Session Client
“I'm very grateful that I connected with Jacqueline. She worked with me for four weeks and it was truly life-changing. I am in the social work profession and recently decided to prioritize myself instead of focusing solely on helping others, so I decided to work with Jacqueline. That was one of the best decisions I have made for myself. You will see significant changes in a short period of time. Anyone, regardless of background, can benefit from Jacqueline's services. I highly recommend Jacqueline and will continue to work with her moving forward.”
Book Client
“Wow! Thanks so much for mailing out the book so quickly. So much TLC went into preparing it. The book is in pristine condition!
I ordered directly from you because I liked the idea of having a signed book (rather than through Amazon as I usually do). What a delightful experience. So cheerful and sweet... so many details went into preparing. And what such sweet and thoughtful gifts. That is just too kind and generous of you. Who does these things?
So much fun, starting with such a pretty aqua envelope... then the book was wrapped with a pretty aqua (turquoise?) ribbon... and a sweet little cupcake charm bookmark (what a great idea).... and the lovely scented orange potpourri bag.... and the extra extra surprise pretty soft covered journal with "Make life beautiful"... just like Christmas or birthdays!
And not only do I have your signature, I have a lovely handwritten notecard as well. I think I have just celebrated a few more days of happiness without even opening the cover of your book yet.
I'm really looking forward to experiencing your 365 Days of Happiness. The preview of coming attractions is great! Thank you so much for all of the extra touches. "How beautiful a day when kindness touches it"
Speaking Engagement Client
“I heard back from several people about the event who all had very positive things to say and said that they got SO MUCH out of it. They also loved having access to the workbook and the free classes! Thanks so much for presenting for us, it was really great!”
Workshop Client
““It is liberating to face your own blocks and to be finally free of the weight that they have caused for many years. And while for me the changes I’m experiencing are noticeable and real, I still feel like myself. Just a more sure self.”
Professional Colleague
“As an Ambassador for Mindful Happiness, Jacqueline creatively presents ways happiness can be experienced everyday of the year — 365 days, and beyond.”
Session Client
“It's so important to have, light workers, like Jacqueline, to remind us that, happiness is readily available to all of us, if we just , first look inside ourselves, and, then look around us, with an open mind, and, clear vision.”
Book and Session Client
“Jacqueline truly knows how to paint the picture of taking you to your happy place. In some scenarios within the book, it feels as though she is right there with you to help talk it out.”
Session Client
“Jacqueline’s guidance is so in-tune with what is happening mentally for you.”
Session Client
“Jacqueline makes me BELIEVE I can be and live a joyful and magical existence every new day of my life!”
Session Client
“Jacqueline takes you always directly to what you are ready to see or experience.”