Book Review of High for Life - The best case scenario!
High for Life - The best case scenario!
Available as:
A 30 day journal
A 90 day journal - The Extended Edition
The journalist Anna Maria Polidori has been reviewing my books for quite a while now and certainly always brings up interesting thoughts and perspectives when it comes to my work and my books. Here is her wisdom about High for Life - The best case scenario! that was released just a short while ago:
When I accidentally met 365 Days of Happiness - Because Happiness is a piece of Cake I didn't know the author Jacqueline Pirtle and the sparkle of magic she brings into the existence of many women all around the world with her encouraging self-help books. Jacqueline has a way of speaking to the readers with immediacy, a tender touch, and an important proposal—not leaving the people who discover her books as they were before. A change is more than possible thanks to her manuals. Her optimistic touch will be contagious and you will re-discover your best self soon!
I personally found this entry the most beautiful:
The idea that living our existence is like entering a store for shopping. What would you want to buy, what would you want to give away, and what leave alone? Personally I would want to pick up happiness, serenity, magazines and books, writing, flowers, tenderness, smiles—while giving away nasty people, unlucky events, toxic environments.
Another amazing journal Jacqueline!
Highly recommended, because sometimes in our existence we lose our compass!
~ Anna Maria Polidori
Read her full review here!