June’s free book went to…
365 Days of Happiness
Because happiness is a piece of cake!
It’s amazing to be able to send my books all over the world and know that they are loved and devoured in many places—even those I have not been to yet. I have been known as a world-traveller since a young age, and my family shares this love of experiencing different specks of the world with me.
So with giggles and smiles I was able to send June’s free book to Boone, Iowa, USA!
The winner chose 365 Days of Happiness - Because happiness is a piece of cake! which I call my flagship book since it is my first, published in 2018. It is a daily passage book helping you to discover how to choose mindful happiness—no matter the circumstances and without needing anything or anyone to change, because you can always BE and live happily as-is and right now!
365 Days of Happiness is the parent companion to 365 Days of Happiness - the companion journal workbook—together they make up your rock-solid tool to stay on your own personal happiness path.
365 Days of Happiness also comes in a Special Edition, one that has the daily passages combined with space for you to journal every day.
You see, I take my happiness spreading very seriously!
Congratulations Boone, Iowa, it was a gift to send your book your way.
Next will be the July winner! Don’t forget that to win, subscribe on my site and tell your friends to do the same!