May’s free book goes to…
This fills me with excitement because we have a journaler on our hands…
Sebastopol, California!
I have never been that far north in California, but after reading up on it I really should visit since it is wine country up there and I'm a wine crazy lady—to mildly spill the beans. Do you like wine?
The winner chose 365 Days of Happiness - Because happiness is a piece of cake - The Special Edition, which fills me with excitement because we have a journaler on our hands! The Special Edition of my book has lines on every page for precious notes to be written down, and as a fact journaling is extremely powerful, bringing to attention thoughts that otherwise would not be, or be, but are then forgotten. I am curious, what are your thoughts on journaling?
So without further due, “Congratulations to the winner, I hope you have a happy time with your bounty!”
This leaves me with a fun announcement I hope you will love and get all giddy about:
For next month's lucky prize, the new monthly winner will receive one free month in my new High-for-Life Membership to try it out and dig deep into their own wonderful happiness.
I can't wait to congratulate the first winner, and who knows? It might be you!
In case you are wondering what the High-for-Life membership is all about, you can find out more here—and if you have questions, simply reply to this email and I will happily help you out.
Until next time,
P.S. Feel free to share this email with your friends - for them to have a chance to win too - by forwarding it and letting them know that you love them very much :)
Ready for an upgrade?
Ready for an upgrade? If your answer is “no,” stop reading! But if your answer is “YES!” then by golly, take a deep breath and keep on going. “What does an upgrade even mean?” you might ask.
If your answer is “no,” stop reading!
But if your answer is “YES!” then by golly, take a deep breath and keep on going.
“What does an upgrade even mean?” you might ask.
An upgrade is always something that is better, higher, more valuable, or of a more desired nature than what already is present. Not saying that what you already have is not good - because that would go against the law of gratitude - instead, it just highlights that where you are or what you have is in need of betterment; with that, in harmony with the ever expanding essence of being alive.
So, let me take you to your upgrade:
The new High-for-Life Membership, the doors to which opened just a few weeks ago!
It’s a space of magic in which you will be inspired every single day to shift into your newest upgrade and feel better as a guaranteed result—besides receiving weekly coaching, live sessions, and much much more.
And most importantly, you’ll have unlimited access to my brilliant energy!
Here's what Members are already raving about:
I feel better right away because of the uplifting energy, teachings, and transformation that’s available immediately.
I am learning how to be happy when I’m not—it’s instantaneous.
Jacqueline’s coaching style is light and uplifting—yet deeply potent, shifting me quickly into a one-of-a-kind well-feeling.
Your upgrade is literally waiting for you, all you have to do is take the leap!
Are you in or are you out?
Go to and join right now—the new daily and weekly teachings are already up for this week.
Can't wait to see you inside the High-for-Life Community!
Happiest, Jacqueline
March’s free book goes to…
How wonderful that I always get to look up the new places these winner books go every month; and a lot of the time, it's a new corner of the earth that I have not seen yet. I have been in and close to Atlanta before - both for a longer stay, and also to drive through on my way south - but I have not been to Conyers GA yet.
What makes this winner's choice so brilliant is that they decided to go for…
Atlanta Georgia in the United States—more precisely, a suburb!
How wonderful that I always get to look up the new places these winner books go every month; and a lot of the time, it's a new corner of the earth that I have not seen yet. I have been in and close to Atlanta before - both for a longer stay, and also to drive through on my way south - but I have not been to Conyers GA yet.
What makes this winner's choice so brilliant is that they decided to go for 365 Days of Happiness - The Special Edition. This paperback version of 365 Days of Happiness is not only bigger in size, it has a beautiful orange cover instead of the original lovely blue, and has journal space after every daily passage—hence, it's a very special edition.
I can't wait to hear what they think when they hold it in their hands!
Journaling about what you are reading right there on the spot lets you write down your initial thoughts and what the words you just read originally initiated, and will initiate, for you. This is very powerful, because not only will you remember your newfound wisdom better once they are on paper, you will also be able to go deeper into your thoughts and run with them since journaling is like opening a floodgate, letting your inner you flow up and out freely.
And once you start, you can't stop anymore—how glorious is that?
Which brings up next month! April is here and I get to choose a new winner. In truth, I’m really excited because maybe this time it's going to be YOU—so you might as well start thinking about which book you will choose and stay tuned, watching your emails closely.
Until soon, lucky one.
High-for-Life Living Expert
P.S. Please share and spread with your friends and loved ones, tell them that they too, have the chance to win a book of mine. Simply forward this email to them and have them subscribe here, to enter their names!
March is a month of many brilliant happenings!
For many people, March is when they get to break out their favorite warm-weather wardrobe after wading through the icy cold of winter. But there's so much more going on in this busy month! Let's take a look at some of the brightest happenings:
March is a month of many brilliant happenings!
For many people, March is when they get to break out their favorite warm-weather wardrobe after wading through the icy cold of winter. But there's so much more going on in this busy month! Let's take a look at some of the brightest happenings:
International Women's Day 2022, March 8
The beginning of Daylight Saving Time USA 2022, March 13
St. Patrick's Day 2022, March 17
The start of Spring (spring equinox) 2022, March 20
International Transgender Day of Visibility 2022, March 31
But that 's just the tip of the March iceberg—or shall we say the March-berg!
March is all about rejuvenation, friendship, and new beginnings; and with March 20th being the International Happiness Day, I think this year you should join me in making your own happiness day a big success by wearing something bright while eating a cupcake or two, and reading my book 365 Days of Happiness - Because happiness is a piece of cake.
Why? Because it can't get any better than that!
Here's to a marvelous March! I truly wish you a blissful time and hope to hear from you with your glorious stories about what the happifying madness of March means to you.
October’s free book went to…
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I have never been in Winnipeg before, so the joy that my book 365 Days of Happiness is at an unknown-to-me place is grand and exciting—and I assume that it’s gorgeous there.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I have never been in Winnipeg before, so the joy that my book 365 Days of Happiness is at an unknown-to-me place is grand and exciting—and I assume that it’s gorgeous there.
Thanks for accepting your bounty, lucky October winner, and I hope that you love your chosen book. It is, indeed, a phenomenal choice you made!
Have you signed up to win a book yet? You could be the lucky one next month, since this winning-event is a monthly thing I do.
Happiest and with the best wishes,
Happiness and Joy During Turbulent Times
The biggest myth is that happiness is outside or separate from you.
Choose: Nothing ever goes on without a choice being made first — no cake is baked without someone choosing to bake it, no bed is made without someone choosing to make it, and no life is filled with happiness without someone choosing to be happy.
It was incredibly honoring and insightful to be invited to write for Authority Magazine’s interview about the subject on:
How To Live With Joie De Vivre, Even When It Feels Like The Whole World Is Pulling You Down
I invite you to go check it out at Authority Magazine—and stay tuned, future publishing dates in additional publications are following.
I hope you enjoy my wisdom and are inspired to BE and live happy and well, no matter the circumstances.
August’s free book went to…
Beautiful Vermont!
I visited Vermont back in time and remember the glorious nature, wonderful views, and very friendly people—as well as the most creamiest macaroni and cheese ever. Yummm!
Beautiful Vermont!
I visited Vermont back in time and remember the glorious nature, wonderful views, and very friendly people—as well as the most creamiest macaroni and cheese ever. Yummm!
Thank you Cassondra for accepting the bounty of your chosen book 365 Days of Happiness - Because happiness is a piece of cake - The companion journal workbook, and as you shared with me, purchasing the matching parent book 365 Days of happiness - Because happiness is a piece of cake.
This should set you up for a great time to come!
On we go to picking the winner for September with the utmost excitement!
If you haven’t yet, sign up here to have your shot at winning one of my wonder-books.
Psst… Another $0.99 Book Day!
365 Days of Happiness - Because happiness is a piece of cake is having a very happy time indeed, because it is the star for a short time—it’s on super-sale for $0.99 for a few days!
To let you know what this phenomenal book is about I excitedly share the details with you:
365 Days of Happiness - Because happiness is a piece of cake is having a very happy time indeed, because it is the star for a short time—it’s on super-sale for $0.99 for a few days!
To let you know what this phenomenal book is about I excitedly share the details with you:
365 Days of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake is your daily tool to create a habit of living your every day bliss, and is the parent companion to the 365 Days of Happiness journal workbook.
Being happy changes everything because you will tap into a limitless amount of energy, physical and mental wellbeing, and an existence filled with magic—most importantly, it makes you realize that feeling good is who you really are.
By reading the daily passages in this book you’ll shift your perspective to a high-for-life frequency, where an ecstatic way of being is a given. And by following the precepts within, you can soon enjoy the benefits of better living, because no matter the circumstances, happiness is for everyone.
In 365 Days of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake, you’ll discover:
Daily passages, so you’ll start the morning feeling great
Simple ways, to keep your joy going
Your inner you, so you can stop questioning yourself
Inspirational practices, to allow your prosperity to unfold
And much, much more!
365 Days of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake is your yes-sayer guide for you to move beyond your unhappiness and on to loving every single day—add the 365 Days of Happiness journal workbook, and you’ll have a rock solid system for you to live happily ever after.
Grab your $0.99 copy and get started—then be ready for a great shift to happiness in every aspect of your life.
Enjoy and until soon,
June’s free book went to…
365 Days of Happiness
Because happiness is a piece of cake!
It’s amazing to be able to send my books all over the world and know that they are loved and devoured in many places—even those I have not been to yet. I have been known as a world-traveller since a young age, and my family shares this love of experiencing different specks of the world with me.
So with giggles and smiles I was able to send June’s free book to Boone, Iowa, USA!
The winner chose 365 Days of Happiness - Because happiness is a piece of cake! which I call my flagship book since it is my first, published in 2018. It is a daily passage book helping you to discover how to choose mindful happiness—no matter the circumstances and without needing anything or anyone to change, because you can always BE and live happily as-is and right now!
365 Days of Happiness is the parent companion to 365 Days of Happiness - the companion journal workbook—together they make up your rock-solid tool to stay on your own personal happiness path.
365 Days of Happiness also comes in a Special Edition, one that has the daily passages combined with space for you to journal every day.
You see, I take my happiness spreading very seriously!
Congratulations Boone, Iowa, it was a gift to send your book your way.
Next will be the July winner! Don’t forget that to win, subscribe on my site and tell your friends to do the same!
365 Days of Happiness for only $0.99
365 Days of Happiness - Because happiness is a piece of cake!
Every day bliss, can you imagine?
Guess what?
My bestselling book 365 Days of Happiness will be on sale for $0.99 starting July 15, for a few days only. How exciting for me to be able to share my healing work with you for such a great dime.
365 Days of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake is your daily tool to create a habit of living your every day bliss, and is the parent companion to the 365 Days of Happiness journal workbook.
Being happy changes everything because you will tap into a limitless amount of energy, physical and mental wellbeing, and an existence filled with magic—most importantly, it makes you realize that feeling good is who you really are.
By reading these daily passages you’ll shift your perspective to a high-for-life frequency, where an ecstatic way of being is a given.
And by following the precepts within, you can soon enjoy the benefits of better living, because no matter the circumstances, happiness is for everyone.
In 365 Days of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake, you’ll discover:
Daily passages, so you’ll start the morning feeling great
Simple ways, to keep your joy going
Your inner you, so you can stop questioning yourself
Inspirational practices, to allow your prosperity to unfold
And much, much more!
365 Days of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake is your yes-sayer guide for you to move beyond your unhappiness and on to loving every single day—add the 365 Days of Happiness journal workbook, and you’ll have a rock solid system for you to live happily ever after.
If you like to feel good, appreciate being alive, and want to squeeze the most out of life, then you’ll love my effective teachings.
What are you waiting for?
Get your ebook copy for only $0.99 today on amazon
May’s free book goes to…
This new enjoyment of picking a winner for one of my books every month makes me really happy as it is a wonderful way to give back to my community and to say: “Thank you for being here!”
My book went to New York which actually used to be my home-state in the past. The winner picked the Special Edition of 365 Days of Happiness. Thanks for the wonderful picture, I love that you are enjoying the gift.
To have a chance to win too, sign up here at We choose a winner every month.
Can't wait to see who gets it in June!
Mindful Happiness
I’m super excited to share with you the episode replay of Spirit Sessions: A View of the Light in which I was a guest to talk about mindful happiness, chocolate, crystals, and 365 Days of Happiness. Tune in for a fun time and great giveaways!
Are you truly happy?
Just how close are we to our true happiness? Is it something that we need to pursue or is there another way?
I can’t wait for this Sunday! Why? Because I’m a guest in Spirit Sessions—we’ll have a great conversation with great people about happiness, mindfulness, and much, much more.
Come join us live this Sunday May 23 at 12pm ET - 9am PT
Spirit Sessions is hosted by Bex Marie, Rhonda Elliott, and Teresa Warren—tune in at
Psst… there will be giveaways!!!
April's free book goes to...
April was the first month where we picked a winner - of my subscribers at - for one of my books.
My book went to Italy! The winner picked the Special Edition of 365 Days of Happiness, and it makes me happy.
Thanks Anna Maria Polidori for posting about it. Love that you are enjoying the gift.
To have a chance to win too, sign up here at We choose a winner every month.
Can't wait to see who gets it in May!
And we have two winners!
One winner is in California and one in Indiana—they each receive the gift of a luxurious bath set and the 365 Days of Happiness Series as a Mother’s Day Celebration. Congratulations!
And thanks @surfsupessentials for teaming up to make some moms really happy.
Mother’s Day Gift-away!
Last day to enter!
Have you entered yet??? This gift-away runs on Instagram @freakyhealer until today, Sunday May 2—because we know that you deserve to BE and live happily pampered!
Entry on Instagram is easy peasy:
✅Follow @surfsupessentials on Instagram
✅Follow @freakyhealer on Instagram
✅Like & save the gift-away post on both accounts on Instagram
✅Tag two friends on Instagram
‼️‼️To earn a bigger chance to win:
Share give-away posts in your stories on Instagram—from both accounts @surfsupessentials and @freakyhealer
Best thing, there will be 2 lucky winners that receive each a set of:
A luxurious bath set, soothing your heart:
8 oz Soy wildflower candle
2 oz Pink Himalayan Bath Salts infused with Wildflowers
1 5 oz Butterfly Lavender Soap Bar
🦋 Fragrance free
🦋 Palm oil free
🦋 Made with 100% Organic/Cold pressed ingredients
🧁The 365 Days of Happiness Series🧁
The bestseller with daily passages, plus the companion journal workbook with profound quotes and questions and room for your notes. Books that truly shift you into your daily happiness!
❗️Giveaway on Instagram only, from April 28 - May 2
❗️USA only
❗️Must follow the entry rules!
A Personal Message About Happiness
Join me for a few minutes of happiness—and win a paperback copy of my bestseller 365 Days of Happiness (USA only).
‘Redheads are witches!’ From my first breath, I was different. I had to find love within myself.’
Looking forward, living forward, and being forward!
Anna Maria Polidori – Reviewing the NEW 365 Days of Happiness journal workbook!
“365 Days of Happiness Because Happiness is a Piece of Cake by Jacqueline Pirtle becomes a Journal! Hooooray! Precisely... The Companion Journal Workbook to 365 Days of Happiness. This one is another amazing tool promising a step-by-step guide to being happy on a daily base. I was bewitched by this book when I first read and reviewed it. Another stunning tool for everyone, arrived in a heavy moment, and for this reason much much more important for all of us.” ~ Anna Polidori, Journalist, Book-Reviewer, Book Blogger
The NEW 365 Days of Happiness Series
What happens in the family stays in the family—meet the whole gang of 365 Days of Happiness!
I have been a bit quiet about my NEW prides because I wanted them in my hands before posting. I love to see and feel my NEW books first—then share them with the world.
Meet my NEW 365 Days of Happiness book editions! They make the 365 Days of Happiness book series complete. At least for now, lol.
The bestseller—365 Days of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake. This daily passage book was published in 2018 and has since become a dear daily guide to many.
NEW!!! The companion journal workbook to 365 Days of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake (book or special edition). This workbook has profound daily quotes and questions matching the daily passages in the book—for you to write about your thoughts and answers. It’s for journaling lovers!
NEW!!! The Special Edition of 365 Days of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake has room for your precious notes after every daily passage—to journal your heart out.
If you like feeling good and love being happy, you’ll enjoy this exciting 365 Days of Happiness book series—your rock solid tool to enjoy your everyday bliss and rooted support for you to BE and live happy. No matter what.
Thank you Kingwood Creations for a stellar book cover design, Lionel Madiou for a fabulous headshot, and Zoe Mina Pirtle for incredible editorial work. I could not have done it without you talented and fun professionals.
Get 365 Days of Happiness to start your year of joy today.