Hey October Let’s BE Sober!
And no, we are not (just) talking about alcohol here…
Hey there brave one,
First off, congratulations on making it this far into the year still wanting to learn how you can feel better, and even better than that. It takes a creative and willing mind to keep growing, especially not giving up after the sun and fun hit the fan and flew out the door to make space for fall. If fall is not the current season where you live, take the word “fall” and replace it with the appropriate new season happening for you—makes no difference because seasonal change is seasonal change after all.
So; why talk about “sober,” what kind of sober am I highlighting, and what does sober mean to/for you?
My answer is a bit abstract, but hear me out:
Sober is a state in which you stay clean of anything that poisons you - your mind, body, spirit - or fuels you to the point where you can’t stop anymore, see nothing wrong, but feel awful anyways.
It’s like something nudges you by saying “do it, do it” while deep down you know that this is not good for you. The nudge wins because it runs on old recordings and old habits practiced over and over, usually learned early on and based on guilt, fear, lack of love, or other such beliefs stemming from a constant passing down, generation after generation—while the little feeling and voice inside of you that knows it’s not good for you runs on self-love and knowing oneself, an entity that is malnourished in most people.
Fact is that anything that doesn’t feel good, is not right or aligned for you, is un-healthy, robs you of your energy, or makes you feel unlike yourself - but you do it anyways over and over without accomplishing change - creates an unwell life scenario in your mind, body, spirit in the long run.
By anything, I mean food (have you heard of the zone meals to balance your body?); bad relationships (what keeps you nurturing them even though you are not well in them?); harsh self-talk (usually coming from emotional trauma that can be released); constantly being busy (what are you avoiding?); pleasing other people (something drilled into you during your upbringing); being a clean freak (can originate from old trauma); binge-watching episodes (could you chose better options?); constantly sleeping (an ongoing deprivation of energy is not normal); living without honoring your limits (you probably never were asked where your limits really are or taught how to create them); and all the way to alcohol or even too much exercise.
All of the above examples and every single one that I have not mentioned are never your fault. They are simply things that you are doing or ways that you are behaving and for a long time, because you have not had the knowledge or simply cannot yet since your body - and being - is in such an unstable state (emotionally, physically, and energetically)—hence, you have not been able to create change no matter how hard you tried.
That is when I hear, “Nothing works” or even worse: “I give up.”
Realizing your unhealthy ways and embracing the fact that they don’t feel good and that you don’t even know your “why” in them is a great first step for change. Knowing that it is not your fault is also a much needed relief and sanity check, while understanding that you don’t have to live like that forever makes all the difference and opens opportunities to take responsibility to find solutions. More on that further down…
Take the October trees letting go of all their leaves. Just think how these trees would feel if they would hold onto these leaves—unhealthy! It’s no different for you—what fits is healthy and what doesn’t fit is unhealthy, no matter how many years you have been living like that. You change and so do your requirements of living a happy and healthy life. That is a good thing because it means that you are living in the natural flow of what life is - ever changing and ever new - meaning that you are supposed to sober up all the time, or at least allow yourself to do so in fall, together with the trees.
You have company my dear friend, you are never alone!
Plus, we ooh and ahh about these fall colors and fallen leaves to no end. Why not do the same for yourself, in your life, through sobering up - removing what makes you unhappy, unhealthy, unsuccessful - and replacing it all with a life that fits you now, until the next sobering party?
What’s the best way to start feeling better?
Write about how you want to feel, think, and live your life—in your body, mind, spirit. Go short or long-winded here.
Make a list of everything that does not fit your answers to 1. Those are the things that need to go; feelings, thoughts, foods, people, activities, and more.
Next to these items in 2—write a plan as to how you can eliminate them and the timing in which you will do so. Stay nice to yourself and others here; remember, it’s your time of purification not fingerpointing or anger.
Choose at least one new study tool that you can incorporate into your sobering-up party; a book, a program, a session. Here is a list of some of the best ones I know (I can vouch for these because I created them for you, my clients get results with them, or I have checked them out myself):
365 Days of Happiness - The Program — NEW, the doors to this program are now open!
Life-changing Journal Series — Write yourself into happiness, health, and abundance with these brilliant journals.
Energetic Sessions — Work with me, one-on-one, to get to know your reasons, purpose, and the understanding of your life.
Hypnosis Sessions Emotional Trauma Release, PTSD, Progressive Relaxation — Potent sessions for you to let go and start fresh.
The Zone Way of Nourishing Your Body Book — Ask me for more information or if you want help with it.
The Shift FREE Movie By Wayne Dyer — Inspirational and thought provoking indeed.
The Medical Medium Book — Ask me for more information on complete healing.
Also, go take nature walks in between the trees that are sobering up and feel the companionship and connectedness of being on the same path like these trees and their leaves—a journey of letting go to sober-up the natural course of your life.
And celebrate at least some of the following special days in October:
October 4: Improve Your Office Day - Colors or Flowers?
October 5: National Do Something Nice Day - For yourself and others!
October 7: World Smile Day - Grin from ear to ear!
October 10: National Angel Food Cake Day - BE that angel!
October 13: World Sight Day - We can all use that, for sure.
October 14: National I Love You Day - Stand in front of the mirror and say it!
October 16: Global Cat Day - Meow…
October 19: National New Friends Day - Who can you meet today?
October 20: National Day on Writing - Find my writings here!
October 22: Make a Difference Day - Your sobering-up makes all the difference.
October 24: National Food Day - Eat my friend, eat!
October 25: National I Care About You Day - I really do care about you a lot!
October 28: Frankenstein Friday - I wonder what you’ll do?
October 30: Mischief Night - Uhuh!
October 31: National Knock Knock Joke Day - Hahaha…
You are a powerful being that wants to feel better, be happier and healthier, and sober-up because it’s the best way to actually really allow to live a full life and love yourself unconditionally. I believe in you!
Happy sobering-up,