December’s free book went to…


Our book winner for December is from England! That's right - it doesn't matter where you are on the planet, Jacqueline is there to make a difference by choosing a lucky person every month to get one of her books shipped directly to their doorway - for free of course - for them to start on their happiness journey too.

Our December winner chose Align, Expand, and Calibrate - the 90 day journal extended edition - which helps them dive deeper into their connection with themselves and life to experience a happier, healthier, and more abundant time right now.

On to picking a January winner, stay tuned—it could be YOU!

Make sure you are subscribed to Jacqueline's (A.K.A. FreakyHealer) news. If you are not, head on over here and do that right now! Plus, share this gift-opportunity with your friends. They will love you for it.

Happy times, and until soon friends!


Get Out of Your Funk!


Something Significant