365 Days of Happiness Jacqueline Pirtle 365 Days of Happiness Jacqueline Pirtle

June’s free book went to…


365 Days of Happiness

Because happiness is a piece of cake!

It’s amazing to be able to send my books all over the world and know that they are loved and devoured in many places—even those I have not been to yet. I have been known as a world-traveller since a young age, and my family shares this love of experiencing different specks of the world with me.

So with giggles and smiles I was able to send June’s free book to Boone, Iowa, USA!

The winner chose 365 Days of Happiness - Because happiness is a piece of cake! which I call my flagship book since it is my first, published in 2018. It is a daily passage book helping you to discover how to choose mindful happiness—no matter the circumstances and without needing anything or anyone to change, because you can always BE and live happily as-is and right now!

365 Days of Happiness is the parent companion to 365 Days of Happiness - the companion journal workbook—together they make up your rock-solid tool to stay on your own personal happiness path.

365 Days of Happiness also comes in a Special Edition, one that has the daily passages combined with space for you to journal every day.

You see, I take my happiness spreading very seriously!

Congratulations Boone, Iowa, it was a gift to send your book your way.

Next will be the July winner! Don’t forget that to win, subscribe on my site and tell your friends to do the same!



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365 Days of Happiness Jacqueline Pirtle 365 Days of Happiness Jacqueline Pirtle

365 Days of Happiness for only $0.99


365 Days of Happiness - Because happiness is a piece of cake!

Every day bliss, can you imagine?

Guess what?

My bestselling book 365 Days of Happiness will be on sale for $0.99 starting July 15, for a few days only. How exciting for me to be able to share my healing work with you for such a great dime.

365 Days of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake is your daily tool to create a habit of living your every day bliss, and is the parent companion to the 365 Days of Happiness journal workbook.

Being happy changes everything because you will tap into a limitless amount of energy, physical and mental wellbeing, and an existence filled with magic—most importantly, it makes you realize that feeling good is who you really are.

By reading these daily passages you’ll shift your perspective to a high-for-life frequency, where an ecstatic way of being is a given.

And by following the precepts within, you can soon enjoy the benefits of better living, because no matter the circumstances, happiness is for everyone.

In 365 Days of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake, you’ll discover:

  • Daily passages, so you’ll start the morning feeling great

  • Simple ways, to keep your joy going

  • Your inner you, so you can stop questioning yourself

  • Inspirational practices, to allow your prosperity to unfold

  • And much, much more!

365 Days of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake is your yes-sayer guide for you to move beyond your unhappiness and on to loving every single day—add the 365 Days of Happiness journal workbook, and you’ll have a rock solid system for you to live happily ever after.

If you like to feel good, appreciate being alive, and want to squeeze the most out of life, then you’ll love my effective teachings.

What are you waiting for?

Get your ebook copy for only $0.99 today on amazon

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Life-changing Journal Series Jacqueline Pirtle Life-changing Journal Series Jacqueline Pirtle

What is life, if it’s not an experience you love?


A 30 day journal - A 90 day extended edition journal

Part of the series: Life-changing journals

Anna Maria Polidori, journalist and book blogger, reviewed my journal workbook To BE and Live - The reason you are here!

And here is what she found…

“To BE, writes Jacqueline, means "existing as your whole being, mind soul, and your consciousness; with live, HOW you are experiencing your physical life."

”What do youl learn using this 90-DAY journal day-by-day? You will start to re-consider your natural power, your abilities, your sensibilities, your desires and wishes, so that you can start to love your life again—because your real BE will become always more strong and powerful.”

”Life means also priorities and what truly matters; sometimes we are lost, we don't remember what we loved and why, or what we appreciated the most, because we are too involved in a frantic existence; it's time to re-start to BE your original BEING with priorities and the life you have always dreamed about.”

Get your To BE and Live today!

Amazon has it or buy it here and receive a special gift!

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Life-changing Journal Series Jacqueline Pirtle Life-changing Journal Series Jacqueline Pirtle

High for Life - The best case scenario!

Can it get any better…

I’m over the moon to announce that my newest journal High for Life - The best case scenario! is out and available. It’s the newest addition to my life-changing journal series, published as a 30 day journal or a 90 day Extended Edition.

And guess what?

You can get the 90 day extended edition on sale for $0.99 for a few days (ebook version).

High-for-life is your every-day tool to create a habit of living with enthusiasm while vividly writing about how wonderful you want your life to be.

Being and living with eagerness changes everything, because you will tap into a limitless amount of energy to create and manifest a life that is truly worth living. Most importantly, it lets you experience your time in bliss, a state where laughter is on every day's schedule.

By consciously reading, thinking, feeling, and then journaling about the profound questions in this book, you’ll shift your feelings and perceptions to a high-for-life frequency where your full capabilities for unlimited health, success, happiness, and abundance exist.

I truly hope that you will take advantage of this $0.99 special that only runs for a few days and please let me know how you like it.

Get your $0.99 copy on Amazon!

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Life-changing Journal Series Jacqueline Pirtle Life-changing Journal Series Jacqueline Pirtle

To BE and Live is OUT!


It’s such an exiting time for me because 2021 is my year to publish book after book for you to enjoy!

Here is the newest edition to my new series of life-changing journals:

To BE and Live - The reason you are here!
Available as a 30 day journal and also as a 90 day Extended Edition

To BE and Live is the 3rd journal in this series. All of these handbooks come in the two lengths, 30 or 90 days, for you to choose what’s most exciting for you. They are potent self-help journals—a new way to align with who you really are.

What. If. was the first one that published in March 2021, Open was number 2 and published in April 2021, and the 4th one High for Life - the best case scenario! is already on pre-order, publishing June 21 2021.

I truly hope that my potent journals bring you the mind-blowing expansion you deserve and a calibration into your higher you—one that you have never even imagined.



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365 Days of Happiness Jacqueline Pirtle 365 Days of Happiness Jacqueline Pirtle

May’s free book goes to…


This new enjoyment of picking a winner for one of my books every month makes me really happy as it is a wonderful way to give back to my community and to say: “Thank you for being here!”

My book went to New York which actually used to be my home-state in the past. The winner picked the Special Edition of 365 Days of Happiness. Thanks for the wonderful picture, I love that you are enjoying the gift.

To have a chance to win too, sign up here at freakyhealer.com. We choose a winner every month.

Can't wait to see who gets it in June!



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365 Days of Happiness Jacqueline Pirtle 365 Days of Happiness Jacqueline Pirtle

Are you truly happy?

Spirit Sesseions.jpg

Just how close are we to our true happiness? Is it something that we need to pursue or is there another way?

I can’t wait for this Sunday! Why? Because I’m a guest in Spirit Sessions—we’ll have a great conversation with great people about happiness, mindfulness, and much, much more.

Come join us live this Sunday May 23 at 12pm ET - 9am PT

Spirit Sessions is hosted by Bex Marie, Rhonda Elliott, and Teresa Warren—tune in at facebook.com/spiritsessionsfans

Psst… there will be giveaways!!!

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365 Days of Happiness Jacqueline Pirtle 365 Days of Happiness Jacqueline Pirtle

April's free book goes to...

April was the first month where we picked a winner - of my subscribers at freakyhealer.com - for one of my books.

My book went to Italy! The winner picked the Special Edition of 365 Days of Happiness, and it makes me happy.

Thanks Anna Maria Polidori for posting about it. Love that you are enjoying the gift.

To have a chance to win too, sign up here at freakyhealer.com. We choose a winner every month.

Can't wait to see who gets it in May!


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What it Means to BE a Woman Jacqueline Pirtle What it Means to BE a Woman Jacqueline Pirtle

Look what the pink dreams brought!

Thanks to my friend Ivy Ngeow we have this scrumptious pink selection of books and more. Her new book Midcentury Modern: 15 Interior Design Ideas is inspiring, and mine, What it Means to BE a Woman, fits right in with power, pink, and clarity. Check them out pink-lovers!!!

Thanks Ana Voicu for all my beautiful book covers—they are the vision of my heart!

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365 Days of Happiness Jacqueline Pirtle 365 Days of Happiness Jacqueline Pirtle

Mother’s Day Gift-away!

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Last day to enter!

Have you entered yet??? This gift-away runs on Instagram @freakyhealer until today, Sunday May 2—because we know that you deserve to BE and live happily pampered! 

Entry on Instagram is easy peasy:

✅Follow @surfsupessentials on Instagram
✅Follow @freakyhealer on Instagram
✅Like & save the gift-away post on both accounts on Instagram
✅Tag two friends on Instagram

‼️‼️To earn a bigger chance to win:
Share give-away posts in your stories on Instagram—from both accounts @surfsupessentials and @freakyhealer

Best thing, there will be 2 lucky winners that receive each a set of:

A luxurious bath set, soothing your heart:
8 oz Soy wildflower candle
2 oz Pink Himalayan Bath Salts infused with Wildflowers
1 5 oz Butterfly Lavender Soap Bar
🦋 Fragrance free
🦋 Palm oil free
🦋 Made with 100% Organic/Cold pressed ingredients


🧁The 365 Days of Happiness Series🧁
The bestseller with daily passages, plus the companion journal workbook with profound quotes and questions and room for your notes. Books that truly shift you into your daily happiness! 

❗️Giveaway on Instagram only, from April 28 - May 2
❗️USA only
❗️Must follow the entry rules!


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Life-changing Journal Series Jacqueline Pirtle Life-changing Journal Series Jacqueline Pirtle

Open: Where it all starts! Out Now!

Drum roll please! My newest book in the Life-changing Journal Series is published:

Open: Where it all starts! A 30 day journal

or, if you like it a little longer…

Open: Where it all starts! A 90 day journal - The Extended Edition

Open comes after What. If (the first book in this series) and is your daily tool to create a habit of opening up to opportunities—and freely feeling, living, and realizing them while vividly writing about what you want.

Opening yourself up without any restrictions to all that life has in store for you changes everything, because you will tap into a limitless amount of power to create and manifest the life that you wish for—an existence that is truly worth living. Most importantly, it makes you BE and live in a state where joy is on everyday's menu.

By consciously reading, thinking, feeling, and then journaling about the profound questions Jacqueline is asking, you’ll shift your perspective to a high-for-life frequency where all your closed-up-ness turns into unlimited open-ness to everything on your bucket list. And by following the precepts within you can soon enjoy the benefits of better living, because no matter the circumstances, experiencing a desired life is for everyone.

In this 30 day un-blocking journal you’ll explore:

  • Daily inspirations, so you’ll start the morning being wide open

  • Profound shifting questions, to get you into an allowing energy

  • Simple habits, to keep your open-ness going

  • Your inner you, so you can stop questioning yourself

  • And much, much more!

By journaling through these powerful Open workbooks daily you’ll change your status to “I’m Open!” so life knows to bring the magic. Want to keep your mojo going? Simply grab the next journal in this series!

If you like to be open to live your life fully, allow your dreams to come true, enjoy journaling, and want to squeeze the most out of your time, then you’ll love my uplifting teachings in Open.

I hope you check them out!

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Life-changing Journal Series Jacqueline Pirtle Life-changing Journal Series Jacqueline Pirtle

I really tried to keep this quiet…

Question is, are you Open enough to have a look, figure out what this blog post is about, and take action? Because that is Where it all starts?

If you get the clues and know what I am talking about, or what this is announcing, email me at info@freakyhealer.com. The first to solve this riddle wins one of what this is all about. One rule: You have to be subscribed to my news—you can subscribe at my website, freakyhealer.com.

Happy figuring-it-out!


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Life-changing Journal Series Jacqueline Pirtle Life-changing Journal Series Jacqueline Pirtle

Book Review! What. IF. - Turning your IFs into it IS!

“Yes! This one is another extremely powerful journal that you must absolutely buy, if you are feeling down, demotivated, or sorry for yourself—simply because... it works!” ~ Anna Maria Polidori, Journalist

A Book Review of my newest Journals What. If.


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365 Days of Happiness Jacqueline Pirtle 365 Days of Happiness Jacqueline Pirtle

Anna Maria Polidori – Reviewing the NEW 365 Days of Happiness journal workbook!

“365 Days of Happiness Because Happiness is a Piece of Cake by Jacqueline Pirtle becomes a Journal! Hooooray! Precisely... The Companion Journal Workbook to 365 Days of Happiness. This one is another amazing tool promising a step-by-step guide to being happy on a daily base. I was bewitched by this book when I first read and reviewed it. Another stunning tool for everyone, arrived in a heavy moment, and for this reason much much more important for all of us.” ~ Anna Polidori, Journalist, Book-Reviewer, Book Blogger

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