What is it all about?

“What is what all about?” you might ask, and rightfully so. Of course it is about a book - since that is what I mostly do nowadays, write genius self-help books for you to live better lives - but to be precise, it is all about my latest book: The Silver Lining - And How To find It.

Amazing Italian journalist, Anna Maria Polidori, asked herself the same question; “What is Jacqueline’s newest book all about?”

She went on a book-reading -review-quest to find out for herself. Here is what she has to say:

“Absolutely and fabulously interesting! A stunning journal written by Jacqueline Pirtle—to live a more happy and satisfying existence created by choosing to live our unique silver lining.

In this journal we will work trying, first of all, to discover if we are on a more positive or negative vibe, so that we can later experience our fullest ways and the silver lining. The silver lining means taking good care of ourselves and analyzing ourselves - our reactions and motivations - to discover how we really are; do we cry often, are we happy on a daily basis, what is stopping our projects, what kind of dreams do we have, if we fail which are our sensations and why, and what about if we succeed?”

Then Polidori goes on to make me blush:

“I confess that Jacqueline has been my best discovery in recent years. She is a motivator who searches realistically to help you. She treasures every of your developments; is happy if you reach new steps; are happy and satisfied; and if you are becoming someone that’s more conscious of yourself and more satisfied in your existence. That's why she is one of my heroines: the world needs a lot of people like her. I highly suggest for you to follow her on Instagram - it’s a joy to see her face all the time - and I know that you'll completely understand what I am writing here because she is pure joy and motivation—happiness and changes in/for yourself will be possible, thanks to her.” 

So why do I think you should read my newest book? Actually, scratch that—all of my books?

Because they are the best in the field!

My books help you to live a more truthful and phenomenal YOU, they support you in getting to know yourself better, and they bring daily joy into your life - no matter your circumstances - which you then share and spread to your loved ones and your every day encounters. That is a very potent way of being and living, and as such, you can do and have a life that YOU really want.

My books are for anyone looking for real change, new ways, and a positivity that overrides everything—a shift that will last while having a blast. Promise!

Plus, they are really affordable!

I say, give it a go and get your copy of The Silver Lining - And How To Find It to start living on the bright side today!

You can also buy it on Amazon as a paperback or ebook.

And to tickle your interest even further—here is a list of all of my books on Amazon!

Can’t wait to hear what this does for you!




Something Significant


Happy New Year!