Soon To Bloom!
Hello brilliant one,
March is definitely a Spring-worthy month for most, even though some Winter flurries might still visit from time to time, making it a month of great surprises while also bringing balance to the table—when it’s cold March balances it with warmer sunshine, and when it’s getting warm a colder grey day pops in here and there.
What does the phrase, “Spring in the air” mean to you? How do these early blooms make you feel? And what are the magnificent feelings of your March season that you could highlight more than ever and latch onto, putting your focus on that joy in your coming days?
For me it’s hearing the songbirds again, noticing the colorful blooms everywhere, but also how pollen-dirty our car looks even just days right after I took it through the car wash - meaning, that the shine will be gone within seconds - evoking a smile for Spring in, and for, me. How does all that make me feel? Free, excited for warmer days and nights, giggling-happy to be going on bike rides bright and early, cleansed and lean because of lots of fresh and light food and plenty of water I will be drinking in this warmer season. In short, it makes me feel high-for-life!
I invite you to spend some brilliant time with yourself, your thoughts, and feelings about this possible March season too; become really clear about where you stand in this soon-to-bloom time of yours. Then, latch onto the beauty of this clarity and show up every day in March being THAT and feeling like THAT.
Imagine what this will do for you!
But, besides asking you to work for your well-feeling, I also know I can make things a bit easier for you by providing a fantastic list of some fun March holidays so you can easy-peasily celebrate yourself, others, and life as you go day by day:
March 1: Share a Smile Day
March 2: Read Across America and National Banana Cream Pie Day
March 3: Employee Appreciation Day
March 4: National Pound Cake Day and National Snack Day
March 5: National Cheese Doodle Day
March 7: Sock Monkey Day
March 8: International Women's Day and Discover What Your Name Means Day
March 9: National Get Over It Day
March 10: National Hug Your Dog Day and National Pack Your Lunch Day
March 12: National Plant a Flower Day
March 13: National Napping Day
March 17: World Sleep Day
March 18: Awkward Moments Day
March 19: National Let's Laugh Day
March 20: International Day of Happiness
March 25: International Waffle Day
March 28: Respect Your Cat Day
March 30: National I am in Control Day
March 31: National Crayon Day
So without any possible excuses to avoid practicing feeling good, and with every tool in your toolbox being powerfully shifting, I am wishing you a fabulous March and hope that you will check out my books that are supporting you in feeling high-for-life no matter what.