Sweet Goodbye, And a Potent Hello!

Happy New Year, happy 2025, and happy January brilliant one!

January is quite the catch considering the constant shifts from stillness, expectations, to the mid month “gosh, time to start being productive again” it can hold and the everyday change it withstands.

Just think about it…

January 1, most people are reflective—mindful of this first day in the new year, maybe recovering and taking it slow or napping, walking in stillness, cleaning out the old to make space for the new, or playing extra with the kids or pets since normal day activities loom in the coming days. Some exercise to set a fitter tone, make wishlists and vision boards to manifest the year of their dreams, or set their new years resolutions, goals, and positive intentions with enthusiasm.

January 2, some go back to work while others are starting to think about work. Things are changing rapidly, just in one day.

January 3 - 10, there's even more change… Time to pick up with speed again.

Mid January: by now everyone is out of the holiday spirit, or funk, and the essence of “time to be productive and functional again” is on high alert.

Towards the end of January, all is back to normal and mindfulness takes a back seat because life is demanding and other needs must be met. Longing for the next days off are high and the new year is in full swing––no matter if it feels good or not, or if one holds the grand intentions that were set.

Life goes on!

This exceptional life span of January is a time filled with intense change every single day, and this change - if one is aware of it - is fully visible, showing that change is a normal essence of life and highlighting that we, just like the month of January, are able and strong enough to move gallantly in any change we encounter.

Why am I so sure about this? Well, you are living change as we speak. Just ask January!

That means you are, in fact, a trained professional in mastering change! Bravo.

Some say change is bad or hard and that they would rather things to stay as is, or that standing still or going backwards would feel better or good.

But that’s a myth, as well as not being possible.

Why? Because it goes against the flow of life in which every split second is new, is change, and becomes changed. For example, right now you are reading this but in a second this is not even valid anymore because you have shifted by reading this; you are a different person and have changed in just a second.

No change, going against change, wishing for the past or refusing change creates suffering, physical illness, emotional stress, a disconnect with your inner being, and an all-over un-wellness because it’s against how life works. Plus going against change, against life, uses up an enormous amount of energy––resulting in you feeling exhausted, uninspired, and unable to find joy in your days.

Hanging on to past stuff or wishing the past to come back keeps you from living your now, because your focus is on wishing for something that’s not happening now and is simply not possible to experience again.

One can almost say that by wishing for everything to stay the same (or bringing back the past) you are an unrealistic dreamer. To me that’s funny, since that’s what many say about people living life aligned with their inner self, spontaneously, positively, in love, happiness, constant laughter, and enjoying life’s experiences to the fullest by saying yes to change. So, really, who’s the unrealistic dreamer?

Fact is that change is the essence of life, and fighting against it is going against what life is all about and what we are here to experience; being in flow with life, with change. January is a really great example of that, and how you flow though this first month of the new year shows that you are a capable change experiencer.

But how can you make sure to get the most out the brilliance of January and its changing attitude?

First, don’t stress about how January should be. Instead, flow with your unique January experience and live it the way you want it to be––how you feel is right and good for you, with emphasis on feeling good in an empowered way.


  • If you want to make a New Years resolution do it; if you don’t then don’t.

  • If you want to clean out the old to make space for the new do it, if you don’t then don’t.

  • If you want to do anything, do it; if you don’t then don’t.

  • Smile, smile, and smile some more.

Make sure your choices come from the empowered state of “this is for me, feels good,” “this is not for me, it does not feel good,” and not from being lazy which is not an empowered state.

Here are a few potent inspirations to embrace change and create your well-est January yet:

  • Write a gratitude letter to 2024. Thank it for all it has brought for you, all that you have learned, and all the changes you experienced. Send it off with a blessed and grateful goodbye by ripping, burning, or burying this piece of words.

  • Write a welcome letter to 2025. Say hello in the most graceful way by letting it know how excited you are for the co-creation between the two of you. Write about what you wish for, what you want, and what your intentions are. Go into detail about how you will show up and what you will bring to the table. This one you can either put into an envelope to keep until the end of 2025 or rip/burn/bury when you have finished writing. Make it right for you!

  • Pick a word for 2025. Start with a word that feels powerful, but don’t stop coming up with more words until you reached the most potent one ever. Your word should wow you, shifting you into a heightened state. Make this word and how you feel about it a priority and your way of living 2025.

  • Set intentions of walking your journey mindfully, aware, and in light. Journal about it if that feels right for you.

I am huge fan of change and actually live for it because I love not only the excitement that change brings into my life, but also the flow and harmonious dance it creates when I say “yes” to change. I see and feel the opportunity of aligning, expanding, and calibrating with all these changes and wish that for you too.

To support you in embracing change in your life, I am offering 20% off everything in my store. Use code NEWME2025 at checkout to put a smile on your face :)

But I have even more to offer! To work with me one-on-one please check out my sessions, programs, classes, workshops, and special offers that are available for you to choose from on this site www.freakyhealer.com (click on WORK WITH JACQUELINE) or email me at info@freakyhealer.com to book a FREE consulting call to see what your needs are and how I can support you.

With gratitude and excitement for all your changes in 2025!

Jacqueline - FreakyHealer
✨ Your biggest fan ✨


✨ Please share and spread this incredible January news with anyone that could use some joy and change-wisdom for their 2025 ✨


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