Are You Or Are You Not… A June Bug?
Hello fun one!
June has me hurried... and also a bit worried… just kidding, couldn’t resist this rhyme with a twist, because hey let’s face it, it's the middle of the year. Already!!!
For me June is the beginning of starting to slow down and allowing myself to slide into summer mode, which was easier when the kids were little because I was able to use them as an alibi to enjoy the slower me-motion without any guilt whatsoever. Now that they are grown I can’t hide behind that reason anymore; I actually have to be okay with gifting myself such precious rest and pause—meaning, that I have to value myself hugely in order to feel good about doing less or sometimes even nothing at all.
Let’s put “doing nothing” under the microscope because I keep hearing that doing nothing can cause great trouble for lots of people. Why, though?
I think for one we look at doing nothing like that’s being lazy and unproductive. But that's nonsense since a person who's actively in a state of doing nothing is actually doing everything; relaxing, healing, re-programming old beliefs, creating peace, opening up the floodgates to creativity and ideas, finding solutions, becoming happy, starting to smile, forgive, and joke around, not to mention creating health and aligning with the highest level of bliss and joy.
But there is also how we measure our worth on how busy we are, how much we hustle, while comparing ourselves to everyone in this wildly pumping world always on the go and considered a hip and modern way of living—which turns into the belief that you slowing down means you are worth less than if you would stay busy. Silly, isn't it?
And of course some might think that they would be lonely or lonelier in such a nothing time; nothing to do, nothing to think, nothing to use as our happiness starter except ourselves. In the beginning of slowing down it could definitely feel that way! However, if you stick with it you will find that you are actually the least lonely ever. Why? Because you are hanging out with yourself, learning about yourself, and getting to know yourself better and better. That leads to understanding yourself on a deeper level and eventually loving yourself truly, while also being able to take exceptional care of yourself because you see what you need and know what you want.
But there could be a million other reasons why slowing down is hard for you, and that is what I am inviting you to find out so you can get to the bottom of it, can feel good about your slower you-time, fulfill your job while being alive—which is to take responsibility of your well-being and create a life that you love to live.
So, what does June mean to you? And what are your struggles with slowing down?
Now that we've gotten this brilliant self-evaluation out of the way and hopefully you had yourself a delicious cuppa and nap, let’s not forget to celebrate the following fun days ahead:
June 1: Flip a Coin Day
June 3: Repeat Day (I said “Repeat Day”)
June 4: Hug Your Cat Day
June 6: National Gardening Exercise Day—Get out and exercise with your plants!
June 8: Best Friends Day
June 11: National Children’s Day
June 12: Red Rose Day
June 14: Monkey Around Day
June 15: Smile-Power Day
June 21: National Selfie Day
June 23: Let it Go Day
June 24: International Fairy (or Faery) Day
June 26: Forgiveness Day
June 27: Sunglasses Day
June 29: Hug Holiday
These are just a few that caught my eye, please let me know if you know of other great ones. I always love these reminders to have fun.
And with that, I wish you a slow-paced June that absolutely prepares you for a great summer time—which lies just ahead for most of us.
P.S. Feel free to check out my books, the perfect summer-reads, and lean into the thought of working with me.
Mayday Mayday, Less The Stress!
Picture this: Because of a forced complete workflow stop, I have been engulfed in metaphysical studies that are incredibly fitting for me, however, during the intense concentration the April newsletter escaped my mind.
This really happened and is not a crazy fictitious story in my life! So with a pardon-me and a big grin because of all that I learned in that hermit-time, here I am as a better-than-ever energetic interpreter, seer, knower, understander, and healer with my May news.
Are you ready?
This May it’s out with the old, in with the new!
Big plans are in place for The Corporate Happiness Show because Season 1 is about to end and wow, did we have an amazing time talking with all our incredible guests about “out of the box” solutions at work to create happiness that bleeds over into everyone's private lives. If you haven’t already listened to all the episodes, I say don’t wait and tune in ASAP. Season 2 is coming in Fall 2023, exact release date TBA, and get ready because we have some new and fresh ways to keep you entertained and inspired to be the happiest ever, at work and in life.
Also, we are saying goodbye to The Weekly Freak podcast show because it is the golden time to give it a grandiose farewell as it has served its purpose to lighten everyone’s days—but no worries, you can listen to all episodes over and over as we are leaving them up and running, so enjoy.
That brings me to the brilliant High-For-Life membership! It has been a wonderful year of creating amazing content for all members to learn, heal, and be inspired to go deeper and deeper into who they really are and to live a life with an open heart—and as it has reached its completion goal for content creation, we are going to be closing the membership doors. One year of magic, as I love to call it!
What will I be doing now with all that created magic? We will be repackaging it for you to purchase with a one-time payment to access everything that has been included over the past year; meditations, dailys, weeklys, worksheets, and videos as an interactive hands-on path to your happily ever after. We’ll keep you posted about the timing of the unleash-party when that insanely exciting offer goes live.
Not to forget The Energetics Of Communications Mastercourse, an exciting collaboration with the communications expert Dr. Aleksandra Plazinic, that is now on waitlist for fall and you can get on it here.
As I see your head spinning with all that newness I also want to make sure to calm your heart by saying that all my other availability options stay the same; you can work with me in sessions, monthly programs, book my book readings, get your complete Energetic Profile from me, or purchase my books anywhere in the world. Phew, at least some things stay the same.
Now that everything's been covered, let's have fun by discovering some great holidays in May:
May 5 National No Pants Day
May 6 International No Diet Day
May 9 National Lost Sock Memorial Day
May 11 National Eat What You Want Day
May 13 National Frog Jumping Day
May 14 Mother’s Day and National Dance Like a Chicken Day - Go on moms, do it!!!
May 20 World Bee Day
May 22 International Being You Day
May 30 National Creativity Day
May 31 National Smile Day
So I am off to celebrate more life to be lived and with a grateful heart I hope you do the same. Wishing you the most brilliant May!
Happy International Women’s Day!
My lovely female super-fan,
I am simply grateful for you being here! You make my heart and world perfect and I love being of service—helping and supporting you in your beautiful journey, for you to live it to its best and most fitting. You truly are a super star, shining brightly and making the world a better place. Bravo!
For this celebratory day I have a phenomenal announcement that comes with a 30% gift. I hope that you will take advantage of it and fly high with this opportunity.
My friend Dr. Aleksandra Plazinic and I have teamed up, and as two experts in communications and energetics we decided to teach these two closely related subjects as one to help enhance (professional) women’s communication skills and support them in gaining a greater understanding of the energetics behind effective communication in the workplace, and in life.
As a (professional) woman you understand the importance of clear and effective communication to achieve your goals and advance in your career. That's why I want to invite you to our upcoming masterclass, “The Energetics of Communications", where we’ll be sharing our insights and strategies for harnessing the power of energy to improve communication skills and create more impactful interactions—while also up-leveling your all-over energy throughout the day.
In this masterclass, you'll learn how to:
- Use your energy to create a powerful presence and confidently express yourself
- Develop a greater awareness of your body language and nonverbal communication
- Build stronger relationships by understanding and adapting to others' energy
- Navigate conflict and challenging conversations with a more mindful and empowered approach
- Stay energized and aligned all day long
- Create successful habits keeping you high-for-life (but I know you are a master in this already!!!)
This masterclass is specifically designed for women looking to improve their communication skills and energetic levels, and take their lives, careers, and passions to the next level—because in truth, whether you're a business leader, employee, entrepreneur, or simply someone looking to improve their interpersonal skills and understanding of life, this masterclass is for you.
The masterclass will take place on March 31 from 11am - 3pm US ET and is fully online, so you can join from the comfort of wherever you are—and if interested, bring your women friends to join too. I hope you don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your communication and energetics skills and opportunity to connect with a community of like-minded women.
To secure your spot in the masterclass with a 30% discount simply grab your spot HERE on March 8, because after March 8th this special price will be gone, the masterclass price goes back to normal again. And you don’t want to miss out, trust me!
Plus, Aleksandra and I are looking forward to seeing you there!
And as a side note, my book What it Means To Be A Woman; And YES, Women Do Poop! makes for a great read, or gift for your best-women-friends, to celebrate each other’s powers, love, and light. What are you waiting for, get it already :)
P.S. Check out this masterclass flyer to learn a little more about why you really need to grab your spot for 30% off on March 8 only.
Soon To Bloom!
Hello brilliant one,
March is definitely a Spring-worthy month for most, even though some Winter flurries might still visit from time to time, making it a month of great surprises while also bringing balance to the table—when it’s cold March balances it with warmer sunshine, and when it’s getting warm a colder grey day pops in here and there.
What does the phrase, “Spring in the air” mean to you? How do these early blooms make you feel? And what are the magnificent feelings of your March season that you could highlight more than ever and latch onto, putting your focus on that joy in your coming days?
For me it’s hearing the songbirds again, noticing the colorful blooms everywhere, but also how pollen-dirty our car looks even just days right after I took it through the car wash - meaning, that the shine will be gone within seconds - evoking a smile for Spring in, and for, me. How does all that make me feel? Free, excited for warmer days and nights, giggling-happy to be going on bike rides bright and early, cleansed and lean because of lots of fresh and light food and plenty of water I will be drinking in this warmer season. In short, it makes me feel high-for-life!
I invite you to spend some brilliant time with yourself, your thoughts, and feelings about this possible March season too; become really clear about where you stand in this soon-to-bloom time of yours. Then, latch onto the beauty of this clarity and show up every day in March being THAT and feeling like THAT.
Imagine what this will do for you!
But, besides asking you to work for your well-feeling, I also know I can make things a bit easier for you by providing a fantastic list of some fun March holidays so you can easy-peasily celebrate yourself, others, and life as you go day by day:
March 1: Share a Smile Day
March 2: Read Across America and National Banana Cream Pie Day
March 3: Employee Appreciation Day
March 4: National Pound Cake Day and National Snack Day
March 5: National Cheese Doodle Day
March 7: Sock Monkey Day
March 8: International Women's Day and Discover What Your Name Means Day
March 9: National Get Over It Day
March 10: National Hug Your Dog Day and National Pack Your Lunch Day
March 12: National Plant a Flower Day
March 13: National Napping Day
March 17: World Sleep Day
March 18: Awkward Moments Day
March 19: National Let's Laugh Day
March 20: International Day of Happiness
March 25: International Waffle Day
March 28: Respect Your Cat Day
March 30: National I am in Control Day
March 31: National Crayon Day
So without any possible excuses to avoid practicing feeling good, and with every tool in your toolbox being powerfully shifting, I am wishing you a fabulous March and hope that you will check out my books that are supporting you in feeling high-for-life no matter what.
Valentine’s Day Party For Kids
Joyful Notion and Hampton Chocolate Factory - both located at Sparkman Wharf in Tampa, Florida - are hosting the author of Ella's Inner Genie, Jacqueline Pirtle, for a Valentine's Day kids book reading event on the lawn at Sparkman Wharf.
There will be goodie bags, flowers, and chocoltes for the kids.
Bring your kids and family to join the fun.
Get our FREE tickets here.
When February strikes!
Hey there super star!
It seems to me that we don’t really need to go deeply into the fact that this month is THE love-month. So can we just skip a million miles ahead, with the expectation for you to know to really latch onto the energetic essence of love?
What will this do for you? Well, it will fill every single cell of your whole being with health, happiness, smiles, laughter, and love—even if you are not really in love with anyone else but yourself. And besides, love carries this amazing feeling of romance and if you embrace the love bug in the air right now, then it does not matter whether or not you actually are in a partnership since you can feel like that no matter what.
So latch on, you loved one, and share and spread this incredible high-for-life feeling with everyone and everything by talking about love all month long, by giving out compliments and chocolates recklessly, and by celebrating love whenever and wherever you witness it.
For example, if you happen to be a loud one, you could just shout it out when you see it: “Wow, look at you love birds, it’s great you make the world such a loving place!” And if you prefer a more quiet vibe, you could simply just stare at love with a smile because that will shift you into an exhilarated feeling, and since everything is energy you will share and spread that loveliness automatically with everything and everyone around you.
Let me tell you what I am doing to create, share, and spread more love!
I am holding a very special Ella’s Inner Genie - my newest children book - book reading event for school kids the morning of Valentine’s Day, and a second very fun Ella’s Inner Genie book reading event in the afternoon for the public. Here is the link, so you can see with your own eyes if you are local enough, and have indeed kids - because it’s a kids event - that you could bring: Eventbrite Free Tickets. Can’t wait!
And to keep yourself informed I actually created an event page for my Ella’s Inner Genie book readings. Check it out!
As for the rest of the month, I will eat as much chocolate as I can, sharing and spreading sweet love that way. What’s your plan since there are so many ways?
Now on to the incredible celebrations this month holds so lovingly, for you to keep the heart going:
February 1: National Dark Chocolate Day
February 2: Bubblegum Day
February 4: National Eat Ice Cream For Breakfast Day
February 5: World Nutella Day
February 6: Pay A Compliment Day
February 7: Rose Day
February 9: Read in the Bathtub Day
February 10: National Umbrella Day
February 11: National Make A Friend Day
February 14: Read To Your Child Day & Valentine’s Day
February 20: National Comfy Day
February 26: Tell A Fairy Tale Day
February 27: National Strawberry Day
With all this love in mind, I’ll let you go so you can sneak in some heartfelt time for yourself.
Happiest and most lovingly,
P.S. Let me know if you would like to work with me individually, schedule one of my book reading events (for adults, children, families), or bring my teachings, workshops, and presentations into your company—to create an energetic, happy, and thriving workspace.
Happy First!
Dear super-fan of happiness,
“Happy First!” is a potent saying for everything in life, because at one point in your life, anything is a first.
Now, not every first is always the best; but it's always an opportunity to have an experience to consciously grow, then decide if you want your next of that given thing, happening, or experience to be built off of how your first time went. Or if you rather want to rewrite the whole of it, you can shift your next to something that you like much better.
Either way, the first is always full of potential and what comes after is always up to you if you are conscious about it in such a way. That, my brilliant being, is sheer power! And to grab this power and run with it, I recommend you start reading and working with my book 365 Days of Happiness - Because happiness is a piece of cake. It will keep you focused on your firsts, and inspired for a whole year to follow your dreams and make happiness your lifestyle for good.
To keep the fun going, here are some extravagant holidays for you to celebrate and feel elevated while doing so without end:
January 2: National Thank God It's Monday Day
January 3: Festival of Sleep Day
January 6: Cuddle Up Day
January 8: Bubble Bath Day
January 13: Make Your Dream Come True Day & National Rubber Ducky Day
January 16: National Nothing Day
January 21: National Hugging Day
January 24: Belly Laugh Day
January 30: National Croissant Day
January 31: Backward Day
And with this, I am thanking you for being here, wishing you a wonderful first, and a Happy New Year!
Glimmer glimmer—you’re a winner!
What's glittering and buzzing for you this month?
December is a brilliant time to remember to take a deep breath, and slow things and moments down mindfully. Most people start to hyperventilate just knowing that the dreaded holiday month just hit; when in fact, it not need be thought of as such.
You have the right and power to make your month of December the way you want it to be. For example; perhaps taking a vacation on a magical island, palm trees and sunshine, bathtub-warm ocean water, with a good book in hand ready to read right after that blissful nap you are about to take is your thing—or simply just the imagination of such a trip might do. You get the picture and feeling!
So thinking consciously and knowingly, how do you want your twelfth month to feel, and what do you need in this glimmering time? Make your list of perfectness! Then, with your desired ways in focus, go make that happen—unapologetically. Plus, report back with how you succeeded as I am always interested in hearing your story, and about the giggles you had along the way.
Now that we have your marching orders, let's get on with my favorite blog material; the holiday list for the month! I left the obvious ones out to keep the list reasonable, and chose the fun ones over everything else. Enjoy:
December 2: National Bartender Day - I know a few great ones.
December 4: National Cookie Day - no words needed.
December 5: International Ninja Day - oh how I want to be a Ninja!
December 6: National Gazpacho Day - that one is weird since Gazpacho is a summer dish, but never mind being weird. Gazpacho is yummilicious!
December 7: National Letter Writing Day - Who's going to get a letter from you?
December 8: Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day - I'm in!
December 16: National Chocolate Covered Anything Day - That should be an always-holiday!
December 17: National Ugly Sweater Day - Do you own one?
December 18: Answer The Telephone Like Buddy The Elf Day - Really?!!
December 21: Look On The Bright Side Day - That's my jam.
December 24: Last-Minute Shopper’s Day - Are you one of those?
December 28: National Call A Friend Day - Call them all!
And with that, my wonderful friend, I wish you a beautiful December—one that goes exactly as you wish.
Last but not least, please consider gifting my books and sessions to your loved ones for the holidays—gifting them to yourself or wishing for them on your wishlist will be a great treat, don't forget about YOU. They make wonderful gifts, sharing and spreading happiness and brilliant energy. Find them here or on Amazon. Thank you, and Happy Holidays!
Happiest, and talk again in 2023,
Gratitude Just Hit!
Hey there! Happy November to you and your family.
I must say, November hits and suddenly being grateful and sharing gratitude comes easier than ever, or at least easier than the rest of the year—isn't that right? But why is that so?
November is naturally programmed with a very mindful energy because of the US holiday Thanksgiving—and Friendsgiving (which I found out about recently.) Really! November arrives and all the American people can think about is family, food, cooking, getting together, reuniting, and gratitude for everyone and everything. It's an automation that happens right on the 1st of the month.
Then, dragging on through all of November there are activities, events, fundraisers, parties, cards, and decorations all geared towards gratitude and thankfulness—so much so that even if you would want to jump off the grateful-wave, there is no escaping. But why would you want that anyways?
November is by far the easiest of month to be in alignment with who you really are, which is gratitude, thankfulness, and grace.
I say, latch onto the magic of November by really taking a mindful part in everything and by being conscious about gratitude, thankfulness, and grace because just living it is only the beginning of what this month could be for you and everyone—the most grateful and thankful time of your life.
Enjoy: To shake things up a little I have collected some brilliant holidays that are also in November and added my grateful notes to give you some little oohs and ahhs here and there.
November 1: National Author's Day & National Family Literacy Day
As an author this is certainly a huge reason to celebrate for myself, but also all my super fans that love my books. Plus, with my first published children's book Ella's Inner Genie, it is absolutely necessary to shout out to all parents that are reading my book to their kids. Cheers to you all!
November 2: National Advent Calendar Day
Do you have yours yet? There are chocolate, cheese, wine, toys, and other yummy calendars. Check them out!
November 3: Give Someone a Dollar Day
Who is receiving your dollar(s) today?
November 4: Use Your Common Sense Day
Now that is a tricky one since we are all different. I know for a fact that my common sense is not always the same as yours. So be careful today!
November 5: National Love Your Red Hair Day
I am a real truthful redhead, so let's celebrate! Where are my super fan redheads in this community? Email me!
November 6: Daylight Saving Day
No words needed, just a good ol' yawn.
November 7: National Hug a Bear Day
Everyone has a bear at home; a teddy bear, a pet bear, a bear-like pet, or a human bear. Hug them!
November 8: National Cappuccino Day & World Pianist Day
I love cappuccinos and make myself one at home all the time - so good - all while listening to my pianist playing live at my home. Just kidding, she is not my pianist; she is my editor in chief, making sure my books are a flow to read. Let's celebrate her!
Until soon, and with the utmost gratitude…
Diversity And More…
Meet magic-maker Janelle Khargie on the newest episode of The Corporate Happiness Show!
Businesswoman, entrepreneur, and visionary, Janelle has been supporting Tampa brands for 2 decades through live event productions and partnerships. As a social justice pioneer, Janelle also works with professional sports teams such as the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Tampa Bay Lighting to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion. She currently serves as the Chair to the Hillsborough County DEI Advisory Council to the Board of County Commissioners.
Connect with Janelle here—as a people person she loves meeting over coffee.
Music and sound engineering by Sound Scientist Productions.
Great Day Live Tampa TV Show
What a fantastic reveal-party of my newest book Ella’s Inner Genie on Great Day Live Tampa Bay with Java Ingram. So much fun!
Watch the Show below:
Ella’s Inner Genie - The Superpower Of Children is now available on Amazon (.com and worldwide), at, and anywhere where books are sold.
Get it for your kids - or for yourself! - asap, because trust me, you want your kids to hear their inner genie.
For book readings DM me—I’ll be happy to come ready it aloud.
Thanks to:
Great Day Live Tampa Bay for the super segment, thanks Java Ingram for the great conversation, thanks Elisa Brondolo for the terrific illustrations, thanks Kingwood Creations for the beautiful book cover, thanks Zoe Mina Pirtle for your editorial mastery, and thanks Chez Cole Catering for the book cover cookie.
Pumpkins And Even Spookier News
Hello beautiful friend,
As we step into the scariest month of the year - Halloween being right around the corner - I sure hope that my October news only adds to the magic surrounding your fall days and nights. Sure, pumpkin spice and a hot cup of yumminess by the fire - or a slightly chillier beach stroll in my case - help along the enjoyment; but great news is great news, and you simply can't beat the thrill they bring to the table.
So what are the big great FreakyHealer news?
Ella is finally alive! My newest book, Ella's Inner Genie - The Superpower Of Children is published and awaiting your reviews - or even better, those of your children - and it would mean the world to me if you would get yourself a copy, gift it to your children, or order it as a great present for anyone wishing to celebrate their inner child; then, let me know what you think or how they like it.
The Not Your Average Grandma Live Show hosted me as a guest to speak about energy work, my newest book, and about all the juicy good ways to live a fabulous "not so average" life.
Science, Space, And Spirituality - a wonderful podcast by Jorge Soto - invited me to talk about energy, trauma, healing, and spirituality. What a great and enlightening episode!
The Corporate Happiness Show published an episode talking about gratitude and how being grateful changes your work and business as a whole. Kerry Wekelo is a specialist in gratitude at the workplace, and wow, her insights are truly inspiring.
The Weekly Freak - A Happiness Podcast published a wonderful episode called "They are called Feelings Not Fear-lings," showing why you should hang out with your feelings a lot. And in case you did not know, The Weekly Freak is a weekly thing, so tune in every Monday for some higher ways to live happier.
And as always, the most fun was finding cool holidays for you to make your October even more special. So here we go:
October 1: World Vegetarian Day
October 2: National Name Your Car Day
October 5: National Do Something Nice Day
October 7: World Smile Day
October 10: World Mental Health Day
October 15: National Grouch Day
October 16: World Singing Day
October 22: National Make A Difference Day
October 25: National Art Day
October 28: National Chocolate Day
October 31: Halloween
With that, I am wishing you the best time ever—until next time!
The Deepest Meaning of YOU
The NEW Weekly Freak is live!
Not only will we dive into the truth of who you are, in this episode we will also talk about how to live from, through, and as your highest potential. Plus, I am letting you in on some exiting news about my newest book that is about to publish and my work in general.
What an insightful time, that hopefully will leave you feeling the highest and most excited ever.
You Are Not Yesterday!
Yesterday was yesterday, plus, you were never yesterday anyways.
So what are you and what can you really do with yesterday?
Enough said, the new Weekly Freak - A Happiness Podcast is live. I invite you to tune in and hear for yourself—or watch on Youtube.
Enjoy and have a great week.
From Unfocused to Happy
Want to be happy?
The newest Weekly Freak - A Happiness Podcast is live and guess what?
You’ll learn how to pay attention to where your focus is so you being happy will always be possible.
Loving Your Work!
Pinch me! The newest episode of The Corporate Happiness Show is live. This time, we chat with powerhouse Chimere Sidney, EMBA, MSP about happiness at work and how to create a healthy, successful, and thriving company where people love coming to work every single day.
Listen on any platform where podcasts are a thing, also on YouTube. Enjoy!
How To BE Positive!
The newest Weekly Freak - A Happiness Podcast is live—and it talks about how to be positive, but also, it’s a great check-in to see if you are positive.
Positivity is an intentional way to live a brilliant and aligned life that supports a healthy, successful, and happy world. I say, choose that positivity!
Enjoy and realize that the next Weekly Freak goes live this coming Monday.
Hello September, I'm a member!
"What's that all about?" you might ask. Well, I'm a September baby, making me a September member…
"What's that all about?" you might ask. Well, I'm a September baby, making me a September member—time to bring on the birthday celebrations and little mindful gestures for myself, making me feeling loved, cared for, and worth a million bucks.
Speaking of being a member, are you a member in the High-for-Life Membership yet? If not, I invite you to check it out and try it for a month because it will literally turn your life around. This is a promise!
September is also when the seasons change and a slower, more cuddly energy enters the equation; unless of course you live like me, somewhere like Tampa—a city that keeps its "life happens outside" motto going all year round. Hence, why I'm turning into a year long beach bum as we speak.
So what's new for FreakyHealer?
The Corporate Happiness Show. It's my insightful new podcast show, talking with expert professionals about happiness at work—since that's a real hot topic and needed shift in the corporate world. Alongside the show itself, I hold weekly focus research groups, tackling the topic of burnout and wellness at work and creating an insightful research paper. If you happen to be an expert in HR or People Ops, please reach out and I'll send you an invitation to these meetings.
The Weekly Freak - A Happiness Podcast - highlighting one particular topic of focus every week for you to be and live happier.
But for the most exciting new-ness; my children's book is about to be published, so stay tuned!
And here comes my favorite monthly blog theme—the best September holidays:
September 1 - Pink Cadillac Day
September 3 - National Doodle Day
September 4 - Eat an Extra Dessert Day
September 5 - National Be Late for Something Day
September 6 - National Read a Book Day
September 9 - National Teddy Bear Day
September 11 - National Make Your Bed Day
September 12 - National Day of Encouragement
September 14 - National Coloring Day
September 15 - Make a Hat Day
September 18 - Locate an Old Friend Day
September 19 - Talk Like a Pirate Day
September 21 - International Day of Peace and World Gratitude Day
September 23 - Hug a Vegetarian Day
September 25 - National Good Neighbor Day
September 26 - Love Note Day
September 29 - National Biscotti Day and National Coffee Day
September 30 - International Podcast Day
So you see, being a member of September is quite a great honor and I can't help but wonder what your special birth month is, and how you celebrate yourself—after all, I always want to learn more about you and your cool ways. So please, share with me!
Coping With Change
The newest Weekly Freak is live and talks about change. It affects everyone and is part of daily live.
So how are you coping with change? And do you know about the different types of change—and how to handle them?
Tune in, it’s a brilliant one.
Time To Celebrate!
NEW episode live now!
The next episode of The Corporate Happiness Show is live.
Meet Anna Akhtar! She was the first People Ops hire at Reprise, a no-code demo creation platform that was founded in 2020. She worked in education and project management before pivoting to People Ops, so she navigates the space with what she considers to be a deeper understanding of what people really need from an HR team–that's trust and transparency. She is a firm believer that any company initiatives that are intended to benefit employees should be well thought out and not just check boxes on an HR list. Anna lives in Austin, Texas with her maltipoo Ozzie and in her spare time does a lot of cooking, baking, and gardening.
Thanks Anna for spilling your beans on what a great work culture looks like. I enjoyed the laughs, your energy is infectious.
What a great episode. Tune in!
Listen on anchor, apple podcasts, amazon, Spotify, and anywhere where podcasts are a thing—and please don’t forget to leave a rating and review.