February's free book goes to...
No other than the state of NY!
New York - the city - is a soft spot because we lived there for quite a while and to me it's a thrilling place with all its activities, people, restaurants, museums, parks, bridges, and so much to do at any time.
No other than the state of NY!
New York - the city - is a soft spot because we lived there for quite a while and to me it's a thrilling place with all its activities, people, restaurants, museums, parks, bridges, and so much to do at any time.
Living in New York taught me a lot about how to tend to my energy and take excellent care of it, and to stay pure and light, since it can be tiring with millions of people all in one spot and with all the impressions 24 hours a day. Doing so, I learned to feel this brilliant city as an energetically pumping location, inspiring me to be a more spiritual me. I am grateful for that!
February's winner chose What it Means to BE a Woman - And Yes, Women Do Poop! as their prize, which made me incredibly happy because not only was it International Women's Day a few days ago, it is also Women's History Month in the United States.
The book What it Means to BE a Woman came to me - yes, all my books come to me as lightbulbs - after I published Parenting Through the Eyes of Lollipops and thought to take a break from writing a next book. But that was not so; my inner push to write this new book was so intense that I started writing it immediately without really knowing what it will include.
Interestingly it ended up sharing a lot about my personal story, which is special because I am a very private person. I don't share too much about me since I want my books to be about - and for - you, so you can get closer to yourself by being a witness of my solutions without getting engulfed in my own life situations. Yes, What it Means to BE a Woman is very dear to my heart.
I congratulate my NY State community member for winning and I truly hope they love their new book!
Which brings me to YOU, my dear reader! Firstly, thank you for being here with me in my community, and secondly, the March winner is being chosen as we speak—hopefully, it will be you.
So stay tuned, but also tell your friends and family about the chance of winning one of my books when they subscribe because that heightens your chances to get a book of mine into your circle of loved ones, meaning, you get to snag it and read it too.
Look what the pink dreams brought!
Thanks to my friend Ivy Ngeow we have this scrumptious pink selection of books and more. Her new book Midcentury Modern: 15 Interior Design Ideas is inspiring, and mine, What it Means to BE a Woman, fits right in with power, pink, and clarity. Check them out pink-lovers!!!
Thanks Ana Voicu for all my beautiful book covers—they are the vision of my heart!
‘Redheads are witches!’ From my first breath, I was different. I had to find love within myself.’
Looking forward, living forward, and being forward!
Remarkable Single Moms Summit
Finally live a life that you truly love!
Are you feeling stuck as a single mom, always putting yourself at the bottom of your priority list and feeling like you’re not living the life you desire?
Join Host Jana Sinclair as she interviews experts who share their advice on everything from finances, parenting, wellness, following your dreams and finding love again.
Join us for 14 days - February 14 to February 28 - of interviews for FREE!
It's not too late, sign up today!
Hello World!
I have a new style!
Out with the old and in with the new! That’s what I thought about my wonderful old website that has served me and my work so incredibly long and wide. I am grateful for how much news it held and how willing it was to hold all these masses of exciting events, book reviews, interviews, podcasts, and pictures—yes, lots of pictures.
With a thankful heart, I did the switch to this cleaned up and fresh new look. Meet my new place, my re-done face, and my purest high-for-life space where I will treat you to news, articles, excitement, and also an opportunity to win one of my books on the first of every month.
The first winner will be drawn on April 1 - NOT an April Fools' joke - and will receive the happy email a few days after. Hey, you never know, you could be the lucky one after all.
So with a bang and lots of cheers, help me welcome my new website!
Here is to lots of fun, great content, and limitless business—right here and now.