Align, Expand, and Calibrate!

Lovable YOU,

It is, indeed, an intense time that brings forth the values we actually treasure, while also highlighting new ways that keep us going in the long run—or at least until we are shown an even newer version of different. But either way, you are here now, so I hope that you believe in your long-haul.

My heart is filled to the brim to be able to share with you how you can validate your longevity and dive deep into the essence of who you really are, immerse yourself there, and live from that substance filled with energy, wisdom, beauty, and life—becoming unquestionably clear that you are in charge of how - and also what - your quality of existence is and that you can change yourself to being and living more aligned, expanded, and calibrated at any time you wish!

Let’s face it:

Without alignment with your deepest inner truth of who you really are, it’s easy to feel lost and life can be uncertain. You are missing out on the beauty that you are and what life could be for you.

Without expansion, you are not able to show up as the bigness that you naturally are—however, if not aligned first, expansion can get you into the direction of unwell-feeling. 

Without calibration, you are not being and living the high-for-life energy you came here to BE. But beware, calibrating without aligning only gets you feeling better until whatever - chocolate, cake, or ice cream for instance - that happy-fied you wears off; when calibrating while aligned keeps you shifting higher and higher since there is never a ceiling as to how amazing you can feel. Or take calibration with alignment but no expansion—the steam to get all the way up on your feeling ladder will be little, or missing. 

You really, really, really are invited to use the whole system of aligning first, expanding second, and calibrating with joy into the infinite and beyond in order to truly BE and live YOU. I cannot press this point enough!

You might ask, “Is it hard?” No it is not, and anybody who tells you otherwise is wrong, because it’s not like you need to learn something new—you already know how to do it and you already ARE all that bliss! All you need is knowledge, practice, and to choose, commit, and focus on a lifestyle that feels amazing—then cultivate it to make it your normal way of existing. Think of it like you are going to the beach in a full body-armor-suit but realize on the spot that it is not fitting or comfortable, so right then and there you plan on wearing a bathing suit next time you go beaching and commit to focus on remembering that more aligned choice you just made—the outcome being that when the day comes and you head to the beach in your bathing suit, you will feel amazing, so much so that you will always put this new custom as a priority since you are now hooked on how incredible it feels. 

Alignment, expansion, and calibration shoots you into the sky with the stars; and there - in that open space - a whole world of possibilities, wellness, happiness, and wonder awaits—as well as limitless wisdom that comes from your energetic part - your soul being, your inner you, your higher self, or however you wish to call it - but also from your one-ness with consciousness, where all information is held. 

You are a whole being comprised of a physical body, mind, soul, and consciousness, here to experience life through physicality and alignment with your soul being—expanding and calibrating into bigger and more at all times through human-ness and from the core of the energetic essence that makes everything and everyone. As part of that energetic bundle, you are vibrating in frequencies, some lower than others—preferably higher ones, since they are the frequencies that feel truly amazing. You are capable of switching between these frequencies as you wish. Simply said, what you focus on is how you feel and how you feel creates your next—it’s like you are holding a compass and can constantly see where you are, but also where you are headed to:

• I am aligned—feeling great

• I am aligned and expanded—feeling great and powerful

• I am aligned, expanded, and calibrated—feeling great, powerful, and over the moon blissful

• Unaligned, not expanded, not calibrated—without a clue, unwell, and can’t stay happy to save your life

This Align, Expand, and Calibrate journal exists to help you to BE and live more of YOU and grab this time of intensity with your heart—to shift to feeling amazing anyways, no matter what, by helping you to turn your old ways upside down - and inside out - so the old unconnected way doesn’t exist anymore. From there you can find new and unique preferences that fit your aligned being, so you will go out into the world being the bright light that you actually are.

I say, let’s not lose another second to any unaligned misery; and instead - as your new aligned, expanded, and calibrated YOU - create a life beyond your dreams where an ocean of opportunities will catch hold of you, not to mention you will become ONE with joy and gain the excitement of living an extraordinary life filled with incredible manifestations. 

Surely you understand that such a lifestyle still includes ups and downs, lefts and rights—lots of great moments for you to practice aligning, expanding, and calibrating. Being okay with however things are - even in hard times - and creating pure alignment by not giving any unaligned thing the oxygen to be the main attraction in your life, means that you are making your aligned, expanded, and calibrated YOU the main star. Just consider the epic-ness of that!

Journaling through the 30 day - or 90 day - edition of Align, Expand, and Calibrate gives your best version of you the spotlight and brings a huge heightening into the equation so you can experience life like you never have before, craft a time beyond your expectations, and love what you live—to the extent of becoming a master in living consciously, mindfully, and feeling phenomenal, while manifesting the best of the best. It’s a change that is forever! 

As a side note, there are a couple of bonus days at the end in case you ever find the need to do two entries in a day, or so you can keep working while you wait for the next journal in this series to arrive. I also left you a few blank Align, Expand, and Calibrate pages to journal about deepening your ways of being proudly alive.

Enough chit-chat! I know you are ready, so grab your copy here - or on Amazon - and get your pen ready, to have incredible fun and catching more life than you have ever caught in your new crazy ways.


P.S. The Italian journalist Anna Maria Polidori kindly reviewed Align, Expand, and Calibrate:

“Align, Expand, and Calibrate—doing these three steps, you won't live a distorted existence anymore but will be satisfied and happy, a complete you, thanks to this powerful journal by Pirtle.”

Read more on her blog!


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