressed in this process. Instead, the good just covers the not so good, keeping your moodiness clean from more low stuff piling up from the outer world, letting your emotions heal all on their own—through you feeling good more often than not and being busy experiencing the enjoyment of your intense focus on the magick of March!

So what are March’s gifts?

March in many parts of the world (if that’s not where you live maybe you can imagine your own type of bandages, in your March) is the time where flower heads are popping through the dirt, sunshine warms your face, longer evenings are experienced and the darkness of the night gets warmer—all while the remaining few snow flakes or freezing rain drops hit your face that one last magical time.

March is also when the local food starts to change, festivals are being announced, and some brave places put their outdoor seatings out again.

Oh my, March could even be when people wear their first T-shirts of the season or desperately push their sleeves up to catch a little baby-tan.

Those are just some March gifts you are invited to look out for and focus on when your lows hit. Just imagine that uplift of focus being the perfect bandage to cover your moodiness or struggles so they can properly heal on their own while you choose joy.

Staring at your wound and suffering would be odd, no? So is sitting in your lows and suffering.

March needs to be celebrated as a bandage-month offering wound care for free, anywhere at anytime. I want everyone to know about this free service and I want everyone to heal properly. So please share this public announcement and knowledge with everyone around you.

To give your bandages a little more color or offer instant bandages that have nothing to do with March but everything to do with my work, make sure you stay in the know about my March news supporting your wound care. So go, hurry and shop my offers!

  • My website www.freakyhealer.com has a new look and offers loads of bandages. Please, use this magnificent wound-care center—plus check out the style and let me know what you think.

With that new learning and fresh ways to look at your life, the world, and the month of March - not to mention bandages - I know that you have got this month in the bag because I believe in you and I know that no matter where you are, there are plenty of bandages available for you.

As always, feel free to reach out, I am here for you.


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Jacqueline Pirtle Jacqueline Pirtle

Fizzle Drizzle, Love Is In The Air!

Happy new month super star!

February seems like a month where winter starts to fizzle out while the feeling of “almost spring” drizzles in, creating sort of a mixed vibration that can be wildly confusing at times since excitement is part of that crazy fizzle-drizzle. Plus, add the essence of a love-potion like no other, Valentine's Day, to that mix and my sensitive being does not even know what’s up and down or left and right anymore.

How about you, how does February strike you? Are you someone who completely checks-out for good until it’s over, or someone who goes overboard with excitement, hearts, chocolate, and kisses?

Now don’t get me wrong I love February, it’s just that awareness of how I feel and think is of even higher importance than normal, and to stay balanced and afloat I think and feel ahead diligently in this wondrous month.

So how does one think ahead?

I think ahead with the intention of staying in clean energy, and to not be a sponge soaking up all the mixed-up-ness, because I know that not all the craziness is mine to begin with and I certainly don’t have to be part of every up and down that’s out there.

Let’s face it, a lot of people get in a February-funk!

I also think ahead every morning about what kind of day I want to experience, and every night about what type of rest I want. Thoughtful intention setting is a very powerful tool to send ahead your desires, almost like pre-ordering what you want, and then experiencing them as you go.

And how does one feel ahead?

I feel ahead into my days and nights to make sure I set the tone on how I want to feel while also creating a baseline I can ground myself with when I feel anything less than my intentional feelings I set for myself.

And I stay on point with feeling me and what’s mine by practicing daily habits and rituals to connect with my most inner self and stay pure and clean as me—but also to not give any of my mixups, or some that I pick up on the way, to my loved ones or clients. I take great pride in keeping me as mine and taking responsibility of owning myself.

But my real savior in this famous month of fizzle, drizzle, and love is definitely that I have the best valentine ever, my husband, and then even some more valentines—my grown kids and cats. I am definitely set and drenched with love, hugs, kisses, and chocolate in this time. Yes, I know, I am a lucky being!

So what if you don’t have a valentine right now and are like me; a mixed-up February mess?

For sure, do not skip or cancel this fizzle-drizzle excitement filled Valentine’s Day!

Instead get back to basics and reprogram, or relearn, what love really is, where its roots are, and what it has to do with you—even better, what it has to do with you being single. Diving that deep into this, I guarantee you will find it does not have anything to do with having a valentine in the first place—and everything to do with choosing yourself to be your biggest valentine.

So go journal about your love wisdom for yourself and make a list of what real love means for you - pampering moments and products, chocolates, books, self-hugging experiences, etc - then get all the ingredients and create your most precious valentines day ever—as a new experience, coming from new understandings, and definitely a new love for yourself.

Hint, hint:

Every year to this day - even I have a whole family of valentines - I celebrate myself as my own valentine in the biggest most crystal clear ways ever by gifting myself exactly what I want and need—time, experience, material gifts, anything I want for myself. It’s my best self-love practice ever!

As for winter leaving the nest, if you do like winter then honor these last winter days by really delving into the meaning they have for you; why do you like it so much, how do you feel in this joyous winter time, how can you make this well-being last way into the warmer days? And if you don’t like winter ask yourself how you can find peace and loving solitude in your least favorite season since disliking something that you have no control over - unless you move to the tropics - creates gunk in your wholesome system; body, mind, soul, and consciousness. Fun fact: you might find out that you actually like this slower season after all.

Also feel into the drizzling of spring (or any other new season depending where you live) arriving or that it’s so close you can almost taste it. What does that feel like? Excitement, a feeling of being free and prosperous—or something new that is about to embark in you, for you?

Last but not least, journal, my friend! It’s a wonderful practice through which you explore your deepest feelings and give birth to your creativity, clarity, and prosperity.

To support you in your life journey - no matter where you are - I have some amazing new offers I am incredibly proud of and want to share with you:

The following of my bestselling books are now newly also audiobooks:

NEWEST tool for you is my meditation library! Listen to all the meditations I have created. It’s a healing variety in which you meet your happiness, go on a walking meditation, learn how to do the dishes while meditating with water, and much much more. There are over 43 meditations in this library!

Plus, it’s not too late to get started with creating daily happiness in your prosperous 2024! Check out the 365 Days Of Happiness Program or the 28 Days Of Happiness Crash-course—both are just $1 per day. Can’t beat that!

I also have a freebie for you: I was hired to hold a talk about “How to make happiness a lifestyle” for over 100 patrons of the Schaumburg Library in Illinois. It was a brilliant event and the attendee’s reactions sounded like this: “I got so much out of this.” “All my questions about being happy were answered.” “This resonated so much with me that I am taking all you said to heart.” “I loved your workshop immensely and feel better just listening to you talking.” You can listen to the whole talk for free—make sure to have a pen and paper ready, it’s a hands-on presentation!

I wish you the most beautiful mixed-up February, may the fizzle-drizzle-love grow your wisdom uncontrollably and plentifully. And as always, reach out with anything, I AM here for you!


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Jacqueline Pirtle Jacqueline Pirtle

New Year New You, An Overrated State?

Hello YOU, most possible being,

Happy 2024! Here we are, already a few days into this new adventure representing a brilliant portal with hopefully many possible and desired changes floating around in your creative mind and loving heart—ready to manifest by being called into physicality through your thoughts, feelings, and actions, while already present in energetic form.

So with journal and pen in hand, are you ready to make your desire-list, your wishlist, your vision-board, or even a fortune wheel?

I say grab your excitement and let the following step by step approach lead the way:

First Step: Ask yourself what changes you want to make, what new habits you wish to create and what your new years resolution is for a better, healthier, and happier you. Have some fun, make your brilliant list!

Second Step: Ask yourself what you are basing these desired changes on:

  • Are they based on the fact that you could do better or that you have not lived fully yet? On your unhappiness of how it is right now and how you are not living up to your potential? On how bad you are feeling right now or have last year—emotionally, physically, energetically? On everything that you are hearing and everything that everyone is telling you—like how it should be, how you should be, and what you are not achieving or how you are not behaving?

    If you base your desired changes or your new years resolution on reasons mentioned above you indicate to yourself that something is wrong, that you are not enough, and that so far you have been living more like a struggler than a winner—none of which has a single grain of truth attached to them, plus think what these misguided reasons do to your desired and planned changes, but also to every single cell of your body. Nothing uplifting, that’s for sure—because you base 2024 on a bed of negativity and wrongness.

  • Or are your new ways based on wanting to grow, expand, and calibrate into a higher YOU? Meaning that basing your new years resolutions, or any changes you have in mind, on being grateful and accepting of who you are at this moment - the situation you are in right NOW together with the intent of achieving a growth, expansion, and calibration from the wonderful foundation of who you already are and what already IS - gives you winning fuel to follow through with your plans, experience personal growth successfully, and truly find the change you are looking for—because you base 2024 onto a bed of positivity and possibility.

    Here are some insightful and shifting questions to ask:
    Can I find grateful and accepting reasons for my desired changes and new years resolutions?
    Can I want to better myself because I want to grow, expand, and calibrate as the brilliant me that I already am, in the life situation I already am in?
    Can I thank, accept, respect, or even love myself - and my life - NOW and then build on that brilliance?

Third Step: Follow through with grace and joy, smile and dance, 2024 already loves you!


Okay, now my curiosity is tickled with excitment! What changing desires are on your list and what amazing high vibrational reasons do you have—what is fueling your personal growth in 2024? I want to hear, and I want to gift you your energetic reading for your personal and unique 2024 for FREE. Simply email me your list and expect a golden insight in your mailbox soon. Can’t wait!

And since I’m awesome just like you, and as your teacher of life, I won’t leave you hanging or unsupported—EVER! So here is a list of various favorite tools I created for you, to support your growth, expansion, and calibration in 2024:

  • 365 Days Of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake — The best-selling book, workbook, or Special Edition

    Being happy changes everything because you will tap into a limitless amount of energy, physical and mental wellbeing, and an existence filled with magic—most importantly, it makes you realize that feeling good is who you really are. By reading these daily passages you’ll shift your perspective to a high-for-life frequency, where an ecstatic way of being is a given. And by following the precepts within, you can soon enjoy the benefits of better living, because no matter the circumstances, happiness is for everyone. In 365 Days of Happiness you’ll discover:
    Daily passages, so you’ll start the morning feeling great
    Simple ways, to keep your joy going
    Your inner you, so you can stop questioning yourself
    Inspirational practices, to allow your prosperity to unfold
    And much, much more!

  • 365 Days Of Happiness: The Program or 28 Days Of Happiness: The Crash Course
    If you want to feel happier, healthier, have more fun in life and want to understand more about yourself, and life, then this course/program is for you. You will learn how to be and feel happy anywhere at any time, and about the changes you can make so you can feel well; and it will last you a lifetime. You’ll get:
    Weekly teachings—every week you learn from videos, writings, audio, meditations, and worksheets.
    Daily instructions—every day you receive a new happiness focus.
    Coaching videos, a meditation library, printable worksheets, audio-teachings, podcast episodes, proven book excerpts
    Even though every person is different, fact is you are a powerful being with a deep wish to feel happy and healthy, wanting to enjoy life at a more fulfilling level—meaning that you will feel changed and will look at yourself and life in better ways immediately.

  • Work With Me - Sessions and More
    Enjoy THE highest transformation with THE highest value by working with me one-on-one.

With that, my dear possible friend, I am wishing you the most brilliant new year and that this exceptional time of possibilities is prosperous and fertile for you and your loved ones.

Remember, “You are never alone!” so feel free to reach out. I’m always here for you.


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Jacqueline Pirtle Jacqueline Pirtle

What’s A Sparkle Got To Do With You?!

Happy December bright one, this year has come and gone in a jiffy, wouldn’t you say?

December is a month where sparkles are just a glimpse away. Just look around—so much magic lies in everything everywhere; in street lights, tree lights, shops and restaurants, even in children’s eyes

So latch onto this possible energetic mood lift that’s freely available in this festive month and glimmer away wherever and whenever you can.

And in celebration of everything that is important and all that's always possible, I urge you to have a seat and breathe for a minute—use that superpower of your lungs called “breathing” and fill those lung-tanks with magick, healing, love, and peace. Then let it go, making space for more of such brilliant energy in you.

How does that feel?

Now that you are all relaxed and cozy, in your mind go through every month of 2023 and note down something phenomenal, happy, beautiful that you experienced or manifested, and created in every single month that has passed.

This mindful honor of realization will not only open your eyeballs in the widest sense possible to what an incredible being you are, it will also make your heart flutter with joy about how blessed your life really is. And yes, a cup of tasty homemade tea with a cookie or such counts as such a brilliant moment—keep in mind when making your 2023 joy list, small can be really big in this gratefulness practice.

Which brings me to the “sparkle” part, or instead to when “sparkle” is not present in you, creating your famous holiday stress.

To straighten things out fairly: a bit of festive stress is exciting, and can be fuel to hype your vibe because stress means that there is energy present and anytime there is energy present, you are in the flow of life. Remember, everything and anything is energy and energy is always flowing, meaning that no matter what energy you are in - positive or negative - at least energy is flowing; versus being stagnant which goes against the flow of life, hence your life becomes really hard because you are living against the natural flow. So bravo if you are experiencing some stress, and instead of wanting it to go away completely, get excited about the flow of your energy—then use that excitement to shift from unwell-feeling stress to well-feeling excitement.

Voila, you just used your stress as fuel to go with the flow of life, health, and happiness.

Another option is to sit down with your holiday stress and have an honest chat about what it actually is, why it’s there, and how you could soothe it so it’s pleasant and can be your fuel of excitement, your sparkle that has everything to do with you.

Here are some prompts you could ask and journal about:

  • Where is that hurried exhausted-ness even coming from when there is so much joy in the air?

  • Could it be that I want things to be too perfect, or overdoing things that don’t need to be done, or be everywhere for everyone?

  • Do I need to slow down?

Then, taking those answers in, really listen to and respect what you need to do for yourself to be the spark you are meant to be.

If you need help with getting the hang of your healthy stress levels, finding out who you really are, planning your 2024 for energetic success, or want to hear about your energetic profile, you know where to find me.

Plus, here is a list of high-vibe tools I created for you and your loved ones. I am extremely proud of them because they work, are pure, and have been created through the best energy out there. They make fabulous gifts and will shift your loved ones to being happier than they have ever been. It’s a win-win for everyone, because wouldn’t you love to hang out with the happiest people ever?

  1. Check out my precious books - They will shift you and your loved ones into THE spark of a lifetime

  2. The 365 Days of Happiness Program or Crash Course - A perfect way to keep you shifting - daily - into the right direction

  3. Your Energetic Profile - This information about yourself will lift you into who you really are, creating guaranteed energetic success

  4. Or bring me to you, your loved ones, or into your business - In person or over zoom, experience a life-changing workshop, presentation, or class

Okay sparkler, sparkle on in your ever so bright light. I believe in you and know that you got this flattering December all figured out!


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Jacqueline Pirtle Jacqueline Pirtle

Is It Breaking You Or Making You?

Dear Beautiful Being,

It’s November, the time of year when I want to say "thank you" for following my work and for purchasing my sessions, books, programs and courses. Not only does your shopping make me happy, giving me fuel to keep going, I also know that you are living happier and with more fulfillment because of your wildly ways of investing in my tools and methods which beats any other reasons as to why I do what I do.

So as you are reading this, a huge “Thank You Cloud” filled with loving energy is arriving to embrace you warmly into a cozy hug. Right now, feel it; smile; and, if you can, share it with everyone around you!

This month I want to highlight something we all do and ask of others, all the time:

Remembering. We remember, and ask others to remember too.

Remembering is something natural and so simple, yet a lot of times we don’t understand or don’t know how to use the art of remembering or the practice of remembering as it is intended.

Instead, we remember the not good-feeling and unhelpful stuff or we make ourselves remember in negative ways the chores, bills, problems, pain, or even the lack of something because we think negatively about these chores, bills, problems, pain, and lack; but this negativity has nothing to do with the art of remembering - which is a wonderful, positive ability - but with how we perceive these things.

Remembering on its own is a very neutral and potent ability, meaning that depending on how you use it, it can either make you or it can break you—and in rather instant ways.

Most people practice remembering or think about the meaning of “remember” from an old habit of feeling the value of remembering from a hard-working and disciplinary energy, stemming from way back in time when they were kids. For example:

“Remember your homework.” “Remember to take your shoes off when coming inside.” “Remember the rules.” “Remember to say please and thank you.” “Remember the lessons at school," or, "don’t you remember how it works?” And so on…

We all heard it plenty of times growing up, used negatively and somewhat bossily.

I want you to close your eyes and imagine asking the word "remember" and the ability of remembering how it feels about that bitter, negative aftertaste it has been given over the years—or has been practiced as and then made into a habit generation after generation.

I can guarantee you that there’s no agreement, let alone any happiness, coming from the pure essence of what remembering and "remember" really is. Instead, I believe that "remember" and the art of remembering would advise everyone to remember that it’s meant to be used in more positive, or at least neutral, ways—and also to not forget how incredibly potent and immediately shifting it can be.

Remembering the friend - or telling a person to remember a friend - that made you mad, went behind your back, or hurt you in any way is breaking you. Literally! Remembering in such a way is breaking your natural cycle of being aligned with who you really are—with your possible health, well-feeling, and happiness; not only that, but also your success because it’s negative and hurtful, creating unhelpful feelings for you and everyone involved. Using the art of remembering in such negative ways creates unalignment because it’s the opposite of what you and everyone involved truly are: pure positive energy.

If you take remembering into the complete opposite direction, for example remembering the best meal you ever had, the biggest laugh you ever bellied out, the nicest gift you have ever given or received, the last time you went dancing, were happy, ate an ice cream cone, or trusted and loved unconditionally makes you, because it aligns you instantly with your perfectly fitting essence which is pure positive energy.

As for the chores, bills, pain, and such, realize that the negative impact is not to be attached to the art of remembering. Instead, ask yourself how you can shift your perception of these things to a better state and then remember them through joy.

So use the month of November to become aware of your negative ways of remembering, or asking others to remember. Reprogram your old habitual ways of "remember" and remembering and start using the act of remembering in helpful ways that make you, not break you.

Plus, November already comes with natural positivity because of its grateful vibes, supporting you to create your highest celebratory space, time, place, and habit to make a priority of remembering only the best of the best that was, and is, in your life. Deeply remember THAT while indulging into feeling these aligning emotions again and again, every day, multiple times.

Then after a week look back and investigate, like a detective, how much your life has changed. Promise; you will find a whole lot has changed.

Now, I get it—reprogramming yourself to remember in new and better ways can be hard at times because these habitual parts of you are automatic, while new ways have to be practiced over and over, very consciously.

That’s why having tools that help you to remember are useful, and lucky you, I got you covered. As a holistic practitioner and bestselling author with emphasis on the wholesome healing of people, I involve teachings like:

- Energetic living and businessing

- Happiness programs and courses

- Personal development books

- Mindfulness workshops

- Mediumship, psychic, and metaphysical teachings

- Hypnosis sessions for trauma release and deep relaxation

- And so much more…

Here are the top 4 tools I recommend for you to change your habits—so they don’t break you, and instead, make you:

  1. 365 Days of Happiness - The Program — Use code BLACKFRIDAY23 for 50% off original price

  2. 28 Days of Happiness - The Crash Course

  3. Life IS Beautiful - Here’s To New Beginnings — The Book

  4. Life-changing Journal Series

Helping in these healing ways means the world to me - actually, this is the only way I stay happy and healthy - and to be able to support and show people all over the world that they can be happy and healthy too is pure magic.

But wait, there’s more… How about a great list of special days you can remember during your break-your-habit month? To put a smile on your face and help you to get into your life’s a peach mood, here are some fun days to watch out for:

  • November 3: Cliché Day - I say old cliché of remembering out, while new remembering in!

  • November 4: Book Lovers Day - Get my books, get my books

  • November 6: Saxophone Day - Why not?!

  • November 7: Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day & International Merlot Day - Those go wonderfully well together!

  • November 8: Cook Something Bold Day - Remember, we are talking BOLD here!

  • November 9: Chaos Never Dies Day - It really never does, but remember not to entangle.

  • November 13: World Kindness Day - Who gets your kindness today?

  • November 14: Young Readers Day - Get my books, get my books

  • November 15: Clean Your Refrigerator Day - Remember it’s not the remembering’s fault!

  • November 16: Button Day - Button up!

  • November 17: Take A Hike Day - Where will you go?

  • November 20: Universal Children’s Day - Remember, the children are the future!

  • November 22: Love Your Freckles Day - I have plenty, want some?

  • November 30: Stay At Home Because You Are Well Day - Remember, you are well!

So remember, give “remember” a chance to make you instead of break you!


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Jacqueline Pirtle Jacqueline Pirtle

Hey October Let’s BE Sober!

And no, we are not (just) talking about alcohol here…

Hey there brave one,

First off, congratulations on making it this far into the year still wanting to learn how you can feel better, and even better than that. It takes a creative and willing mind to keep growing, especially not giving up after the sun and fun hit the fan and flew out the door to make space for fall. If fall is not the current season where you live, take the word “fall” and replace it with the appropriate new season happening for you—makes no difference because seasonal change is seasonal change after all.

So; why talk about “sober,” what kind of sober am I highlighting, and what does sober mean to/for you?

My answer is a bit abstract, but hear me out:

Sober is a state in which you stay clean of anything that poisons you - your mind, body, spirit - or fuels you to the point where you can’t stop anymore, see nothing wrong, but feel awful anyways.

It’s like something nudges you by saying “do it, do it” while deep down you know that this is not good for you. The nudge wins because it runs on old recordings and old habits practiced over and over, usually learned early on and based on guilt, fear, lack of love, or other such beliefs stemming from a constant passing down, generation after generation—while the little feeling and voice inside of you that knows it’s not good for you runs on self-love and knowing oneself, an entity that is malnourished in most people.

Fact is that anything that doesn’t feel good, is not right or aligned for you, is un-healthy, robs you of your energy, or makes you feel unlike yourself - but you do it anyways over and over without accomplishing change - creates an unwell life scenario in your mind, body, spirit in the long run.

By anything, I mean food (have you heard of the zone meals to balance your body?); bad relationships (what keeps you nurturing them even though you are not well in them?); harsh self-talk (usually coming from emotional trauma that can be released); constantly being busy (what are you avoiding?); pleasing other people (something drilled into you during your upbringing); being a clean freak (can originate from old trauma); binge-watching episodes (could you chose better options?); constantly sleeping (an ongoing deprivation of energy is not normal); living without honoring your limits (you probably never were asked where your limits really are or taught how to create them); and all the way to alcohol or even too much exercise.

All of the above examples and every single one that I have not mentioned are never your fault. They are simply things that you are doing or ways that you are behaving and for a long time, because you have not had the knowledge or simply cannot yet since your body - and being - is in such an unstable state (emotionally, physically, and energetically)—hence, you have not been able to create change no matter how hard you tried.

That is when I hear, “Nothing works” or even worse: “I give up.”

Realizing your unhealthy ways and embracing the fact that they don’t feel good and that you don’t even know your “why” in them is a great first step for change. Knowing that it is not your fault is also a much needed relief and sanity check, while understanding that you don’t have to live like that forever makes all the difference and opens opportunities to take responsibility to find solutions. More on that further down…

Take the October trees letting go of all their leaves. Just think how these trees would feel if they would hold onto these leaves—unhealthy! It’s no different for you—what fits is healthy and what doesn’t fit is unhealthy, no matter how many years you have been living like that. You change and so do your requirements of living a happy and healthy life. That is a good thing because it means that you are living in the natural flow of what life is - ever changing and ever new - meaning that you are supposed to sober up all the time, or at least allow yourself to do so in fall, together with the trees.

You have company my dear friend, you are never alone!

Plus, we ooh and ahh about these fall colors and fallen leaves to no end. Why not do the same for yourself, in your life, through sobering up - removing what makes you unhappy, unhealthy, unsuccessful - and replacing it all with a life that fits you now, until the next sobering party?

What’s the best way to start feeling better?

  1. Write about how you want to feel, think, and live your life—in your body, mind, spirit. Go short or long-winded here.

  2. Make a list of everything that does not fit your answers to 1. Those are the things that need to go; feelings, thoughts, foods, people, activities, and more.

  3. Next to these items in 2—write a plan as to how you can eliminate them and the timing in which you will do so. Stay nice to yourself and others here; remember, it’s your time of purification not fingerpointing or anger.

  4. Choose at least one new study tool that you can incorporate into your sobering-up party; a book, a program, a session. Here is a list of some of the best ones I know (I can vouch for these because I created them for you, my clients get results with them, or I have checked them out myself):

Also, go take nature walks in between the trees that are sobering up and feel the companionship and connectedness of being on the same path like these trees and their leaves—a journey of letting go to sober-up the natural course of your life.

And celebrate at least some of the following special days in October:

October 4: Improve Your Office Day - Colors or Flowers?

October 5: National Do Something Nice Day - For yourself and others!

October 7: World Smile Day - Grin from ear to ear!

October 10: National Angel Food Cake Day - BE that angel!

October 13: World Sight Day - We can all use that, for sure.

October 14: National I Love You Day - Stand in front of the mirror and say it!

October 16: Global Cat Day - Meow…

October 19: National New Friends Day - Who can you meet today?

October 20: National Day on Writing - Find my writings here!

October 22: Make a Difference Day - Your sobering-up makes all the difference.

October 24: National Food Day - Eat my friend, eat!

October 25: National I Care About You Day - I really do care about you a lot!

October 28: Frankenstein Friday - I wonder what you’ll do?

October 30: Mischief Night - Uhuh!

October 31: National Knock Knock Joke Day - Hahaha…

You are a powerful being that wants to feel better, be happier and healthier, and sober-up because it’s the best way to actually really allow to live a full life and love yourself unconditionally. I believe in you!

Happy sobering-up,

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Jacqueline Pirtle Jacqueline Pirtle

August Or September—Who’s Keeping Track?

Hello balanced friend,

It’s been a wild while hasn’t it? The August newsletter got completely lost on my end but I have a real good excuse. I love those silly reasons as to why something doesn’t get done and so should you; after all, we are free spirits that love to squeeze the most out of every moment in time. Yes that gets us into trouble with our to-do lists easily, but how important are these lists anyways? I think that’s a great question to ask.

I say, don’t be too hard on yourself or others for missing things on the to-do list - instead, imagine them being so happy playing that they just did not have the time to get whatever it was done or even think about anything else than their laughing times. What a wonderful visual, right?!

So here is my excuse: we moved back up north on the east coast and left the beachy surroundings of the south behind which took all my excitement, focus, and time. After 2 plus years of palm trees and the most gorgeous water scenery, we are back in the forrest with loads of green but also access to New York City, a place I am deeply in love with. I trust you can feel my happy self all the way where you are, making you feel good too!

August is always sweetly fruitful in energy and in life for me, since it’s slower but also more vivid in many ways. Can we say ‘‘yay’’ to the freedom of summertime? I truly hope you can and it was beautiful and rosy for you too.

This brings me to September; where warmth sneaks in showing in the colors from the leaves, and the cold that creeps closer from the sky and earth. What a perfect balance of warmth and cold that nature showcases, if you think about it that way!

This September I suggest that you really focus on all balance and what balance means for you; how it feels, looks, and even tastes or smells. What energy does balance represent for you—light or heavy, colorful or grey, happy or sad, powerful or timid, potent or weak, abundant or lacking; what is balance for you?

To create balance:

  • Look everywhere that there is already balance - in your life or for others out in the world - but also where you would like more balance or where it is missing. Ask yourself how you can create your perfect balance, one that fits for you and makes you feel good.

  • Contemplate on your thoughts and answers about balance and journal about it. You will be amazed how much you will learn about yourself, and how much your life will change, by spending some time over the month of September with your personal love for balance.

And if you ever get stuck just think about the balance nature brings to you in this brilliant month that I so much adore - because it’s also my birthday month, lucky me! - or invest in yourself by gifting yourself the best support tools out there:

Best books for creating balance:

  1. 365 Days of Happiness - Because happiness is a piece of cake

  2. Life is Beautiful - Here’s to new beginnings

  3. Life-changing Journals Series

  4. Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks

  5. The Power of Now by Eckhard Tolle

  6. The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton

To name a few great ones…

Best course to create happiness and balance:

365 Days of Happiness (originally the High-for-Life Membership) teaches you how to be happy and healthy and have the life you want—by supporting you a whole year in creating balance and change your life. This brilliant course is opening up shortly, in September, message me if you are interested.

I am sure there are other ones available, but this one I can vouch for because I created it and clients have been raving about my teachings:

I absolutely adore Jacqueline and love love love high for life!!! THANK YOU so so so much for all you have done to help so many with these wonderful daily and weekly teachings and meditations. You change lives… you have helped shape and change mine!!! You are simply the most amazing, giving, creative etc person out there. You give so much, and so unselfishly… Thank you again so much!!!

Jacqueline is a wonderful healer who uses her natural ability to heal energetically to help others. What I love most about her is that she gives you the tools that you need to help yourself. I have had the pleasure of benefiting from Jacqueline's gift. She is truly magical. I am now practicing 365 Days of Happiness and it is changing my life. Just a few minutes each and you will learn how to achieve a lifetime of happiness.

Best therapies and sessions to create balance:

Hypnotherapy for Emotional Trauma - Release your trauma to heal completely and change your life

Energetic Profile Session - Learn your reasons of who you are and why you are here—and implement THAT successfully

Energetic Session and Reading - Understand yourself and your life as it is to a tee to heal and create change

I can help you heal in any life-situation and under any circumstances and all changes are lasting for your lifetime—fact is that my work will help you, you will get better and you will be happy. I can say that with confidence and so can my clients:

I'm very grateful that I connected with Jacqueline. She worked with me for four weeks and it was truly life-changing. I am in the social work profession and recently decided to prioritize myself instead of focusing solely on helping others, so I decided to work with Jacqueline. That was one of the best decisions I have made for myself. You will see significant changes in a short period of time. Anyone, regardless of background, can benefit from Jacqueline's services. I highly recommend Jacqueline and will continue to work with her moving forward.

It is liberating to face your own blocks and to be finally free of the weight that they have caused for many years. And while for me the changes I’m experiencing are noticeable and real, I still feel like myself. Just a more sure self. Love working with Jacqueline!

To find out more about how I can help you too email me or text me.

And to not skip the fun, here are the marvelous holidays to keep an eye on in September:

  • September 1: Pink Cadillac Day (who has one of those?)

  • September 4: Eat an Extra Dessert Day (count me in!)  

  • September 5: National Be Late for Something Day (make sure you have the best excuse handy…)

  • September 6: National Read a Book Day (hint, hint; maybe read one of my books!)

  • September 7: Buy a Book Day (buy one of my books for yourself and your besties!)

  • September 9: Wonderful Weirdos Day (that’s my day…)

  • September 11: National Make Your Bed Day (why not give it a try…)

  • September 13: International Chocolate Day (I am Swiss, I don’t just eat chocolate I AM chocolate!)

  • September 14: Are You Okay Day (ask, “are you okay?”)

  • September 15: Felt Hat Day (got to go get one first)

  • September 16: Batman Day (okay, I’ll play Batman for a day!)

  • September 19: International Talk Like a Pirate Day (aarrrr!)

  • September 20: National Punch Day (I think they mean the drink not the action so stay nice!)

  • September 21: World Gratitude Day (gratitude is an immensely potent energy, practice it!)

  • September 27: National Scarf Day (swing that gorgeous scarf of yours over your shoulder and step into the world like the super star you are)

  • September 28: Ask a Stupid Question Day (“Have you read my books yet?” Stupid sales-question, but hey, it fits the day…)

  • September 29: National Biscotti Day (come on, join in, eat a biscotti!)  

  • September 30: National Chewing Gum Day (and no one's stopping you from blowing a bubble or two - enjoy the child-like joy with this holiday!)

There you have it! You are set with a focused goal on balance, the best tool list ever, and lots of fun celebrations, meaning you should have nothing less than a fabulous September ahead of you, and if not, you know where to find me.


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Jacqueline Pirtle Jacqueline Pirtle

Summer Bliss Or Sweaty Mess?

Hey there brilliant one!

Summer bliss or sweaty mess? That is the question. Yes you guessed right, we are talking about the month of July.

For some it’s the most glorious time of the year; they get to live in as little clothing as possible, soak in the humid sticky air that's great for their skin, and get a glowy look because of their well-earned sun-kissed skin—plus, everyone gets a chance to slow down based on the great alibi of “it’s hot so an afternoon nap is just what I deserve.”

Meanwhile, for others, it can be a drag to sweat like the sun is squeezing them for their last drop, not to mention the exhaustion of boiling inside and eventually giving into the cloudy brain-fog existence.

That brings up the valid question of what it is for you: a bliss or a mess?

Once you have honestly gathered all evidence and came up with a truthful answer, the questioning continues…

Ask yourself what you could do about it—especially if you are a hot-summer-mess. How could you make it a nicer time for yourself, what could you change so that summer actually has a fair chance to be that kind of bliss for you, and what could relieve your constant heat-groan-complaints? Make sure not to forget to also look into any traumas you carry that are connected to summer, giving you the willies just thinking about it.

In truth, I am confident that there is a way that you can make things better for yourself, even if summer is hard for you. I believe in you and your resourcefulness to take better and more fitting care of your needs and desires—and to love yourself so much that you find ways to a deeper well-being and well-feeling.

Now, if you are a happy-summer-bliss person then you have it easy because all you have to do is figure out how you can turn up the bliss even more, so it’s not the same like it was last year and all the other years before—even though those past summers were amazing. After all, you are always new and fresh; and so is every summer, always new and fresh. I say go for it, make this summer the best one yet!

For me as a redhead I was never famous for being the best in the hottest heat. Actually, in my younger years I was known for turning into a wilting sack of potatoes without energy or focused brain power to use—the result being, I counted myself as a summer mess. With age it got better, I did not feel the impact of it so much anymore and what with living at the beach the last two years, I got used to checking in with myself and my body all the time to see how I feel then taking measures to go slower and prepare for blood-sugar lows with nourishing myself accordingly. Simply put, I gave myself permission to be honest with myself about how much I enjoy summer and learned to make it nicer for myself, more fitting, and also healthier.

Pure self-love and well-being at its best! It’s why we are here after all.

As for how else you can make your July special, I have just the idea—go celebrate:

  • July 1 Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day

  • July 3 Compliment Your Mirror Day

  • July 7 Chocolate Day

  • July 10 Teddy Bear Picnic Day

  • July 11 Cheer up the Lonely Day

  • July 13 Embrace Your Geekness Day

  • July 15 Be a Dork Day

  • July 17 World Emoji Day

  • July 20  National Lollipop Day

  • July 22 Hammock Day

  • July 24 Tell an Old Joke Day

  • July 27 National Love is Kind Day

  • July 29 National Lipstick Day - Yes, I am a lipstick lover kinda lady…

  • July 30 Paperback Book Day - Time to check out my books ;)

You are now all set to make your July special by being equipped to overcome any struggles you might have and create the most bliss you've ever had—but if you need support let me know, because I will drop whatever I’m doing (or wake up from an afternoon-snooze) to help you get into your swing of a wonderful summer-time.

Happy July to you, special one!


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