To BE and Live is OUT!


It’s such an exiting time for me because 2021 is my year to publish book after book for you to enjoy!

Here is the newest edition to my new series of life-changing journals:

To BE and Live - The reason you are here!
Available as a 30 day journal and also as a 90 day Extended Edition

To BE and Live is the 3rd journal in this series. All of these handbooks come in the two lengths, 30 or 90 days, for you to choose what’s most exciting for you. They are potent self-help journals—a new way to align with who you really are.

What. If. was the first one that published in March 2021, Open was number 2 and published in April 2021, and the 4th one High for Life - the best case scenario! is already on pre-order, publishing June 21 2021.

I truly hope that my potent journals bring you the mind-blowing expansion you deserve and a calibration into your higher you—one that you have never even imagined.




High for Life - The best case scenario!


May’s free book goes to…