July’s free book went to…
The winner chose Life IS Beautiful - Here’s to New Beginnings
A wonderful and inspiring manual with 6 steps to living a beautiful life while also helping you to fill your fake void.
The winner chose Life IS Beautiful - Here’s to New Beginnings
A wonderful and inspiring manual with 6 steps to living a beautiful life while also helping you to fill your fake void.
Does that make you curious?
I sure hope so!
Get your copy and grab a blanket and your favorite pen—because there are some lines in this book for you to journal about your findings. Then make time for yourself and choose a comfy seat to spend some precious moments with this enchanting guide.
Don’t forget to let me know what you think or ask me any questions you might have.
Plus get excited, because you might be the August winner!
Until soon and happiest,
‘Redheads are witches!’ From my first breath, I was different. I had to find love within myself.’
Looking forward, living forward, and being forward!
Remarkable Single Moms Summit
Finally live a life that you truly love!
Are you feeling stuck as a single mom, always putting yourself at the bottom of your priority list and feeling like you’re not living the life you desire?
Join Host Jana Sinclair as she interviews experts who share their advice on everything from finances, parenting, wellness, following your dreams and finding love again.
Join us for 14 days - February 14 to February 28 - of interviews for FREE!
It's not too late, sign up today!
Hello World!
I have a new style!
Out with the old and in with the new! That’s what I thought about my wonderful old website that has served me and my work so incredibly long and wide. I am grateful for how much news it held and how willing it was to hold all these masses of exciting events, book reviews, interviews, podcasts, and pictures—yes, lots of pictures.
With a thankful heart, I did the switch to this cleaned up and fresh new look. Meet my new place, my re-done face, and my purest high-for-life space where I will treat you to news, articles, excitement, and also an opportunity to win one of my books on the first of every month.
The first winner will be drawn on April 1 - NOT an April Fools' joke - and will receive the happy email a few days after. Hey, you never know, you could be the lucky one after all.
So with a bang and lots of cheers, help me welcome my new website!
Here is to lots of fun, great content, and limitless business—right here and now.